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Academic Academic DA157 Edwards, Rebecca (DA157) Active Academic Academic DA159 Romalis, John (DA159) Active Academic Academic DA161 Schurer, Stefi (DA161) Active Academic Academic DA163 Ancev, Tihomir (DA163) Active Academic Academic DA164 ... D5746 Egliston, Benjamin Peter (D5746) Active Academic Academic D5747 MECO Discretionary fund (D5747) Active Academic Academic D5748 Stevens, Tiania-Arden Lee (D5748) Active Academic Academic D5749 Edwards-Fitzsimons, Niall (D5749) Active


FMH MSTR Final Change Plan

Page 1 of 40 Final Change Plan. The University of Sydney. Final Change Plan. Academic reorganisation of Medical Sciences Teaching within the Faculty of Medicine and Health. 23 November 2020. Written by: Professor Sarah Young, Head of School, School of Medical Sciences. Date: 23 Nov 2020. Version: 1. Page 2 of 40 Final Change Plan. Table of Contents. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT. 3. Background. 3. Summary of DCP Feedback and Subsequent Amendments Following Consultation. 4. Summary of RCP Feedback


10 Year Financials Comparison

Siupeli Hakuoloa-Paea has been working as SCM’s primary Gadigal contact, with Jay Edwards supporting First Nations.



ARC EOYR 2023 – Matt Wu 10mins. • Acquittal & return timeline – Alan Shao 5 mins. •


UniFoum 2022 Report

13. For further information on these conditions please contact the coordinator for the UniForum Information sharing policy: Dr Edward Curry-Hyde Cubane Consulting Pty Ltd edward[email protected].


ISSUE 012024 T H E M A G A ...

ISSUE. 012024. T H E M A G A Z I N E O F T H E A U S T R A L I A N D E N T A L A S S O C I A T I O N N S W B R A N C H. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THOSE INSTRUMENTS NEVER GOT STERILISED? Dr Martin Nash unpacks it all. FIBRE REINFORCED COMPOSITES IN LARGE POSTERIOR DIRECT RESTORATIONS Clinical knowledge refresher by Dr Anna Sahafi. PRO BONO DENTAL TREATMENT IN YOUR CLINIC Make a real difference today. Making pharmacies integral to oral health success Dr Bradley Christian’s mission to improve oral health.


Red book specialist advice and support for students 2024 final

Red book specialist advice and support for students 2024 final
