SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady ...

SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady (Chair), Professor Neal Peres Da Costa, Dr Catherine. Ingram, Dr Alan Maddox, Associate Professor Helen Mitchell, Dr Stephen Mould, Ms Sue Newsome, Dr Jade O’Regan, Professor Jennifer Rowley, Dr Daniel Rojas), Associate Professor Paul Stanhope, Dr Ivan Zavada,. Nathan Cox (Student Member). Attending: Catherine Peake (Committee Officer). Date: Monday 11 December Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm. Venue: Zoom. MINUTES. 1.


Major changes to Research Code of Conduct, from 2019 ...

Major changes to Research Code of Conduct, from 2019 to 2023 version 1. Summary of major changes to the University of Sydney’s Research Code of Conduct, from the 2019 to 2023 version. Major change Further details Part 1 – Proper conduct of Research. Section 6 The definition of ‘conflicts of interests’ has been added. A definition of “conflicts of interests” has been added to this section. The definition used is taken from the ARC/NHMRC/Universities Australia National Statement on


corporate travel certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


Advice on responding to enquiries for HDR research for SACE academics on the supervisor register

Advice on responding to enquiries for HDR research for SACE academics on the supervisor register. This document is for SACE academic staff who are on the HDR supervisor register and may be eligible to take on the role of lead or primary supervisor. Later in the document are examples of responses you can make, depending on whether you want to reject, request more information, agree to help develop the proposal, or support the application and agree to supervise. To get on the register of lead


Academic Promotion: Request to apply under the Governance, Leadership, ...

Academic Promotion: Request to apply under the Governance, Leadership, Engagement focused (GLE-F) stream. In accordance with the Academic Promotions Policy Section 7(6) applications made under the GLE-F stream must be endorsed by the relevant Head of School, Dean and approved by the Provost. Academic staff wishing to apply for promotion to Level D or E under the GLE-F stream must complete the following steps:. 1. Prepare a case to support their application;. 2. Email this form to the Academic



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MINUTES OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Monday 6 November 2023, 1.30pm - 3.00pm. Online via Zoom:. Attendees: Prof. Matthew Hindson (Chair), Assoc. Professor Helen Mitchell, Dr. Daniel Blinkhorn, Dr. Rachel Campbell, Assoc., Ms. Sally Chick, Assoc. Prof. Chris Coady, Dr. Rowena Cowley, Ms. Shauna Crick, Dr. Jim Coyle, Assoc. Prof. Charles Fairchild, Dr. Vladimir Gorbach, Mr David Howie, Dr. James Humberstone, Dr. Kevin Hunt, Dr. Catherine Ingram, Dr. David Larkin, Dr.


SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady ...

SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady (Chair), Professor Neal Peres Da Costa, Dr Jim Coyle,. Dr Catherine Ingram, Dr David Larkin, Professor Helen Mitchell, Ms Sue Newsome, Dr Jade O’Regan, Associate Professor Paul Stanhope, Dr Ivan Zavada. Attending: Ms Catherine Peake (Committee Officer). Date: Monday 18 March Time: 1:30 – 3:00pm. Venue: Zoom. MINUTES. 1. Welcome and Apologies 1.1 Apologies Sue Newsome, Helen Mitchell, Ivan Zavada, Katherine


Clinical Governance Framework –Working paper Oct 2020 • Overview: ...

Clinical Governance Framework –Working paper Oct 2020. • Overview: The Clinical Governance Frameworkdocument will form part of a coordinated system tobetter manage the clinical and corporate aspects ofUniversity clinics to: deliver high impact research, andeducation; provide quality care to consumers/patients;and ensure the safety of all persons involved in clinics,clinical and research activities. • The Clinical Governance Framework will apply to allservices providing clinical services


visitors travel certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


Sydney School of Veterinary Science Small Research Grants - ...

Sydney School of Veterinary Science. Small Research Grants - Bequest Application Form 2023. Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. sydney.edu.au. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. sydney.edu.au. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. Chief


NEW UoS Proposal Form 2024

ABCD1234. Title of unit (max 40 characters including spaces). Coordinator: Name. Teaching staff: (can be specific or general). Semester: specify here. Credit points: specify here. Campus. Macquarie St or Camperdown campus (or both) or online only (circle). Core Elective. 1000-level 2000-level 3000-level 4000-level. Introduction and Rationale for this unit of study: (Handbook entry). In this unit of study, students will. Learning Outcomes: (max 6 recommended). After successfully completing this


For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in ...

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! SAFE WORK PROCEDURE & RISK ASSESSMENT. [doc id, eg. FoS RA-SWP-XX, V1.0] Page 1 of 10. Faculty/School Science /. School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Initial Issue Date: 29/04/2024. Next Review Date: 29/04/2025. RA/SWP Reference # Version: 1.0 Version Issue Date: 29/04/2024. RA SWP Title: Working with Hydrochloric acid. Prepared by Bright Amenkhienan. Responsible supervisor/s


For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in ...

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! Version Issue Date: 2023-07-27 1. HIGH RISK and RESTRICTED CHEMICALS RISK. ASSESSMENT & APPROVAL. This form is required as an attachment to any MyLab purchase involving a High Risk or Restricted chemical. A separate form is required for each High Risk chemical.Restricted, prohibited and High Risk chemicals (as described in Section 7.3 of the University Chemical Safety Standards)


FMH operating model FCP Appendix 4 Organisation charts

HEO6). Burcu Karlsson. Research. Education Support. Officer, North. (HEO6). Burcu Karlsson.


Program Details The University is committed to gender equity, ...

Program Details The University is committed to gender equity, and in particular, accelerating the careers of a pool of talented women to progress into leadership positions. The University of Sydney is committed to accelerating the careers of women. The Sydney Women’s Leadership Program will provide an enriched learning experience where participants feel empowered and motivated to drive their own careers. The program offers tailored career development to our talented women, and facilitates the


Policy Schedule Group Personal Accident & Illness GPA252538_1 UNIVERSITY_OF_SYDNEY ...

Policy Schedule. Group Personal Accident & Illness. GPA252538_1 UNIVERSITY_OF_SYDNEY Page 2 of 4. Policy Number: 2200103822. Named Insured:. Policy Period:. Broker:. Territorial Limit:. GROUP INJURY & SICKNESS. The Annual Premium of this Policy is. an Agreed Premium. Insured Person(s):. Scope of Cover:. Age Limitation:. The compensation applicable under each section for each insured person:. Section A: DEATH & CAPITAL BENEFITS, Events 1-19. 1. Category A $50,000. 2. Category B $50,000. 3.


A guide to using our University PowerPoint template

Science Undergraduate. Peer Mentoring Program. Irene Benitez, Programs Officer – Student Engagement. Fostering Academic Success and Community in. Science Education. Comprehensive Training. University-wide Mentor Training: Peer. Mentoring Symposium - consistent training. for all mentors across faculties. Accidental Counsellor training. Faculty Specific Training: Science Specific. training. Attendance Tracking: Points system to track. attendance, engagement, and rewards. Formal Mentoring


Evolve Strategy Portfolio - Draft Change Proposal

The University of Sydney. Draft Change Proposal. Strategy Portfolio. 2023. Written by: David Scott & Darren Goodsir. Consultation Reference: FC053. Date November 15, 2023. Version: V.01. Draft Change Proposal. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1 INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT. 3 1.1 Purpose. 3 1.2 Background. 3 1.3 Current state. 3. 2 THE PROPOSED CHANGE. 4 2.1 Rationale for the change. 6 2.2 Impact of the change. 9. Advantages of the proposed change. 9. Disadvantages of the proposed change. 9. 2.3 Support during


USC Terms of Reference 20200303

UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES COMMITTEE. AB Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved: 5 March 2024] Page | 1. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE AB Undergraduate Studies Committee. PURPOSE The Undergraduate Studies Committee assists the Academic Board in ensuring the maintenance of the highest standards and quality in teaching, learning and scholarship at the University of Sydney. It advises the Academic Board about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to undergraduate study at the University and
