Program Details The University is committed to gender equity, ...

Program Details The University is committed to gender equity, and in particular, accelerating the careers of a pool of talented women to progress into leadership positions. The University of Sydney is committed to accelerating the careers of women. The Sydney Women’s Leadership Program will provide an enriched learning experience where participants feel empowered and motivated to drive their own careers. The program offers tailored career development to our talented women, and facilitates the


USC Terms of Reference 20200303

UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES COMMITTEE. AB Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved: 5 March 2024] Page | 1. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE AB Undergraduate Studies Committee. PURPOSE The Undergraduate Studies Committee assists the Academic Board in ensuring the maintenance of the highest standards and quality in teaching, learning and scholarship at the University of Sydney. It advises the Academic Board about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to undergraduate study at the University and


EAP Staff Consultation Report 2023-2024

CR. ICO. S 0. 0026. A. TEQ. SA. PR. V12. 057. Staff Consultation Report– Employee Assistance Program. Summary of key themes and insights from staff consultation on EAP services in 2023 and 2024. Page 1. Health & Wellbeing | Health & Safety | Operations. The University of Sydney’s Camperdown Campus sits on the lands of the Gadigal peoplewith campuses, teaching and research facilities on the lands of the Gamaraygal, Dharug,Wangal, Darkinyung, Burramadagal, Dharawal, Gandangara, Gamilaraay,


PowerPoint Presentation

Key TakeawaysThe UE Research Committee discussed several key items of business:.  Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) five-year review Cold storage infrastructure management Implementation plan for new Animal Ethic Refresher Course University-Wide Human Biospecimen Framework. UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE GOVERNANCE UPDATEJune 2024. UE Research Committee  The Committee met on 27 June 2024.  The Committee is supported by Rosie Biasi (Senior Governance Officer). Strategic Discussions


FRAMING PAPER Submission To > Date > ...

FRAMING PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential or Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. (insert name and position). Paper Title. (insert name of paper). Live Questions. (insert the headline questions you are seeking the Committee’s strategic input into). Recommendation.


- 0 -- 0 - School of Art, Communication ...

0 -- 0 -. School of Art, Communication and. English Higher Degree Research Handbook. - 1 -. Contents. Introduction Stage 1 Enquiry. • Graduate qualities • Overview • Coursework in higher research degrees • Fees, funding & entry requirements. Stage 2 Application • How to apply • Completion requirement • Admission requirement • Transfer from Master of Philosophy/ Master of Fine Arts • Course opportunities • Career Pathways • Important fee information. - Domestic students -


FASS Guidelines for Applying M03 Marking Paycode Rationale The ...

FASS Guidelines for Applying M03 Marking Paycode. Rationale. The Faculty is seeking to develop an approach to marking classification that is:. • Consistent with obligations to staff under the Enterprise Agreement • Clear to all academic staff • Ensures appropriate quality and consistency for marking student work. The EA Definition of M03. “Rate paid per hour for marking as a supervising examiner, or marking requiring a significant exercise of academic judgement appropriate to an


2022 Student Experience Survey (SES) Insights

The University of Sydney. QILT Analysisas at June 2023. Student Experience Survey(“SES”). 2022 results. Prepared by AAP – InsightsMathew Barkany, Dominic Woodward. The University of Sydney. We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and law of the Country on which. the University of Sydney campuses stand. We pay our respects to those who have cared. and continue to care for Country. The University of Sydney. Contents• Analysis of latest results. • 2022 Student Experience Survey.


Investment and Capital ManagementInvestment Report 2023 We recognise and ...

Investment and Capital ManagementInvestment Report 2023. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and communities – past, present, and emerging – of the lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand on. For thousands of years they have shared and exchanged knowledges across innumerable generations for the benefit of all. Investment and Capital ManagementInvestment Report 2023. Investment and Capital Management (ICM) invests the donations and bequests gifted to the University. Long


SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady ...

SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady (Chair), Professor Neal Peres Da Costa, Dr Catherine Ingram,. Dr Alan Maddox, Associate Professor Helen Mitchell, Dr Stephen Mould, Ms Sue Newsome, Dr Jade O’Regan, Professor Jennifer Rowley, Dr Daniel Rojas, Associate Professor Paul Stanhope, Dr Ivan Zavada,. Nathan Cox (Student Member). Attending: Catherine Peake (Committee Officer). Date: 13 November 2023 Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm. Venue: Zoom. MINUTES. 1.



Foreign Engagement and National Security – A Guide to key Australian Government Policies and Schemes. Foreign Relations Act / Foreign Arrangements Scheme. Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme. Foreign Interference Guidelines. Defence Trade Controls. Autonomous Sanctions. Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets. Critical Technologies List. Concerning. Public disclosure of activities. Risk reduction. Counter proliferation. Global security. Global security. Technology protection. Purpose.


School of Economics Staff Handbook School of Economics Handbook ...

School of Economics Staff Handbook. School of Economics Handbook Updated Feb-24. 1. Contents About Us. 4. School of Economics. 4 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 4 Location. 4 Head of School. 5 Deputy Heads of School. 5 School Manager. 5 School of Economics -Academic Staff. 5 School of Economics -Professional Staff. 5 Education Innovation and Design. 5 Email distribution groups. 6 School of Economics forms. 6. School and Faculty Governance Structures. 6 School Meetings. 6 Academic Programs


Appendix A Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board ...

Appendix A. Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board Minutes. Minutes of the Meeting of the Sydney Conservatorium University School Board. held on 28th November 2023, Recital Hall West. Present: Tom Westley, Sue Newsome, Dan Baykitch, Bree Van Ryk, Liza Lim, Catherine Peak, David Kim-Boyle,. James Kortum, David Larkin, Jadey O’Regan, Ivan Zavada, Toby Martin, Daniel Herscovitch, Stepanie. McCallum, Justin Ankus, Adrienne Sach, Thomas Fienberg, Thomas Wade, Neal Peres da Costa,


TELUS Health - Having an R U OK Conversation

TIP SHEET. WE’RE HERE TO HELP. For free, confidential coaching and support,. please contact us today to book an appointment. 1300 360 364 (AU) 0800 360 364 (NZ) 61 2 8295 2292 (INTL). Having the R U OK? Conversation with a Peer. Conversations about mental health can sometimes feel difficult, even when you know it’s the right thing to do. Many people are afraid of saying the wrong thing or making the situation worse, which is very rarely the case. Reaching out and having an “R U OK?”


WFM Needs Analysis

The University of Sydney Page 1. February 2023. Paycode Guidelines. HASS Masterclass. The University of Sydney Page 2. We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and law. of the Country on which the University of Sydney. campuses stand. We pay our respects to those who have cared and. continue to care for Country. The University of Sydney Page 3The University of Sydney Page 3. Section Page. What are the paycode guidelines? 4 – 6. Why are these important? 7 – 9. How do the paycode


WFM Needs Analysis

The University of Sydney Page 1. January 2024. Paycode Guidelines. FMH Masterclass. The University of Sydney Page 2. We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and law of the Country on which the University of Sydney. campuses stand. We pay our respects to those who have cared and. continue to care for Country. The University of Sydney Page 3The University of Sydney Page 3. Section Page. What are the paycode guidelines? 4 – 6. Why are these important? 7 – 9. How do the paycode guidelines


Faculty of Science Overseas Conference and Research Visit Support Program 2024 Rd 2

Required. This form will record your name, please fill your name. Faculty of ScienceOverseas Conference and Research Visit Support Program 2024 Rd 2. Round 2: For travel in the period September 2024 to February 2025. Application Dates: Open: 20 May 2024Close: 28 June 2024. Scheme Details The Faculty of Science will offer limited assistance for international travel to support delivery of presentations at conferences and associated laboratory visits. The Program is aimed at teaching and


Faculty/School Initial Issue Date: Next Review Date: Comment by ...

Faculty/School. Initial Issue Date:. Next Review Date: Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: your initial review date should be 1-3 years after the issue date, depending on the overall risk rating of the tasks. RA/SWP Reference #. Version:. Version Issue Date:. RA SWP Title:. Prepared by. Responsible supervisor/s. Supervisor approval & signature. Description of the activity or process covered by this document. Location. Persons at risk. Persons at high risk Comment by Markus Hofer: e.g. those that


PEM Manual Attachment 2: Faculty of Medicine and Health ...

PEM Manual. Attachment 2: Faculty of Medicine and Health Progress Evaluation Meeting (PEM) – FULL TIME Candidate Checklist Candidate Name: Candidate ID: _________________________________. Probation: Continuing:. Probationary Progress Evaluation (Confirmation) 2nd/3rd/Continuing Year Progress Evaluations Final Year Progress Evaluation. Has the candidate: Has the candidate: Has the candidate:. Uploaded an HDR Thesis Outline Uploaded an HDR Thesis Outline Uploaded an HDR Thesis Outline.


ISSUE 012024 T H E M A G A ...

ISSUE. 012024. T H E M A G A Z I N E O F T H E A U S T R A L I A N D E N T A L A S S O C I A T I O N N S W B R A N C H. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THOSE INSTRUMENTS NEVER GOT STERILISED? Dr Martin Nash unpacks it all. FIBRE REINFORCED COMPOSITES IN LARGE POSTERIOR DIRECT RESTORATIONS Clinical knowledge refresher by Dr Anna Sahafi. PRO BONO DENTAL TREATMENT IN YOUR CLINIC Make a real difference today. Making pharmacies integral to oral health success Dr Bradley Christian’s mission to improve oral health.
