April - Intranet

Associate Dean (Student Life), Associate Professor John O'Byrne, reflects on the challenges faced by students in the move to fully online learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. ... Professor Louise Sharpe outlines the difficulties faced by our Higher Degree by Research students during the current period of COVID-19 unknowns.

Research Performance and Outputs - Intranet

The Library provides research services, support and training to University of Sydney HDR students and researchers. ... is completed annually and comprises of research publications by staff, students, and honorary associates affiliated with the University of Sydney.

Student engagement system cuts through the crowd - Intranet

Student engagement system cuts through the crowd. 12 December 2016. An initiative to help teachers provide personalised support to their large cohorts of students has won an ASCILITE (Australasian Society for ... By collecting student data (e.g. online module completion, discussion board posts etc.) and creating rules for this data with the SRES, I have been able to identify students at risk

Peer review - Intranet

Our influence on student learning may occur in lectures, tutorials, workshops and laboratories and through the resources that we provide. ... It can be used alongside student feedback, through surveys and evaluations, to provide alternative insights to help with teaching and professional development.

2021 - Intranet

Students work with staff to hit their fitness goals and complete their health placements. ... Engaging students beyond the classroom, the Pharmacy Leaders Program develops leadership skills for pharmacy students.

Employee payments review - Intranet

It is a significant effort from teams across faculties, HR, OGC, Student Services and ICT, and I am pleased to see those efforts reflected in the results of our compliance monitoring. ... Who is working on this? As well as a large University program team including HR, Legal, Workplace Relations, Student Services and ICT specialists, Ashurst law firm and PwC Australia are assisting

September - Intranet

The system that supports Sydney Student - Citrix has been upgraded, bringing a change to how we access Sydney Student going forward. ... The student-led planning your degree space that popped-up at the start of Semester Two helped hundreds of newcomers become more comfortable making important choices about their studies.

July - Intranet

To help make the University a more welcoming, supportive place for all students, Student Support Services is once again encouraging staff to wear an Ask Me badge in the lead up ... Five minutes with Jordi Austin, Director of Student Support Services and the elected Fellow of Senate representing professional staff.

Introducing myUni portal: Our students' improved digital experience platform - Intranet

Students and staff canview the student portal online, or download the SydneyUni app to use on smart phones and devices. . ... MyUni is the University of Sydney’s student portal, facilitating access to all the essential services and systems that students need to navigate their studies and university life.

Results of the 2021 National Student Safety Survey - Intranet

We’ve already taken strong action – since 2018 all new students must complete a Consent Matters module and consent workshops are held twice a year for all student leaders and first ... year students living in student accommodation and residential colleges.

Supporting students studying online - Intranet

The webpage will be promoted through student communications and colleagues are also encouraged to share it directly with students. ... It helps students find information relevant to them and will be updated throughout the semester in line with the key milestones of their student journey.

Part A: Operation of the Agreement - Intranet

Professional Staff) or student fee funding (in the case of English Language Teaching Staff) for the staff member’s position. ... External Funding means funding from identifiable sources external to the University, excluding funding from a government operating grant or student fees (other than continuing education student fees), but including:.

November - Intranet

The University is launching a new-look University Handbook for 2023 to deliver improved quality of information and a better student and staff experience. ... The University has celebrated offshore students in China, who were prevented from undertaking their studies in person due to the pandemic, with a graduation and alumni event in Shanghai.

November - Intranet

From 2019, the week to welcome our students to the new academic year will be known as Welcome Week. ... Here are the answers to some common questions to help University staff guide students through their Semester Two exams.

September - Intranet

A reminder that researchers holding NHMRC grants should not use their funding to pay PhD students scholarship stipends. ... As we reach the midpoint in our strategy, we look at how far we’ve come in our commitment to delivering a distinctive Sydney education for our students and fostering a

Admissions and scholarships - Intranet

Please note that admissions and enrolment related processes take place in Sydney Student, whereas candidature progress management is handled inHDR students (pre and post admission) interested in applying for a scholarship ... University of Sydney International Tuition Fee Scholarship. Please note to be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, students must hold an unconditional offer to commence their degree in 2025.

Strategic Partnerships and Engagement - Intranet

promote the research, education, student, and alumni agenda . develop international partnerships that foster global experiences for FASS students . ... contribute to co-curricular work integrated learning opportunities that increase the professional identity of our students .

July - Intranet

Did you know some of our committees include a student representative?

Mythbusting the Student Experience Survey - Intranet

sentiment, that there is negligible effect of unit size, and that data are not skewed by students who fail. ... The design of our campaign collateral and messaging has been informed by feedback from a representative group of students.
