
2. 3. NEW DEFINITION OF ‘EMPLOYEE’ AND ‘EMPLOYER’. NEW CASUAL CONVERSION PROCESS. CLOSING THE LOOPHOLESCASUAL EMPLOYMENT CHANGESMANAGERS FACT SHEET. TIMELINE. NEW DEFINITION OF CASUAL EMPLOYMENT. Old definition1Emphasis on the terms of the contract – if terms of offer indicate casual employment, remained a casual (even if circumstances changed). New definition. As a general rule, a staff member is considered casual if :. 1. the employment relationship is characterised by an absence of


PowerPoint Presentation

Business PartneringApplying Pivots to Partnering. Petrus Swemmer Finance Director – Infrastructure, Medicine and HealthThe University of Sydney. 11 October 2023. A story…. I was working as a finance business partner embedded in a marketing teamMy business partners kept pitching these amazing product ideasthat were also terrible business propositions. I would tell my team ….“our job is to get their vision onto the supermarket shelf”. ….but how? ….our job was to facilitate the


1 G08 Weekly update – 1 July 2024 University ...

1 G08 Weekly update – 1 July 2024. University Infrastructure. Building G08 Asbestos Remediation. University Infrastructure (UI) is continuing to work with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research Infrastructure (PVC-RI), Central Operations Services (COS), Health and Safety (H&S), and the Faculties of Engineering, Science, and Medicine and Health, to manage the temporary closure of Building G08 for asbestos remediation. Weekly update – 1 July 2024 On 25 June 2024, the University Executive (UE)


Marine transit

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


University Infrastructure G08 Relocation Project Pro-Vice Chancellor Research Infrastructure ...

University Infrastructure. G08 Relocation Project. Pro-Vice Chancellor Research Infrastructure (PVC-RI), University Infrastructure (UI), CentralOperations Services (COS), Health and Safety (H&S), Technical Support Services (TSS) andthe Faculties of Engineering, Science, and Medicine and Health are collaborating to coordinatethe G08 Relocation Project. The project will relocate the current research activity out of thebuilding by 30 August 2024 into temporary laboratory locations, enabling a


Selecting an ABN Guide for Chairs

A Guide for Selection Committee Chairs when engaging with DVC E Representative) March 2024. 1. DVCE Representative A Guide for Selection Committee Chairs When do you require a DVCE Representative on a selection committee? The DVCE representative is required as an additional selection committee member for all merit-based education focused academic positions. Education focused is a specialist category of academic engagement reserved for talented educators with a passion for, and demonstrated


PowerPoint Presentation

Business PartneringPartnering in the Grey Zone. Petrus Swemmer Finance Director – Infrastructure, Medicine and HealthThe University of Sydney. 15 November 2023. As an accountant I am comfortable with black and white. Partnering however, often contains zones of grey / gray…. ….this ambiguity requires active management particularly in a low trust environment. Define typical grey zones for embedded partners What makes them challenging? What is the sweet spot we need to strive toward? When is


People and Culture CommitteE ToR - September 2020

SENATE PEOPLE AND CULTURE COMMITTEE. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE PEOPLE AND CULTURE COMMITTEE. PURPOSE The role of the People and Culture Committee is to monitor and advise Senate on:. a) human resources (HR) policies, structures and processes that support the University’s strategic objectives in:. i. University culture and values;. ii. the attraction, development and retention of academic and professional staff;. iii. remuneration and reward;. iv. diversity and inclusion;. v. workplace


SCM Conference Travel Grant Application Form. n.b. this is ...

SCM Conference Travel Grant Application Form. n.b. this is only an overview/template of the questions, not the application. When the scheme is open, an application link will be available via the intranet. The SCM Conference Travel Scheme provides a financial contribution towards travel costs. associated with attendance at a conference, symposium, or workshop to give a presentation. (e.g. paper, lecture, keynote, lecture-recital), with the expectation that this will lead to a. related research


public and products liability certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise



SENATE PERFORMANCE AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE. SEN Performance and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference [Approved 10 May 2024]. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE PERFORMANCE AND RISK COMMITTEE. PURPOSE In accordance with Section 16 of the University of Sydney Act 1989, the Senate is charged with overseeing risk management and risk assessment across the University. The Performance and Risk Committee (“the Committee”) assists the Senate in fulfilling this function. The role of the Committee is to


University Infrastructure G08 Relocation Project University Infrastructure (UI), Central ...

University Infrastructure. G08 Relocation Project. University Infrastructure (UI), Central Operations Services (COS), Health and Safety (H&S),Technical Support Services (TSS) and the Faculties of Engineering, Science, and Medicine andHealth are collaborating to coordinate the G08 Relocation Project. The project aims to relocatemuch of the current research activity by 30 August 2024, to enable a temporary buildingclosure for asbestos remediation works. The project is overseen by a Project


Why is our academic performance not excellent?

Teaching and learning to communicate science. Why, how, and why not now? Susan Rowland. University of Sydney Science Education Showcase. September 22nd, 2023. Teaching and learning to communicate science. Why. The value of communication capabilities. Communication is a key employability and entrepreneurial skill for scientists:. • Professional and technical writing and speaking• Engaging with critique and establishing clarity• Negotiating and persuading• Pitching an idea •


Artboard 1

Legend. UE 3 Apr | 17 Apr. UE 1 May | 15 May. UE 26 June | 10 July. UE 12 Sept | 26 Sept. UE 28 Feb | 13 Mar. UE 29 May | 12 June. University Executive Agenda Items Due | Meeting Date. Lorem ipsum. UE 30 Jan | 13 Feb. UE 1 Aug | 15 Aug. UE 14 Nov | 28 Nov. UE 17 Oct | 31 Oct. UE Budget | 30 Aug. UE 2025. AB GSC 9 Jan | 23 Jan. AB USC 9 Jan | 23 Jan. AB AQC 23 Jan | 6 Feb. AB GSC (Reserve) 30 Jan | 13 Feb. AB USC (Reserve) 30 Jan | 13 Feb. AB GSC 27 Feb | 12 Mar. AB USC 27 Feb | 12 Mar. AB AQC 5


2023 Faculty of Science Research Funding Scheme For HDR Students

FACULTY OF SCIENCE. RESEARCH. FACULTY OF SCIENCE RESEARCH FUNDING SCHEME FOR HDR STUDENTS . Executive Summary This funding scheme provides a consistent and transparent funding model across the Faculty to support the research of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students in addition to the University Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS) funding provided to students.


Program Details The University is committed to gender equity, ...

Program Details The University is committed to gender equity, and in particular, accelerating the careers of a pool of talented women to progress into leadership positions. The University of Sydney is committed to accelerating the careers of women. The Sydney Women’s Leadership Program will provide an enriched learning experience where participants feel empowered and motivated to drive their own careers. The program offers tailored career development to our talented women, and facilitates the


Appendix 2: University Governance Office Email Signature Templates Calendar ...

Appendix 2: University Governance Office Email Signature Templates. Calendar Invitation Placeholder. [SUBJECT]: Committee Name (CTTEE ACRONYM). Dear Members,. Submissions for the <<meeting date>> meeting of the <<committee name>> are due to the University Governance Office no later than COB <<submission deadline>>. Meeting location details will be provided closer to the meeting date. Kind regards,. Call for Agenda Items. [SUBJECT]: CTEE ACRONYM: Call for Agenda Items (Meeting: DATE) [ATTACHMENT]


visitors travel certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


2024 First Peoples Leading (FPL) Program dates

2024 FPL Suite Program dates. Program Time Orientation Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Next Gen 1 Aspiring People Leaders. 9.30am-11.30am (NSW). 6 Feb Tues 1hr online. 13 Feb Tue 2hr online. 20 Feb Tues 2hr online. 27 Feb Tues 2hr online. 5th Mar Tues 2hr online. Regroup day 9th April 1hr. Impact 1. 9.30am-12noon (NSW). 6 Mar Wed 1.5hr online. 13 Mar Wed 2.5hr online. 27 Mar Wed 2.5hr online. 10 April Wed 2.5hr online. 24 April Wed 2.5hr online. 8 May Wed 2.5hr online.


Digital Roadmap Approach Faculty/Portfolio Preparation Information and Communication TechnologySarah ...

Digital Roadmap Approach. Faculty/Portfolio Preparation. Information and Communication TechnologySarah Zenon - Associate Director, Digital Strategy. Approaching Digital Sydney with a tailored methodologyA Digital Sydney strategy spans the University ecosystem reflecting the vision, needs and priorities of each of the Faculties, Schools, Research Centres and Portfolios (referred to as ‘areas’). The digital roadmaps that inform Digital Sydney will allow us to examine, map and document the
