SLAM External Grant Application Award Guidelines Aug 2019

School of Art, Communication and English Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. SACE Research Grant Development & Support Guidelines 2024. The Research Grant Development & Support Fund supports research that advances high-. quality and high-impact research. This Fund covers the preparation of external research grant. applications (ARC and other competitive external research funding applications) to be. submitted in 2024 or early 2025. In addition, the Fund covers project start-ups and.


Appendix A Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board ...

Appendix A. Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board Minutes. Minutes of the Meeting of the Sydney Conservatorium University School Board. held on 28th November 2023, Recital Hall West. Present: Tom Westley, Sue Newsome, Dan Baykitch, Bree Van Ryk, Liza Lim, Catherine Peak, David Kim-Boyle,. James Kortum, David Larkin, Jadey O’Regan, Ivan Zavada, Toby Martin, Daniel Herscovitch, Stepanie. McCallum, Justin Ankus, Adrienne Sach, Thomas Fienberg, Thomas Wade, Neal Peres da Costa,


SCM ARC Grant Calendar 2023

SCM ARC Calendar as of April 2023


Committee Name Leadership Committee School MeetingSafety CommitteeISS Equity, Diversity ...

Committee Name. Leadership Committee. School MeetingSafety. CommitteeISS Equity, Diversity &. InclusionEducation Committee Staff/Student Liaison. Research Committee. Researcher Liaison. Chair Head of School Head of School Alex Yuen School Manager Associate Head (Education) Mark WhiteAssociate Head. (Research)Leo Corcilius. Committee Officer. Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Officer Executive Officer Education Support Officer Education Support OfficerResearch Administation.


The University of Sydney AI in Education SACE Education ...

The University of Sydney. AI in Education. SACE Education Day, 14 Feb 2024Benjamin Miller (SACE / DVC-E). CR. ICO. S 00. 026A. T. EQSA. PR. V120. 57. The University of Sydney. Agenda- The Context for AI at Sydney. - TEQSA Principles and Propositions- Assessment principles at Sydney. - Akari reporting, the 'two-lane' approach. - AI Tools- Scite, ChatGPT, DALL-E / Midjourney, Cogniti. - Investigating Assessment in SACE- What challenges are there for understanding the impact of AI on assessment.


Faculty of Science Overseas Conference and Research Visit Support Program 2024 Rd 2

Required. This form will record your name, please fill your name. Faculty of ScienceOverseas Conference and Research Visit Support Program 2024 Rd 2. Round 2: For travel in the period September 2024 to February 2025. Application Dates: Open: 20 May 2024Close: 28 June 2024. Scheme Details The Faculty of Science will offer limited assistance for international travel to support delivery of presentations at conferences and associated laboratory visits. The Program is aimed at teaching and


CURRENT_Student Check-In_ PhD&MPhil_FMH USYD V4

Online Mandatory Modules - self enrol. Instructions are here.o Responsible Research Practice RSCH9001o Work, Health and Safety RSCH9010. Online Mandatory Module- self enrol (instructions as above).o Consent Matters. RememberYou can always refer to your specific milestone deadlines dates, when you log into your RECS profile and select Milestones and Goals. Commencement Activities - the commencement activities account for attending University/Faculty/LHD orientationand induction activities,


Final Report Form for Completed SCM Internal Grants As ...

Final Report Form for Completed SCM Internal Grants As per the Guidelines for the SCM Internal Grant Scheme, successful applicants are required to submit a final report to the SCM Research Committee no later than three months after the final funds are spent. The report must detail progress in the expected outputs and outcomes listed in the original application, as well as provide financial acquittal. Where relevant, the report should also include the following, via the optional file upload


Qualtrics Survey Software

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FMH RI Roadmap 2023 June

FMH Research Infrastructure Roadmap. [email protected] 1. Table 1. Research Infrastructure Roadmap (updated 2024 March). CIA Full name. Proposed instruments/ systems and. location. Estimated funding. year Description of the request Funding. schemes/resources. Further discussion with CRFs. Jacob George. The Qiagen Qiacuity One Digital PCR (Qiacuity One. dPCR) system 2024. The Qiagen Qiacuity One Digital PCR (Qiacuity One dPCR) system allows highly. sensitive detection and


facsimile template

Application Special Studies Program (SSP). (Academic Staff). Instructions for the Applicant. 1. Please ensure that you read the Special Study Programs Policy and Procedures before completing your application. If you haveany queries contact the HR Service Centre. 2. Please carefully complete Parts 1 to 7 of the application form including all items in the Checklist. 3. Forward the application to your Head of School. PART 1: Employee details. Employee ID:. Surname:. Title:. Given Name:. School/Unit



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MINUTES OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 5 February 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Online via Zoom: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84129375542?from=addon. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Steve Barry, Daniel Blinkhorn, Jeanell Carrigan, Sally Chick, Alex Chilvers, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Stephanie McCallum, Helen Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Daniel Rojas, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach,


DVCR Strategic Research Impact Fund Proof of Concept – ...

DVCR Strategic Research Impact Fund. Proof of Concept – Guidelines for applicants. Purpose The Strategic Research Impact Proof-of-Concept provided by the DVCR Strategic Fund, provides critical financial support for research projects with the potential to be translated to industry or to spin out into a new venture. There will be two funding rounds each year: April and August. These funds will be used to:. • Strengthen the patent applications filed by the University, especially by reducing



FAULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. SSP to be taken in 2025 Frequently Asked Questions. 1. I have applied for an international fellowship. How do I build this into my SSP application? And what do I do if, as at the date of SSP application submission, I don’t have the outcome of the fellowship? Please provide details about fellowships or other awards that will be part of the proposed SSP in 1, 3 of the Supporting Statement. Be sure to indicate how it will benefit you and enhance your


Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) brochure

Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP). Artw. ork:. Tra. de C. onne. ctio. n Ar. tist:. D. ebra. Bea. le. Developing high potential Indigenous leadersAGSM @ UNSW Business School. The Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) was created by the Elevate RAP Working Group1, supported by Reconciliation Australia in 2016. The objective of the program is to cultivate the next generation of future, senior Indigenous business leaders who will have an influential role in shaping the future not


HDR Student Research Funding - MARCH 2024 Monday

Funding by Supervisor for 31st March 2024The below list details the HDR load as of 31st March 2024 with each Lead Supervisor and how much each Lead Supervisor should expect toreceive as funding support for their students. Please note, this does not include:• the Computer Allowance provided to all newly commencing students• overtime, suspended, not currently enrolled students, withdrawn, and•



FACULTY OF SCIENCE LEADERSHIP GROUP BULLETIN MARCH 2024 The Faculty Leadership Group (FLG) held its first mee ngs for the year on 13 March. It brings together, the Deans Execu ve Commitee, Work, Health & Safety Commitee, Indigenous Strategy & Services and Equity Diversity and Inclusion (ISSEDI) Commitee and Faculty Board. The FLG will meet again on 8 May 2024. Dean’s Execu ve Commitee The Dean emphasised the University wide priority of improving the student experience and encouraged members


20 June 2024 ICT All Hands We recognise and ...

20 June 2024. ICT All Hands. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and communities – past, present, and emerging – of the lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand on. For thousands of years they have shared and exchanged knowledges across innumerable generations for the benefit of all. The University of Sydney. What we’re talking about today. 11.00am(10 mins). 11.10am(15 mins). 11.25am(15 mins). 11.40am(20 mins). CIO update Sandie Matthews. Generative AI at UoS Frank


FASS Teaching Relief Principles 2024

Template for a file note.



ACADEMIC QUALITY COMMITTEE. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE ACADEMIC QUALITY COMMITTEE. PURPOSE The Academic Quality Committee assists the Academic Board in ensuring the maintenance of the highest standards and quality in teaching, scholarship and research at the University of Sydney and, in this context, advises the Academic Board on receipt of reports on the quality of, and current standards in teaching, scholarship and research, in accordance with the University of Sydney (Academic Board) Rule
