FAULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. SSP to be taken in 2025 Frequently Asked Questions. 1. I have applied for an international fellowship. How do I build this into my SSP application? And what do I do if, as at the date of SSP application submission, I don’t have the outcome of the fellowship? Please provide details about fellowships or other awards that will be part of the proposed SSP in 1, 3 of the Supporting Statement. Be sure to indicate how it will benefit you and enhance your


Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) brochure

Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP). Artw. ork:. Tra. de C. onne. ctio. n Ar. tist:. D. ebra. Bea. le. Developing high potential Indigenous leadersAGSM @ UNSW Business School. The Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) was created by the Elevate RAP Working Group1, supported by Reconciliation Australia in 2016. The objective of the program is to cultivate the next generation of future, senior Indigenous business leaders who will have an influential role in shaping the future not


Procedures Template and Instructions

Procedures Template and Instructions


Procedures Template and Instructions

Procedures Template and Instructions


Procedures Template and Instructions

Procedures Template and Instructions


FASS Student At Risk Guide: Procedural Guide

For more information, visit: intranet.sydney.edu.au/content/dam/intranet/documents/working/student-support/guide-for-staff-support-for-students.pdf. Life threatening situations. › Call emergency sevices on 000, then. › Campus Security on 1800 SYD HLP (1800 793 457) or 61 2 9351 3333 to facilitate campus access for emergency services. › Notify the Safer Communities Office at [email protected]. self-harm & harm to others | sexual assault | student death | assault |



Research Integrity. INFORMATION SHEET – RAISING CONCERNS OF A POSSIBLE BREACH OF THE RESEARCH CODE OF CONDUCT 2023. This sheet outlines what you need to know if you have raised a concern of a possible breach of the UA/NHMRC/ARC Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 (the Australian Research Code) and/or the University’s Research Code of Conduct 2023 (the University Research Code) by a University staff member, student and/or affiliate. WHAT THE PROCESS INVOLVES Once a


PowerPoint Presentation

CLINICAL ACTIVITY ACCOUNTABILITY FRAMEWORKThe Clinical Activity Accountability Framework (CAAF) was introduced to strengthen accountability in the University clinics. The CAAF applies to all clinics operated by the University or where University staff work in a clinic as part of their employment at the University. ATTESTATIONSCAAF OVERVIEW. All accountable managers within the University must complete an annual accountability statement in which they personally confirm a set of attestations


HDR Student Research Funding - MARCH 2024 Monday

Funding by Supervisor for 31st March 2024The below list details the HDR load as of 31st March 2024 with each Lead Supervisor and how much each Lead Supervisor should expect toreceive as funding support for their students. Please note, this does not include:• the Computer Allowance provided to all newly commencing students• overtime, suspended, not currently enrolled students, withdrawn, and•


2024 FPL Suite Program dates Program Time Orientation Workshop ...

2024 FPL Suite Program dates. Program Time Orientation Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Next Gen 1 Aspiring People Leaders. 9.30am-11.30am (NSW). 6 Feb Tues 1hr online. 13 Feb Tue 2hr online. 20 Feb Tues 2hr online. 27 Feb Tues 2hr online. 5th Mar Tues 2hr online. Regroup day 9th April 1hr. Impact 1. 9.30am-12noon (NSW). 6 Mar Wed 1.5hr online. 13 Mar Wed 2.5hr online. 27 Mar Wed 2.5hr online. 10 April Wed 2.5hr online. 24 April Wed 2.5hr online. 8 May Wed 2.5hr online.


Introduction to Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy (INIM5112)

The University of Sydney. ‘The Life and Death of a T cell’:. the creation of an online, interactive tool to engage students in. difficult immunological concepts. Dr Kylie Shaddock (née Webster). [email protected]. Lecturer, Discipline of Infectious Diseases & Immunology. Education Innovation Research Theme, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health. mailto:[email protected]. Page 2The University of Sydney Image: freeimages.com (@jupiterimages). The


University Local Provision Template

Local Provisions Template and Instructions


Student Insights Report: Student and courses User Guide Created ...

Student Insights Report: Student and courses User Guide. Created July 2020 Updated September 2023. Student and courses September 2023. Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP) Page 1 of 9 The University of Sydney. Table of Contents. Power BI apps. 2. Getting the app. 2. Finding your way around. 3. Home page. 3. Navigation page / site map. 4. Report page overview. 5. Page filtering functionality. 6. Visuals functionality. 7. Table functionality. 8. Exporting data. 9. Student and


UE EC Governance Update May 2023

Key TakeawaysThe UE Education Committee (UE EC) discussed several key items of business. Strategic items considered by the Committee included options for the establishment of a Graduate Research School; a proposal for new Teaching and Learning Strategy 2023 – 25; and recommendations emerging from a Review of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Coursework. Additionally, the Committee reviewed a proposal to amend the Student Placement and Projects Policy 2015, noted an update from the Indigenous


Evolve Strategy Portfolio - Town Hall - 15 November 2023

The University of Sydney. Strategy Portfolio – Evolve Strategy Town HallDavid Scott, Interim Vice President, Strategy. The University of Sydney. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and communities – past, present, and emerging – of the lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand on. For thousands of years they have shared and exchanged knowledges across innumerable generations for the benefit of all. Artwork: Sarita King, ‘Ancestors’. The University of Sydney. Before


20 June 2024 ICT All Hands We recognise and ...

20 June 2024. ICT All Hands. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and communities – past, present, and emerging – of the lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand on. For thousands of years they have shared and exchanged knowledges across innumerable generations for the benefit of all. The University of Sydney. What we’re talking about today. 11.00am(10 mins). 11.10am(15 mins). 11.25am(15 mins). 11.40am(20 mins). CIO update Sandie Matthews. Generative AI at UoS Frank



FACULTY OF SCIENCE LEADERSHIP GROUP BULLETIN MARCH 2024 The Faculty Leadership Group (FLG) held its first mee ngs for the year on 13 March. It brings together, the Deans Execu ve Commitee, Work, Health & Safety Commitee, Indigenous Strategy & Services and Equity Diversity and Inclusion (ISSEDI) Commitee and Faculty Board. The FLG will meet again on 8 May 2024. Dean’s Execu ve Commitee The Dean emphasised the University wide priority of improving the student experience and encouraged members


Procedures Template and Instructions

Procedures Template and Instructions


SECoP Presentation

The ScienceVideo Menu:. Tasty and Nutritious. Education Showcase, 21st September 2023. Chris Hammang, Vicki-Anh Winfield. Faculty of Science. Sc Ar Y44.965 39.948 88.906. 21 18 39. Scandium Argon Yttrium. Chemistry was. Why do I think videos helped? • Answered basic questions – what is chemistry. • Emphasis and signals cue study focus. • Story and active engagement drives interest. • Not scary. Educational Videos. Tools • Design. What do students value in Videos? Ease of use. •
