Equity Fellows: where are they now? - Intranet

I am looking forward to publishing the results of the study I commenced during my Fellowship. ... Lecturer Critical Studies, Sydney College of the Arts. What difference did the support of the Fellowship make for your work in the year you received it?

2022 - Intranet

More than 130 students participated in last month’s HDR Industry & Innovation Seminar and Showcase hosted by the Office of Graduate Research. ... In an end-of-year message to our Higher Degree by Research community, Professor Louise Sharpe, Director, Graduate Research, celebrates HDR highlights from 2022.

April - Intranet

Harvard names a University of Sydney expert Chair in Australian Studies for a third consecutive year.

2021 - Intranet

The Australian Consul-General in Guangzhou was guest of honour speaker at the event. ... The University offers an innovative, multi-disciplinary unit for postgraduate students – Inventing the Future (INFC7000).

Take your teaching practice to the next level - Intranet

Dr Elizabeth Tee, Unit of Study Coordinator, Sydney School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Science. ... Enrolments are now open and fee-free for University staff and affiliates for the 2021 Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Higher Education).

Five minutes with Luigi Tomba - Intranet

As Director of the China Studies Centre, what are the most challenging and rewarding parts of your job? ... What does the China Studies Centre do? I like to think that we are changing the rules of the game.

Humanities scholars elected into Australian academy - Intranet

Nicholas is a world leader in philosophical logic and in the study of vagueness and truth. ... She is the author or co-author of six books, has received numerous awards and fellowships and is a leading figure in Orientalist and Ottoman art studies.

Five minutes with Melkam Kebede - Intranet

My work involves cell biology studies of vesicle trafficking using biochemical and molecular biology studies. ... I would definitely study language. What are your interests outside of work?/What are you most passionate about outside the lab?

Find out what our students really think - Intranet

Want support in your teaching? Do a postgraduate teaching qualification for free, thanks to the Education Portfolio: the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Higher Education).. ... In Semester 2 2017, for Unit of Study Surveys completed by 31 December 2017, these student prizes are:.

2011 - Intranet

Training is available on Thursday 20 October for staff and honours/postgraduate students on working safely with biological organisms in 'physical containment level 2' (PC2) laboratory facilities. ... Associate Professor John Rose from the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) was recently interviewed on ABC Radio National talking about the federal government's latest study into a 'very

University governing committees update: June 2016 - Intranet

endorsed a model for honours and double honours in combined degrees with the Bachelor of Advanced Studies and policy changes to facilitate curriculum framework. ... noted updates to the Learning and Teaching Policy 2015, Learning and Teaching Procedures 2016 and the proposal for a Curriculum Framework and Honours in Combined Degrees with Bachelor of Advanced Studies.

November - Intranet

Colleagues share how this free, advanced program of study has transformed their teaching experiences. ... Find out about improvements to the way the University awards higher-degree research (HDR) scholarships.

Helping Sydney researchers to SOAR - Intranet

is an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Award recipient and a member of the Centre for International Security Studies. ... Mid-career researchers. is an Associate Professor in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work and Director of the Institute of Open Adoption Studies.

Five minutes with Alice Williamson - Intranet

I wish that I'd had the opportunity to study a broader science curriculum at undergraduate level. ... I completed my undergraduate degree in medicinal chemistry at the University of Leeds before moving to Cambridge to study for a PhD in organic chemistry with Professor Matthew Gaunt.

February - Intranet

planning, student administration, services, student IT, as well as key study and University dates. ... International students will have even more reason to choose the University of Sydney for their postgraduate research degrees, with the announcement of 40 new fully-funded PhD scholarships available from 2017.

New lessons in teaching and learning - Intranet

Dr Joseph Lizier. The Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Higher Education) is a postgraduate award course which is free for staff members at the University. ... Colleagues share how this free, advanced program of study has transformed their teaching experiences.

2018 SOAR fellows - Intranet

In a world-first study, she will assess the impact of household air pollution from using solid fuels for cooking and heating. ... field. Her fellowship will allow her to conduct interviews with lawyers, bioethicists and judges as part of her pilot studies in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
