
Reconciliation. RECONCILIATION STATEMENT. Name of Account:. Class. RC. Project/Grant. Analysis. Account Number:. Purpose of Account:. General Ledger Balance. $ - 0. Reconciliation as at:. Attachments are required for: Special Duties Overseas/Australia, List of Deposits, Debtors Listing/Ageing, Stocktake Certificate. Represented by the following:. Date. Details. Amount. TOTAL. Total must equal the General Ledger Balance above. $ - 0. I certify that the details in this reconciliation are true and


Asset Disposal

Asset-Disposal. ASSET DISPOSAL FORM. Department/Unit:. Responsibility Centre (RC):. Description of Item (including make/model/ technical specifications/ features/age/faults):. Location of Item (Building/Room Number):. Reason for Disposal (please tick one):. Proposed method of Disposal (please tick one):. Additional Information. Asset Register ID Number:. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Serial Number:. Asset Tag Number:. Acquisition Date:. d. d. m. m. y. y. Cost details. Acquisition price (Ex GST).



Sheet1. Item or Task. Units (e.g. hours). Cost. On-costs. Total. Justification/Notes. Research Assistant (RA) at HEO Level 5 Step 1, loaded rate. Mr. James Smith. RA Sub-total. $2,685.04. Mr. James Smith is available for this time period, and has agreed to this casual contract if this application is successful. -- Literature review. 30. 57.08. 1.176. $2,013.78. You should include a clear justification here for the literature review cost. -- Recording. 10. 57.08. 1.176. $671.26. This rate is



Instructions. Instruction. Use the calculator to identify which teaching activities will be bought out by putting in the timetabled hours. Do this by completing the relevant columns from A to H, inclusive. The calculator will automatically provide the equivalent hours for the academic load. Please provide additional information in the box to indicate if a fixed-term or casual acadmics will undertake your teaching. calculator. Academic name? Grant Name? Grant Code. PC? to be completed by Finance.



Escalation. Escalation Rates (Default). Guidance:. a) The objective of this file is to provide a consistent basis to multi-year financial assessments (including but not limited to business cases). b) The default rates will be updated on a quarterly basis (March, June, September, and December). c) If any specific items have specialised opinions on their own escalation rates, such rates should overwrite the default rates with the rationale documented. d) If any specific items have certain



SSR_2022. Student Staff Ratio (SSR) by Faculty (MOH3) and School (MOH4). as at 31 March 2022. Source: Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). MOH level 3. MOH level 4. EAS. LOAD. SSR2022. Business School 5. Business School Academic Operations. 375.12. 10,003.62. 26.67. Business School Total. 375.12. 10,003.62. 26.67. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 1. School of Art, Communication and English. 130.81. 3,249.19. 24.84. School of Economics. 87.25. 3,019.18. 34.60. School of


FBT Event

FBT Event. Version last updated: March 2024. NOTE. Once your budget is fully reconciled, send it to your Accounts contact, who will use the Accounting Section to adjust your Projected Staff/Guest split to your Actual Staff/Guest split, ensuring that FBT is reported correctly. STEPS. 1. Use the "BUDGET" section to plan your Event. 2. If an item category is not available - use "Other". 3. Enter anticipated audience numbers to determine FBT budget cost. EVENT NAME - BUDGET. 4. Use the "ACTUAL"


2023 Accrual Template

Sheet1. 2023 YEAR END - EXPENSE ACCRUAL TEMPLATE. Y. N. Prepared by. Phone. Authorisation I certify that following accruals relate to expenses for the financial year ended December 2023 which have not been processed through the University's Accounts Payable System in 2023. Full Name and Position:. Date:. Signature:. Business Unit:. Where chartfield combinations are invalid, FCT will accrue those transactions to a generic expense account nominated by you to complete the process. Please nominate



Disclaimer. Disclaimer. • The CRICOS checklist was developed as a tool to assist and guide Faculty of the information/paperwork/action points required for a CRICOS application or changes to CRICOS registered courses. • It also includes information from other areas so that stakeholders can refer to when required. However, if there are questions relating to those areas, please liaise with the relevant teams directly as they are best placed to respond. as the owner of the information/process,



ClassExtract11062024. University of Sydney BALANCE SHEET Classifications. As at June 2024 (Active Classifications only). CLASS_MGTREPT. ALLACCOUNTS. BALSHEET. Balance Sheet (BALSHEET). ASSETS. Assets (ASSETS). CURRENT_ASSETS. Current Assets (CURRENT_ASSETS). CASH. Cash (CASH). 0025. Expense Advance (0025). Active. 0027. Imprest Account (0027). Active. 0028. AAIA lonian Cash Advance (0028). Active. BANK. Bank (BANK). 0050. Main Bank Account (0050). Active. 0051. Bank Account CS (0051). Active.



Summary. Revenue and Expenses Class Structure (Summary). as at 1 September 2023. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Category. Class Description. Posting Classes. Budget Classes. Project Code. Revenue. Revenue. All. Student Fees. 3199. Teaching. Commonwealth Support Places (CSP). Teaching. Commonwealth Grants - CGS. 2096. Teaching. HECS. 2095. Teaching. Full Fee Paying Students. Teaching. Local. Teaching. UG. 3193. Teaching. PG. 3194. Teaching. International. Teaching. UG. 3195. Teaching. PG. 3196. Teaching.


SAS Communications Schedule 2024

sas-comms-schedule-2024. 2024 SAS student communications schedule. Thursday, June 27, 2024. Target audience. Date. End date. Communication. Key message(s). Process area. Event. Domestic /international. Course cohort. Segment. Session. SRL (if Sydney Student). Notes. Monday, November 27, 2023. Friday, February 16, 2024. Student financial statement available. Student Financial Statement now available Log in to Sydney Student to view statement. Fees. Enrolment task completed. Domestic. All.


Full GLE

Full GLE. 1 GLE Key role allocation 2023. Executive. 2023 role holder. Committees. Head of School. Colagiuri. DEC, Faculty WHS, Faculty ISS-EDI. Deputy Head of School. Birney. Workload collegiate. Associate Head PGRE. Livesey. Faculty PGREC. Associate Head Education. Johnston. Faculty Education. Associate Head Research. Irish. Faculty Research. Head, Clinical Psychology Unit. Hunt. Clinical Governance. Safety Chair. Bowen. Faculty WHS. ISS-EDI Chair. Kleitman. Faculty ISS-EDI. Honours



RCextract30Jun2024. Responsibility Centres as at 30 June 2024. Responsibility Centres. Responsibility Centre Description. RC Status. Segment Reporting Type. Segment Reporting Sub-type. A0000_TOTAL_UNSYD. 50000_DVC_PROVOST. DVC & Provost (50000_DVC_PROVOST). 50100_PROV. DVC & Provost Exc Faculties (50100_PROV). 51000_PROV_OFF. Office of the DVC & Provost (51000_PROV_OFF). 51100_PROV_OFF. Office of the DVC & Provost (51100_PROV_OFF). 51110_PROV_OFF. Office of the DVC & Provost (51110_PROV_OFF).


Staff FTE - University

Staff FTE - University. Staff(FT/FFT & Casual) FTE by Classification, Function and Teaching Faculty. as at 31/3/2023. Source: Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). Classification. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Total. Academic. Vice-Chancellor & President. 1.0. 1.0. Deputy Vice-Chancellor. 4.0. 4.0. Professor(Level E). 2.4. 91.6. 550.0. 45.2. 689.2. Associate Professor(Level D). 14.3. 52.1. 442.1. 6.0. 514.5. Senior Lecturer(Level C). 48.3. 158.3.


Staff FTE - University

Staff FTE - University. Staff(FT/FFT & Casual) FTE by Classification & Appointment Term. as at 31/3/2023. Source: Advanced Analytics Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). Faculty/Administrative Portfolio. Academic. General. Total. Continuing. Fixed Term. Casual. Continuing. Fixed Term. Casual. Faculties. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 377.8. 120.9. 199.1. 116.4. 30.9. 43.5. 888.6. Faculty of Engineering. 136.0. 198.5. 100.6. 93.0. 70.7. 30.1. 628.8. Faculty of Medicine and Health. 450.9. 738


Staff FTE - University

Staff FTE - University. Staff(FT/FFT & Casual) FTE by Function & Gender. as at 31/3/2023. Source: Advanced Analytics Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). Faculty/Admin Portfolio. Female. Male. Unspecified. Total. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Faculties. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 97.0. 31.1. 217.3. 152.4. 61.7. 18.2. 207.4. 95.2. 880.2.



Detail. Revenue and Expenses Class Structure (Detail). as at 1 June 2024. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Category. Class Description. Posting Classes. Budget Classes. Project Code. Revenue. Revenue. All. Student Fees. 3199. Teaching. Commonwealth Support Places (CSP). Teaching. Commonwealth Grants - CGS. 2096. Teaching. Cwth Grant Scheme(2004). 2004. Teaching. CGS Disbursement(2042). 2042. Teaching. HECS. 2095. Teaching. HECS HELP Upfront(2201). 2201. Teaching. HECS Help Deferred (2203). 2203. Teaching.



Detail. Revenue and Expenses Class Structure (Detail). as at 1 September 2023. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Category. Class Description. Posting Classes. Budget Classes. Project Code. Revenue. Revenue. All. Student Fees. 3199. Teaching. Commonwealth Support Places (CSP). Teaching. Commonwealth Grants - CGS. 2096. Teaching. Cwth Grant Scheme(2004). 2004. Teaching. CGS Disbursement(2042). 2042. Teaching. HECS. 2095. Teaching. HECS HELP Upfront(2201). 2201. Teaching. HECS Help Deferred (2203). 2203.


UniBuy Category to Classification Code Translation

Translation. UniBuy Category (Commodity) to Classification Code Translation (as at 07 February 2024). Use this table to find either the classfication code or the category (commodity). CATEGORY NAME (IN UNIBUY). CLASSIFICATION CODE (IN UNIBUY). Commodity ID. Category (Commodity) Name Commodity Name is an International Classification of Goods and Services. Partitioned Commodity Code. Class Code (Account). Classification Description A Record name used to sort, store and summarize a company's
