Updates to brand style guidelines and certificate templates - Intranet

The news 'Our communications' tab provides a helpful resource on tone of voice, messaging and audience variation, and tools for writing (including our editorial style guide). ... Contacts & campuses.

Sydney Nursing School education program wins national award - Intranet

Email:Related articles. Contributor . Helen Hughes . Marketing & Communications Assistant (Medicine & Health). ... Related articles. Contributor . Helen Hughes . Marketing & Communications Assistant (Medicine & Health).

Introduction to the media - Intranet

Introduction to the media. 20 June 2016. Marketing and Communications invites all academic staff to a special session introducing how best to work with the media on Tuesday 19 July. ... Contacts & campuses.

University's Governing Committees Update - February 2015 - Intranet

The SEG ADM Committee noted a report detailing the cost of printing, photography, videography and market research undertaken by Marketing and Communications in 2014. ... SEG Alumni, Development and Marketing Committee (SEG ADM) (held on February 12).

New, mobile-friendly UniKey login page launching soon - Intranet

ICT and Marketing and Communications have created a new design that features a simpler, modern interface and has improved support for mobile devices. ... Contacts & campuses.

2019 VC's Award winners celebrate with their supporters - Intranet

Email:Related articles. Contact. Bethany England . Staff Communications Officer, Marketing & Communications. ... Related articles. Contact. Bethany England . Staff Communications Officer, Marketing & Communications.

University governing committees update: May 2016 - Intranet

SEG met on 12 and 26 May. It:. received an update on the University’s Gift Management Register and on brand tracking from Marketing and Communications. ... There were no meetings scheduled in May for the following SEG committees: Alumni, Development and Marketing Committee, Colleges Consultative Committee, Cultural Resources Committee, International Committee.

Social media workshop for academic staff - Intranet

Social media workshop for academic staff. 25 September 2017. Join a session for academic staff run by Marketing and Communications on how to get the most out of social media, on ... Contacts & campuses.

Raising the Bar Sydney returns 16 October - Intranet

Marketing Communications Officer. Related articles. Contact. Joshua Hunt. Marketing Communications Officer. ... Take the quiz to help you decide! Related articles. Contact. Joshua Hunt.

Five minutes with Bill Pritchard - Intranet

Contributed by Jasmin Iordanidis, Student Marketing Officer, Marketing, Communications and Engagement. . ... Contacts & campuses.

Introduction to the media session - Intranet

Introduction to the media session. 13 June 2017. Marketing and Communications invites all academic staff to a special session introducing how best to work with the media on Tuesday 18 July. ... Contacts & campuses.

Cooking up ideas - Intranet

create'. The #whatspossibleETP competition runs until the end of the week. Story contributed by Sarah Castellanos, Marketing and Communications Specialist (Engineering and Information Technologies). ... A magnetic wall has been installed along the Engineering Walk, with interchangeable panels that can be updated as communications change.

Outcomes from SEG, 17 July - Intranet

Disability Action Plan: SEG approved the addition of the Director, Marketing and Communications to the membership of the SEG Disability Action Plan Committee in recognition of the importance of communications in ... Contacts & campuses.

Publishing strategically: why it matters - Intranet

Both workshops are hosted by the Research Portfolio and feature senior academics from different fields, as well as presenters from the Library and Marketing and Communications. ... Related articles. Contact. Andrew Blunt. Communications Specialist (Research). Related articles. Contact.

We join The Conversation - Intranet

At the same time, we have restructured our Marketing and Communications team to better position the University in the media and among our key audiences. ... For assistance with media or to enquire about support in developing a media profile for your work, please contact Head of Media and PR Kirsten Andrews.

Haiku competition winners announced - Intranet

Emily May, Global Student Recruitment and Mobility. Nick Evans, Marketing and Communications. ... Contacts & campuses.

University governing committees update: February 2016 - Intranet

received a report from Marketing and Communications on the success of the 2015 brand campaign. ... In its 24 February meeting, the Academic Board:. approved the deletion of the Master of Crosscultural Communication and some majors in the Diploma of Languages.

Outcomes from SEG, 28 August - Intranet

models for Marketing and Communications (M&C) and Student Recruitment and Admissions (SR&A). ... and Communications Technologies to ensure the inclusion of an operational view in SEG Research discussions.

ATAR terminology changes - Intranet

Listen to the presentation. Representatives of the Global Student Recruitment and Mobility and Marketing and Communications teams gave an overview of what we need to do to comply with the changes ... Contacts & campuses.
