Accommodation for visitors to Sydney

Accommodation for visitors to Sydney. Please note that these are some preliminary details about accommodation and there are many other sources of advice and information. You should decide upon your ideal location (city or beach, within walking distance or on a bus route, etc.) and then the options are: executive apartments; furnished or unfurnished rental properties; academic exchange homes; university housing: or hotels. Location:. The School of Art, Communication and English is based in the


NEW UoS Proposal Form 2024

ABCD1234. Title of unit (max 40 characters including spaces). Coordinator: Name. Teaching staff: (can be specific or general). Semester: specify here. Credit points: specify here. Campus. Macquarie St or Camperdown campus (or both) or online only (circle). Core Elective. 1000-level 2000-level 3000-level 4000-level. Introduction and Rationale for this unit of study: (Handbook entry). In this unit of study, students will. Learning Outcomes: (max 6 recommended). After successfully completing this



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MINUTES OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Monday 9 October 2023, 1.30pm - 3.00pm. Online via Zoom: (today only). Attendees: Assoc. Professor Helen Mitchell (Chair), Dr. Daniel Blinkhorn, Dr. Rachel Campbell, Assoc. Prof. Jeanell Carrigan, Assoc. Prof. Chris Coady, Dr. Rowena Cowley, Ms. Shauna Crick, Dr. Vladimir Gorbach, Mr David Howie, Dr. James Humberstone, Dr. David Larkin, Dr. Alan Maddox, Dr. Toby Martin, Assoc. Prof. Stephanie McCallum, Ms. Sue Newsome, Ms.



UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY COLLABORATIVE EQUIPMENT GRANTS AND NHMRC EQUIPMENT GRANTS SCHEMES 2022/23. Application form. University of Sydney & NHMRC Equipment Grants Scheme 2022/23. Closing date: 5pm, Monday 14 August 2023. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Application must be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for the University of Sydney Collaborative Research Equipment Grants & NHMRC Equipment Grants Schemes 2022/23. CHIEF INVESTIGATOR A (CIA) DETAILS. Title, First


Estate of the Late Bruce Hynes (B1369) ($20,000) To ...

Estate of the Late Bruce Hynes (B1369) ($20,000). To the Veterinary Teaching Hospital for the investigation of diseases and treatment of dogs (in particular academic appointments, PG scholarships, equipment, other). Schnakenberg Bequest (B3023) ($10,000). To be applied in the Faculty of Veterinary Science for canine research. Margo Roslyn Flood Bequest (B3026) ($10,000). To be applied for the purposes of assisting the research into and the health of dogs. Late Dorothy Minchin Research (B3034)


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 12.00pm, Monday 23 OCTOBER 2023. Room 2135 and Zoom. Present: Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair); Anthony Chmiel (AC, Executive Officer); Chris Coady (CC); Amanda Harris (AH); Thomas Fienberg (TF); Benjamin Carey (BC); Michael Duke (MD); Wendy Huang (WH); Stephanie McCallum (SM); Helen Mitchell (HM); Grace Chan (GC—HDR Student Representative); Julia Russoniello (JR —HDR Student Representative);. Apologies: Andrew Janke (AJ); Sally Chik


Contract Management Plan

Contract Management Plan - <CW – Contract Title>. The University of Sydney. Contract Management Plan. <Contract Workspace ID Number>, <Contract Tier Level>. <Contract Title>. <Supplier Name>. Document Identifier:. Contract Management Plan. Document Location:. Contract Manager:. Principal Representative:. Version Number:. 0.1. Release Status:. Initial / Final Draft / Final. This document is protected by Australian copyright law and the law of confidentiality and the comparable laws of other



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MINUTES OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Monday 20 March 2023, 1.30pm - 3.00pm. Online via Zoom:. Attendees: Prof. Matthew Hindson (Chair), Dr. Daniel Blinkhorn, Dr. Rachel Campbell, Assoc. Prof. Chris Coady, Dr. Rowena Cowley, Dr. Jim Coyle, Assoc. Prof. Charles Fairchild, Dr. Vladimir Gorbach, Dr. Kevin Hunt, Dr. Catherine Ingram, Prof. Liza Lim, Dr. Lulu Liu, Dr. Toby Martin, Assoc. Prof. Stephanie McCallum, Assoc. Prof. Helen Mitchell, Ms. Sue Newsome, Mr. Scott Ryan,


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 12.00pm, Monday 4th March 2024. Room 2135 and Zoom. Present: Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair); Anthony Chmiel (AC, Executive Officer); Amanda Harris (AH); Benjamin Carey (BC); Michael Duke (MD); Stephanie McCallum (SM); Helen Mitchell (HM); Myfany Turpin (MT); Julia Russoniello (JR —HDR Student Representative). Guests: Paul Mac (PM); Jade Smith (Library Guest, in lieu of SC). Apologies: Chris Coady (CC); Thomas Fienberg (TF); Jakelin Troy



Foreign Engagement and National Security – A Guide to key Australian Government Policies and Schemes. Foreign Relations Act / Foreign Arrangements Scheme. Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme. Foreign Interference Guidelines. Defence Trade Controls. Autonomous Sanctions. Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets. Critical Technologies List. Concerning. Public disclosure of activities. Risk reduction. Counter proliferation. Global security. Global security. Technology protection. Purpose.



PROPOSAL TO NEGOTIATE AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT. For explanatory notes for completing this Proposal, see Appendix A. Note: As a quality assurance step, signed Proposals are recorded on Records Online so that prior to any renewal of an agreement, the outcomes of the agreement can be evaluated against the stated objectives and desired outcomes outlined in this Proposal. PARTNER INSTITUTION CONTACT DETAILS. 1. FULL NAME OF PROPOSED PARTNER INSTITUTION. 2. PARTNER FACULTY (if faculty-specific). 3.


Provost CAPEX Funding Guidelines

Provost’s Capital Equipment and Contingency Fund – Funding Rules and Guidelines. 1. Objective. The Provost’s Capital Equipment (CAPEX) and Contingency Fund is an annual funding program that supports total or partial cost of a capital equipment to advance research and education. 2. Funding. Funds are available to support requests for new or replacement equipment and maintenance and/or repair of existing equipment. 2. Eligibility Criteria. All faculties and University schools are eligible


Standard Job Profiles FAQs

Standard Job Profiles (SJPs). Frequently Asked Questions. November 2023. What are SJPs? Standard Job Profiles (SJPs) are a broad description of many roles that are deemed substantially the same within our job architecture (JA) (e.g., Project Officer HEO6). SJPs will carry details regarding the job family, classification level, job summary, responsibilities, skills, experiences, qualifications, and capabilities. In summary, SJPs are easy-to-use, designed to align broadly with the EA


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 12.00pm, Monday 28 August 2023. Room 2135 and Zoom. Present: Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair); Anthony Chmiel (AC, Executive Officer); Chris Coady (CC); Amanda Harris (AH); Thomas Fienberg (TF); Benjamin Carey (BC); Michael Duke (MD); Toby Martin (TM); Helen Mitchell (HM); Sally Chik (SC—Library); Julia Russoniello (JR —HDR Student Representative); Stephanie McCallum (SM);. Apologies: Grace Chan (GC—HDR Student Representative); Wendy


FRAMING PAPER Submission To > Date > ...

FRAMING PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential or Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. (insert name and position). Paper Title. (insert name of paper). Live Questions. (insert the headline questions you are seeking the Committee’s strategic input into). Recommendation.


Advice on responding to enquiries for HDR research for SACE academics on the supervisor register

Advice on responding to enquiries for HDR research for SACE academics on the supervisor register. This document is for SACE academic staff who are on the HDR supervisor register and may be eligible to take on the role of lead or primary supervisor. Later in the document are examples of responses you can make, depending on whether you want to reject, request more information, agree to help develop the proposal, or support the application and agree to supervise. To get on the register of lead


How to use this document

Local Disability Inclusion Action Plans. Planning and reporting template for Faculties, University Schools and Portfolios. How to use this document. The following pages of this document can be used to plan and report on activities for local action plans. Some example activities that you may wish to use as-is or adapt are included. These relate to the priority areas identified by the DIAP implementation group. Once the table below is complete, delete this cover page, instructions and examples,



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MINUTES OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Monday 6 November 2023, 1.30pm - 3.00pm. Online via Zoom:. Attendees: Prof. Matthew Hindson (Chair), Assoc. Professor Helen Mitchell, Dr. Daniel Blinkhorn, Dr. Rachel Campbell, Assoc., Ms. Sally Chick, Assoc. Prof. Chris Coady, Dr. Rowena Cowley, Ms. Shauna Crick, Dr. Jim Coyle, Assoc. Prof. Charles Fairchild, Dr. Vladimir Gorbach, Mr David Howie, Dr. James Humberstone, Dr. Kevin Hunt, Dr. Catherine Ingram, Dr. David Larkin, Dr.


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 3.00pm, Monday 29 August 2022. ZOOM ONLY. Present: Grace Chan (GC—HDR Student Representative); Marie Chellos (MC—Library); Chris Coady (CC); Michael Duke (MD); Amanda Harris (AH); Wendy Huang (WH—ICT); Toby Martin (TM); Stephanie McCallum (SM); Helen Mitchell (HM); Kathleen Nelson (KN); Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair, Myf Turpin (MT); Amanda Harris (AH), Stephanie McCallum (SM), Benjamin Carey (BC). Kirsty McCahon (KM). Apologies:


FRAMING PAPER Submission To > Date > ...

FRAMING PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential or Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. (insert name and position). Paper title. (insert name of paper). Live Questions. (insert the headline questions you are seeking the Committee’s strategic input into). Recommendation.
