How to get GraphPad Prism

GraphPad Prism is a scientific 2D graphing and statistics software available for both Windows and Mac University-owned computers.

Once you’ve installed Prism on your computer, you can run it at any time without needing the internet.

Academic Profiles

What is GraphPad Prism?

GraphPad Prism is a scientific 2D graphing and statistics software available for both Windows and Mac University-owned computers.

GraphPad Prism combines:

  • scientific graphing
  • comprehensive curve fitting (nonlinear regression)
  • understandable statistics
  • data organisation.

Sharing SharePoint Content with External Users

Currently the University allows for documents, files, folders, lists, libraries, and complete sites in your SharePoint Online environment to be shared with external users.

How to review my units in the Disability Academic Plans Portal

See below information for instructions on how to review what units you have access to in the Disability Academic Plans portal.

Note: Access to academic plans is based on your access rights.

Opting out of lecture recordings at the University

Lectures and seminars scheduled in rooms equipped with recording capability will automatically be recorded and the recordings will be added to the unit of study website on the LMS unless an opt-out has been authorised.

Staff who wish to opt out of having their lectures automatically recorded need to seek approval from their Dean or, in some instances, their Head of School.

How to Check which email has been Authenticated in SharePoint Online.

Many of the issues that can arise with inviting externals into SharePoint can be resolved by checking what access the user has and what email address has been used to authenticate into the Universities AD environment. 

What guest functions are available from lectern computers?

On lectern computers, certain software and functions are only available when you log in with your UniKey.

Microsoft Office 365 products are available including PowerPoint, Word and Excel. Some specialised software is also available without logging in, such as R and R Studio. Software that require internet access however (e.g. Zoom) will not work without logging in with your UniKey.

Without logging in, only the University's staff intranet is available. No internet access is available from the lectern guest account.
