PEMs FAQs · Who should I turn to for ...

PEMs FAQs. Who should I turn to for advice about the PEMs? Responsibility for the PEMs is shared between the HDR Portfolio Manager for FASS (in HDRAC2), Clare Woodley ([email protected]), and me ([email protected]). Clare oversees the PEMs and issues most of the messages, including notices requesting the completion of annual reports and advising about the PEMs schedule. My role is to form PEM panels for new students (consisting of a Chair, usually senior staff, and panel member),


Centres Policy 2023

Centres Policy 2023


Faculty of Medicine and Health HDR NEWSLETTERIssue: 40May 2024 ...

Faculty of Medicine and Health. HDR NEWSLETTERIssue: 40May 2024. Welcome to the FMH HDR Newsletter - bringing you the latest in HDR workshops, announcements, resources. to help strengthen your research practice, spotlights on leaders in the field, feel-good stories and much. more! We hope that you will take advantage of all the University has on offer in order to enrich your HDR. experience. In this edition:. HDR Announcements | FMH HDR Conference - EOI now Open; 2024 PRSS Round now OpenHDR



The University of Sydney Page 1. FAQs for Supervisors/Heads of. School. How long will I be given to prepare the confirmation report? As a Head of School you will have up to 3 months to prepare the confirmation report however if you are in the capacity of supervisor it is important to note that you need to allow the Head of School sufficient time to prepare their recommendation. We recommend submitting the confirmation report within 1.5 months. As a Head of School what do I need to do to prepare



SENATE PERFORMANCE AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE. SEN Performance and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference [Approved 10 May 2024]. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE PERFORMANCE AND RISK COMMITTEE. PURPOSE In accordance with Section 16 of the University of Sydney Act 1989, the Senate is charged with overseeing risk management and risk assessment across the University. The Performance and Risk Committee (“the Committee”) assists the Senate in fulfilling this function. The role of the Committee is to


Marketing and Communications & Media and Public Relations Team ...

Marketing and Communications & Media and Public Relations. Team Bios and Org Charts. 2024. Contents. External Engagement Organisational Chart ……………………………………………………………………………….…. Page 2. Marketing and Communications Organisational Chart …………………………………………………………….….… Page 3. Marketing and Communications


Submission To [insert Committee name] Date Item No [Secretariat ...

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. BRIEFING PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor. (insert name and position) Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. Paper title. (insert name


Faculty of Science Childcare Assistance Travel Scheme 2024, Rd 2

Required. This form will record your name, please fill your name. Faculty of ScienceChildcare Assistance Travel Scheme 2024, Rd 2Round 2: For travel in the period September 2024 to February 2025. Application Dates: Open: 20 May 2024Close: 28 June 2024. Scheme details. The Faculty of Science recognises that child-caring duties can affect the ability of staff to make local and international conference travel and related visits. The ‘Childcare Assistance Travel Scheme’ is intended to help


Centres Procedures 2023

Centres Procedures 2023


Faculty of Medicine and Health Minimum Standards

FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH MINIMUM STANDARDS. About the Minimum Standards. The University of Sydney is a research-intensive university. The Faculty of Medicine and Health (FMH) makes a significant. contribution by supporting a diverse and collaborative community of academics with complementary strengths in research, teaching,. and governance, leadership, and engagement (GLE). The Faculty, its Schools, Centres and Institutes are committed to building a. high-performance culture which values


Draft Change Proposal Template

The University of Sydney. Final Change Plan. Concert Production, Sydney Conservatorium of Music. 29 April 2024. Written by: Artistic Strategy Manager, Scott Ryan. Consultation Reference: FC066. Date 29 April 2024. Version: 1.0. Final Change Proposal. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT. Purpose. This document outlines the nature, rationale and expected outcomes of a change in the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. It has been prepared to facilitate consultation with staff and their unions in accordance with


A guide to using our University PowerPoint template

Bachelor of Advanced Studies remediation: honours update. Presented by: Hayley Fisher, Nerida Olson, Dan Willis. 16 and 17 April 2024. CRICOS 00026A TEQSA PRV12057. The University of Sydney. 1. Acknowledgement of country. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and communities – past, present, and emerging – of the lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand on. For thousands of years they have shared and exchanged knowledges across innumerable generations for the benefit of all.


Faculty of Science, Visiting Scholar Scheme Rd 3, 2024

Required. This form will record your name, please fill your name. Faculty of Science, VisitingScholar Scheme Rd 3, 2024. Round 3: applications closing 01 August 2024. Scheme details. The Faculty of Science Visiting Fellowship scheme to help academics who normally find it difficult to travel due to their child caring responsibilities to attract visits by leading researchers of any gender from another national or international institution for the duration of at least one week to collaborate. One


SCM ARC Grant Calendar 2023

SCM ARC Calendar as of April 2023


University Procedures Template

Procedures Template and Instructions


Curriculum Management Roadshow May 2024

Curriculum Management Roadshow May 2024


Generative-AI: guidelines for researchers

Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) Research Por7olio. P a g e | 1 2/5/2024. Genera&ve-AI: guidelines for researchers The recent and rapid emergence of Genera9ve-AI (Gen-AI) tools presents many opportuni9es for research. The benefit these tools may bring to research and contribute to the public good is being explored by researchers across all disciplines. While ‘the sky is the limit’ in what these new tools may offer, there are iden9fied risks that must be managed so that Gen-AI


facsimile template

Application Special Studies Program (SSP). (Academic Staff). Instructions for the Applicant. 1. Please ensure that you read the Special Study Programs Policy and Procedures before completing your application. If you haveany queries contact the HR Service Centre. 2. Please carefully complete Parts 1 to 7 of the application form including all items in the Checklist. 3. Forward the application to your Head of School. PART 1: Employee details. Employee ID:. Surname:. Title:. Given Name:. School/Unit


Management Accounting and Reporting Guidelines

The University of Sydney Management Accounting and Reporting Guidelines as at 20th May 2024. Financial Planning, Analytics and Commercial. The University of Sydney Management Accounting and Reporting Guidelines 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. 3. CHART OF ACCOUNTS and MASTER ORGANISATION HIERARCHY. 3. MANAGEMENT REPORTS. 3. a. Management Reporting by Activity. 4. b. Activity Segmentation Reporting (ASR). 4. ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. 4. BUDGETS. 5. FORECASTS. 5. INTERNAL


For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in ...

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! SAFE WORK PROCEDURE & RISK ASSESSMENT. [doc id, eg. FoS RA-SWP-XX, V1.0] Page 1 of 10. Faculty/School Science /. School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Initial Issue Date: 29/04/2024. Next Review Date: 29/04/2025. RA/SWP Reference # Version: 1.0 Version Issue Date: 29/04/2024. RA SWP Title: Working with Hydrochloric acid. Prepared by Bright Amenkhienan. Responsible supervisor/s
