Onboarding - Intranet

If you’ve reached the 6 month mark already, you should be beginning to settle into your team. ... If you’re an academic staff member, this isn’t required until the 6 month mark, but it’s always good practice to keep checking in and requesting regular feedback, and

EA 330 - Intranet

Recognition by Advance HE is an important mark of an individual’s capability and commitment as an educator.

SAGE Advisory Committee (SAC) - Intranet

Member/s. Chair . Professor Renae Ryan. Vice-Chancellor and President. Professor Mark Scott AO.

Diversity and inclusion - Intranet

This year to mark Mabo Day, over 200 members of our community gathered together to hear from speakers about the significance of the day. ... Each year we celebrate our progress towards making the University a disability inclusive workplace and learning environment with a program of activities to mark Disability Inclusion Week.

Declaring gifts - Intranet

use. To ensure that the gifts do not influence my ability to mark fairly, I arranged for another lecturer to mark her final assessments.

Child safety and wellbeing - Intranet

Professor Mark Scott, Vice-Chancellor and President. Child safety is everyone’s responsibility at the University.

Staff with Disability - Intranet

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) marks the official paradigm shift in attitudes towards people with disability and approaches to disability concerns.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff - Intranet

The date marks the landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove, the beginning of invasion and dispossession.

Panel Pledge - Intranet

Mark Try: Program Manager, Culture Strategy, Office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal. ... Professor Bart Anderson: Professor, School of Psychology, Faculty of Science. Associate Professor Mark Arnold: Head of Rural Clinical School (Dubbo & Orange).

Employee payments review - Intranet

Mark Scott. Vice-Chancellor and President . Recent progress. A new Online Teaching Allocation (OTA) tool has been implemented across the University (from Semester 1, 2024) to assist faculties and University schools

Enterprise Agreement Q&A Webinars - Intranet

Mark Scott talks big about a vision for a world class University and organisation. ... Mark Scott is promising 40:40:20 jobs will be a majority, but they're now down to 45% of academic FTE from 70% in 2000.
