Curriculum Management Roadshow May 2024

Curriculum Management Roadshow May 2024


Curriculum Timetabling User Guide Created December 2022 Updated September ...

Curriculum Timetabling User Guide. Created December 2022 Updated September 2023. Curriculum Timetabling September 2023. Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP) Page 1 of 9 The University of Sydney. Power BI – Curriculum Timetabling User Guide. This suite of dashboard style reports is designed to provide insights and analysis into curriculum timetabling and resource booking data, with an aim to:. 1) Reduce current clashes 2) Provide timetables to students and staff 3) Reduce


Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Special Study Program ...

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Special Study Program for 2025, Semesters 1 & 2. NB All dates are indicative and subject to change. Faculty Notice 1. 21 November2023. Early-stage notification of SSP, including release of informational material and timeline. Information sessions for applicants. 10am, Wednesday 6 December 2023. 10am, Wednesday 7 February 2024. 06/12/2023 Zoom link https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84596111153?from=addon. 07/02/2024 Zoom link https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/83616002056


1 F10 New Law Building Sustainability, Cladding Replacement PROJECT ...

1. F10 New Law Building Sustainability, Cladding Replacement. PROJECT BACKGROUND. University Infrastructure (UI) is undertaking the replacement of combustible cladding on all affected buildings across campus following the assessments, notices, and Fire Safety Orders (FSO) issued by the statutory authorities for each impacted building. The works for the F10 New Law Building involves the removal and replacement of the following components:.  Plywood Solar Shades / Louvres (“Plywood”); 


professional indemnity certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


Generative-AI: guidelines for researchers

Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) Research Por7olio. P a g e | 1 2/5/2024. Genera&ve-AI: guidelines for researchers The recent and rapid emergence of Genera9ve-AI (Gen-AI) tools presents many opportuni9es for research. The benefit these tools may bring to research and contribute to the public good is being explored by researchers across all disciplines. While ‘the sky is the limit’ in what these new tools may offer, there are iden9fied risks that must be managed so that Gen-AI


facsimile template

Application Special Studies Program (SSP). (Academic Staff). Instructions for the Applicant. 1. Please ensure that you read the Special Study Programs Policy and Procedures before completing your application. If you haveany queries contact the HR Service Centre. 2. Please carefully complete Parts 1 to 7 of the application form including all items in the Checklist. 3. Forward the application to your Head of School. PART 1: Employee details. Employee ID:. Surname:. Title:. Given Name:. School/Unit


Major changes to Research Code of Conduct, from 2019 ...

Major changes to Research Code of Conduct, from 2019 to 2023 version 1. Summary of major changes to the University of Sydney’s Research Code of Conduct, from the 2019 to 2023 version. Major change Further details Part 1 – Proper conduct of Research. Section 6 The definition of ‘conflicts of interests’ has been added. A definition of “conflicts of interests” has been added to this section. The definition used is taken from the ARC/NHMRC/Universities Australia National Statement on


corporate travel certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


Management Accounting and Reporting Guidelines

The University of Sydney Management Accounting and Reporting Guidelines as at 20th May 2024. Financial Planning, Analytics and Commercial. The University of Sydney Management Accounting and Reporting Guidelines 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. 3. CHART OF ACCOUNTS and MASTER ORGANISATION HIERARCHY. 3. MANAGEMENT REPORTS. 3. a. Management Reporting by Activity. 4. b. Activity Segmentation Reporting (ASR). 4. ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. 4. BUDGETS. 5. FORECASTS. 5. INTERNAL


visitors travel certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


Sydney School of Veterinary Science Small Research Grants - ...

Sydney School of Veterinary Science. Small Research Grants - Bequest Application Form 2023. Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. sydney.edu.au. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. sydney.edu.au. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. Chief


For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in ...

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! SAFE WORK PROCEDURE & RISK ASSESSMENT. [doc id, eg. FoS RA-SWP-XX, V1.0] Page 1 of 10. Faculty/School Science /. School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Initial Issue Date: 29/04/2024. Next Review Date: 29/04/2025. RA/SWP Reference # Version: 1.0 Version Issue Date: 29/04/2024. RA SWP Title: Working with Hydrochloric acid. Prepared by Bright Amenkhienan. Responsible supervisor/s


For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in ...

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! Version Issue Date: 2023-07-27 1. HIGH RISK and RESTRICTED CHEMICALS RISK. ASSESSMENT & APPROVAL. This form is required as an attachment to any MyLab purchase involving a High Risk or Restricted chemical. A separate form is required for each High Risk chemical.Restricted, prohibited and High Risk chemicals (as described in Section 7.3 of the University Chemical Safety Standards)


2024 Wall Calendar

Calendar for staff. 2024. Dates are subject to change. For up-to-date information, please visit sydney.edu.au/key-datesFor dates of the December/January seasonal break, please visit sydney.edu.au/staff/seasonal-break. Dates when observant staff are most likely to take leaveSee reverse for full description of cultural events.NB: All Jewish holidays begin the evening prior to the date shown. Public holidaysCultural events Calendar key. New Year’s Day1 January 2024. Australia Day26 January.


Legal Guidance Note – [Subject Matter]

Document Subject (adjust in Document Properties)


Academic Promotion: Request to apply under the Governance, Leadership, ...

Academic Promotion: Request to apply under the Governance, Leadership, Engagement focused (GLE-F) stream. In accordance with the Academic Promotions Policy Section 7(6) applications made under the GLE-F stream must be endorsed by the relevant Head of School, Dean and approved by the Provost. Academic staff wishing to apply for promotion to Level D or E under the GLE-F stream must complete the following steps:. 1. Prepare a case to support their application;. 2. Email this form to the Academic


Policy Schedule Group Personal Accident & Illness GPA252538_1 UNIVERSITY_OF_SYDNEY ...

Policy Schedule. Group Personal Accident & Illness. GPA252538_1 UNIVERSITY_OF_SYDNEY Page 2 of 4. Policy Number: 2200103822. Named Insured:. Policy Period:. Broker:. Territorial Limit:. GROUP INJURY & SICKNESS. The Annual Premium of this Policy is. an Agreed Premium. Insured Person(s):. Scope of Cover:. Age Limitation:. The compensation applicable under each section for each insured person:. Section A: DEATH & CAPITAL BENEFITS, Events 1-19. 1. Category A $50,000. 2. Category B $50,000. 3.


25.03.24 Minutes Ed Com

SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MINUTES OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 25 March 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: 2135. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Steve Barry, Daniel Blinkhorn, Jeanell Carrigan, Sally Chick, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Helen Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach, Phillip Slater, Tonnette Stanford, Thomas Wade, Alexis


Evolve Strategy Portfolio - Draft Change Proposal

The University of Sydney. Draft Change Proposal. Strategy Portfolio. 2023. Written by: David Scott & Darren Goodsir. Consultation Reference: FC053. Date November 15, 2023. Version: V.01. Draft Change Proposal. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1 INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT. 3 1.1 Purpose. 3 1.2 Background. 3 1.3 Current state. 3. 2 THE PROPOSED CHANGE. 4 2.1 Rationale for the change. 6 2.2 Impact of the change. 9. Advantages of the proposed change. 9. Disadvantages of the proposed change. 9. 2.3 Support during
