Support for Students Policy 2024

Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre. Student Compliance Student Affairs Unit ... Student IT support

University of Sydney (Student Discipline) Rule 2016

i) refer the matter to the Student Affairs Unit;. (ii) refer the matter to the relevant faculty or administrative unit;. ... a) refer the matter to the Student Affairs Unit;. (b) refer the matter to the relevant faculty or administrative unit;.

Student Sexual Misconduct Response Procedures 2023

3) Students and former students will be supported in their dealings with the Student Affairs Unit by a Safer Communities Office staff member. ... 3) Subject to the wishes of the complainant, the Student Affairs Unit will inform complainants of the outcome of misconduct proceedings against students, staff members or affiliates in writing, on a

Student Complaints Procedures 2015

15) Where appropriate, the Student Affairs Unit should refer students to available services for support, including:. ... 3) Where 20 working days is not reasonable, the Student Affairs Unit must:.

University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule 2021

29246/1127812_1. (2) A student must lodge their online appeal with the Student Affairs Unit:. ... PART 6 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS. 6.1 Record keeping. (1) The Student Affairs Unit will keep a record of all:.

Student Critical Incident Procedures 2024

f) if the student is an International Student, consider consulting the Director, Student Affairs and Compliance and/or the relevant Consulate.;. ... a) Senate;. (b) the People and Culture Committee (through a quarterly report on safety incidents prepared by Student Wellbeing and the Student Affairs Unit);.

Student Sexual Misconduct Policy 2023

Student Affairs Officer. means a specialist member of staff within the Student Affairs Unit. ... Student Affairs Unit. means the specialist staff within and consultants engaged by the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), who assist with the resolution of student complaints and reports of

International Student Change of Provider Policy 2020

6) Appeals will be considered by:. (a) the Manager, Student Affairs Unit; or. ... Note: Contact details for the Student Affairs Unit are provided on its website.

Student Associations Policy 2020

3) On receipt of a complaint about a student association, the Student Affairs Unit will:. ... Student Associations Policy 2020 Page 7 of 10. (2) Complainants who are unable to resolve the matter in accordance with subclause 10(1), may refer it to the Student Affairs Unit

Faculty of Medicine and Health - Professionalism Provisions 2019

conduct under the National Law, they must notify the Student Affairs Unit before making a notification to AHPRA. ... Student Affairs Unit. means the specialist staff within the office of the Registrar who assist with the resolution of student issues in accordance with University policies and procedures.

Outbound Student Mobility Policy 2018

d) determining, in consultation with the Director, Compliance and Student Affairs, whether to permit a student undertaking semester exchange to enrol with a reduced or increased study load. ... 3) Subject to clause 13(4), the relevant Associate Dean, in consultation with the Director, Compliance and Student Affairs, may permit a student undertaking semester exchange mobility to enrol:.

Third Party Payment of Student Fees Policy 2014

iii) the online enrolment process informs students of the current consequences of non-payment of student fees and expenses. ... Note: See Student Debtor Sanctions Policy. (4) In relation to domestic students, the Executive Director, Student Administrative Services, must:.

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy 2015

in respect of students or applicants or in situations where Senate has made no formal delegation of authority, the Head of the Student Affairs Unit. ... 1 August 2018. 6 Replace Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Registrar) with Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) in definition of Student Affairs Unit.

Resolution of Complaints Policy 2015

In respect of students or applicants or in situations where Senate has made no formal delegation of authority, the Head of the Student Affairs Unit. ... Workplace relations advisor. the person within Workplace Relations or Student Affairs Unit nominated as the workplace relations advisor or manager for a particular case.

Under 18 International Students Policy 2016

c) details of student complaints and outcomes. NOTES Under 18 International Students Policy 2016. ... Department means the Department of Home Affairs. international student. means a student who is not:. •

Centre for English Teaching – Student Discipline Provisions 2022

8(2) Add when the penalty is imposed, the student must seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on their student visa. ... means the Provider Registration and International Student Management System reporting database, which is shared between education providers in conjunction with the Australian Department of Education and the Department of Home Affairs.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Student Placement Provisions 2017

d) report any serious incidents, or breaches of policy or procedure to the FASS Academic Dean Education and Manager Student Affairs and Engagement. ... 5 Student placement agreements (SPAs). 6 Pre-commencement seminars. 7 Information required from students.

U.S. Federal Student Aid - Return of Title IV Funds Policy 2024

3) Students requesting a leave of absence must:. (a) submit the request through the Sydney Student Portal;. ... requirements or other visa options. (2) Students must:. (a) submit a request to discontinue their studies through the Sydney Student Portal; and.
