Academic Promotions - Provost

Academic Promotions Policy, procedures and online application form are available via the University Academic Promotions website.

What's on at FMH 29 November 2021 - Intranet

Coming up this month. Preparing for academic promotion. Are you considering applying for academic promotion? ... Thursday 9 December 2021, 1.00pm-3.00pm (all academic levels).

A message from the Chancellor, Belinda Hutchinson AC - Intranet

would have the privilege of presenting testamurs to so many of our wonderful students as they graduate, or to learn about and advocate for the work of our talented academics. ... Dear colleagues,. I am so grateful for the many warm messages I have received since it was announced yesterday that I have decided to step aside as Chancellor later this year,

Affiliate spotlight: Dr Suzanne Plater & Jenny Cameron - Intranet

This collaboration has become a dynamic teaching partnership. Together, they offer students a unique perspective, blending Suzanne's academic expertise with Jenny's lived experience. ... The impact of affiliation. Suzanne’s affiliation with the University of Sydney has allowed her to leverage academic resources benefiting both students and Aboriginal communities.

FMH welcomes Level D and E affiliates - Intranet

Academic promotions. Learn how you can apply for an academic promotion..

FMH Wins 14 February 2022 - Intranet

Janet brings to this position extensive experience in higher education and research, clinical dental practice, and oral health promotion. ... said "Janet will work to develop a team of highly skilled, dedicated academics who will advance the Bachelor of Oral Health curriculum and change the dental team of the future.".

FMH Wins 29 November 2021 - Intranet

Conventional wisdom might tell us that it will too hard for busy clinicians to integrate physical activity promotion into their busy days. ... Congratulations to Professor Jane Hanrahan in the School of Pharmacy who has been declared elected as the Chair of Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on 1 January 2022

FMH Wins 4 December - Intranet

Professor Hennessy has an outstanding academic record, with her expertise sought in nephrology, preeclampsia, and hypertension research. ... Significant milestone for vaccine research and development. The University recently announced a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Bharat Biotech International Limited.

FMH Wins 1 November 2021 - Intranet

The Faculty of Medicine and Health is proud to have three academics elected into the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences in 2021. ... Matilda Centre researchers take out The Mental Health Services awards. The ClimateSchools team recently won The Mental Health Services (TheMHS) "Mental Health Promotion or Mental Illness Prevention award".

Be recognised at the Australian Awards for University Teaching - Intranet

Awards like the AAUT are a great way for academics to demonstrate the value of the enormous effort they put into their teaching. ... The application also became a really valuable resource for my promotion application, so even if I hadn’t been successful, it would still have been a very worthwhile experience.

Why publishing strategically is valuable to your research journey - Intranet

Promotion criteria and research performance expectations set clear benchmarks for your publication output. ... This enhances our academic standing and contributes to the broader societal impact of our research.

Farewell Teresa Anderson - Intranet

This collaborative project between the University, LHD and the NSW Government brings together clinicians, researchers, academics and industry - to solve the complex health problems of today, tomorrow and the future. ... Earlier this month Dr Teresa Anderson, Chief Executive Officer of the Sydney Local Health District (SLHD) announced her departure from the role to take up an exciting opportunity spearheading the establishment

FMH Wins 18 September - Intranet

eviDent Foundation is a health-promotion charity supporting Australia’s only Dental Practice-Based Research Network (DPBRN). ... More than 160 people joined the Symposium, chaired by the Faculty of Medicine and Health’s Professor Greg Fox, Director of the Sydney Vietnam Academic Network.

2024 Research Excellence and Inclusion Prizes now open - Intranet

Since their inception in 2009, these prizes have played a pivotal role in empowering our academics to amplify the impact of their research after an interruption and to foster academic and ... Thompson – for senior female academics seeking promotion to levels D and E.

2020 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards – winners announced - Intranet

University Academic Response Team, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Information Communication Technology, Marketing and Communications, Sydney Future Students. ... Associate Professor Kristie Miller, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Coaching and Mentoring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Academics, Human Resources.

Five FMH EMCRs announced 2023 SOAR Prize winners - Intranet

Congratulations to the five talented academics from the Faculty of Medicine and Health who have been awarded 2023 SOAR Prizes. ... Five FMH EMCRs announced 2023 SOAR Prize winners. 20 February 2023.

FMH Wins 26 July 2021 - Intranet

The Federal Government has announced a $5.9 million investment on cancer prevention among women in vulnerable communities across the world through the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD). ... SHERN Academic Lead, Professor Lynn Monrouxe said, “We’re really excited to be developing this work in a multi-disciplinary space with both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal colleagues across FMH and

Key research initiatives to help us achieve our 2032 strategy - Intranet

The Sydney Biomedical Accelerator remains a key focus for the University leadership and academic community. ... We are immensely grateful to the staff and stakeholders throughout our academic and professional communities who have contributed to these programs of work.

Responses to Slido questions from the March Town Hall - Intranet

Promotions – achievement relative to opportunity considerations in promotions process, and the Positioning for Promotion Program for women, which was designed specifically for Level C women to assist them in progressing their ... Providing professional development to academics to make their teaching practices inclusive through the Designing for Diversity program.
