Project Budget Tool: Budgeting for Consultancy & Tenders

This article will provide an example on navigating the Project Budget Tool when budgeting for consultancy services or tender proposals. It is assumed that you have already read the article "Project Budget Tool: A Front-to-Back guide to creating a project budget" and are familiar with the basic functions of the tool.

If you are unsure of anything relating to this article, please email us at

Submit a milestone (progress and final report or proviso) in myResearch Ethics

  • This guide explains how staff and higher degree research (HDR) students can submit a milestone in myResearch Ethics.
  • Progress reports, final reports and provisos are set up as 'Milestones' which are due at certain timepoints.
  • Any person with edit access may draft a report, however only the Chief Investigator can submit.  If you are not the Chief Investigator, you must contact them to complete the task.
  • If the milestone is returned to you for more information, the status will change to Revision.  Follow these instructions to edit and resubmit the milestone.

Submit an ethics application in myResearch Ethics

This guide explains how to submit a new ethics application in myResearch Ethics.

If you need to:

IRMA-ORCID Integration - Frequently asked questions

This article aims to provide answers to some commonly asked questions about the IRMA-ORCID Integration.

  • IRMA-ORCID integration processes

  • Managing your ORCID profile

Project information and support ORCID identifier: Enhancing your global presence

The University implementation is scheduled for roll-out in June 2022. 
Support documentation will be updated as the functionality is fully implemented.

Project Budget Tool: A Front-to-Back guide to creating a project budget.

This article provides a high-level step-by-step guide to creating a project budget with the Project Budgeting Tool (PBT). Each drop-down addresses a different section of the PBT, such as the Dashboard, Project Summary, Budget Detail, Budget Summary and Year-by-Year sections. If you are looking for scheme-specific details, such as DECRA salary shortfalls, or NHMRC PSP levels, please email us at
