EAP TELUS Health - About

Employee Assistance Program. Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides you with immediate and confidential help for any work, health or life concern. We’re available anytime and anywhere. Your EAP is a confidential and voluntary support service that can help you take the first step toward change. Let us help you find solutions to the challenges you face at any age and stage of life. You and your immediate family members can access immediate and confidential support in a way that is most


FMH MSTR DCP Appendix 7 FMH academic supervisor model

Faculty of Medicine and Health academic supervisor model


UE PCC Governance Update June 2023

Key TakeawaysThe UE People and Culture Committee discussed several key items of business including theprogress on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Plan, the Disability InclusionAction Plan 2019 – 2024, the results from the Sydney Listens – Staff Engagement Survey andthe University’s 2022 Annual Report on Sexual Misconduct. The Committee analysed data on thecasual academic workforce profile and recruitment operations, and received updates from theScience in Australia


Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Special Study Program ...

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Special Study Program for 2025, Semesters 1 & 2. NB All dates are indicative and subject to change. Faculty Notice 1. 21 November2023. Early-stage notification of SSP, including release of informational material and timeline. Information sessions for applicants. 10am, Wednesday 6 December 2023. 10am, Wednesday 7 February 2024. 06/12/2023 Zoom link https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84596111153?from=addon. 07/02/2024 Zoom link https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/83616002056


NSW Health Respiratory Hygiene

5 STEPSto stop the spread of respiratory illnesses 1. Cover your mouth and nose with tissues when coughing, sneezing, blowing and/or wiping your nose. 2Dispose of tissues in the nearest waste bin after use. 3If no tissues are available, cough or sneeze into your inner elbow rather than your hand. 5Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol based handrub after coughing or sneezing into hands or tissues. 4You may be asked to put on a face mask to protect others. January 2019 NSW Health. SHPN


Sydney Health Education Professions Education Network PhD Completion Seminar

CRICOS 00026A. Sydney Health Professions Education Research Network Practice-based Workshopan interdisciplinary platform for researchers, educators and practitioners to hear about and discuss educational practice. WhenThursday 27 May 20211.00pm – 2.00pm AEST. WhereOnline via Zoom. Presenters from the School of Public Health:Dr Timothy SchlubChristiane KlinnerA/Prof Armando Teixerira-PintoDr Claire HookerDr James KiteDr Naomi Noguchi. AttendeesSydney Health Professions Education Research


Governance and Decision Making

The Governance and Decision-Making project. Policy.  The Policy stream has developed end-to-end processes for managing the University policy lifecycle.  Includes tools and templates to support roll-out and adoption of the lifecycle.  All policy documents have been reviewed and prioritised for update (where required). Committees.  The Committees stream has developed a consistent model for faculty-level committees, which has been endorsed by UE for further engagement.  Proposed


UE People & Culture Committee • The Committee met ...

UE People & Culture Committee • The Committee met on 20 June 2022. • The Committee is supported by Natalie Zawerucha (Senior Governance Officer). Strategic discussions. • Continuation of Disability Inclusion Action Plan: an update was received on the Disability Inclusion Action Plan, including the University’s inaugural participation in the Australian Network on Disability Access and Inclusion Index. UE PCC endorsed the extension of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan for one year to


New ARC Conflict of Interest FAQs 1. Who will ...

New ARC Conflict of Interest FAQs. 1. Who will determine material versus immaterial personal interests? When does a personal interest become an organisational interest? Universities and their researchers have ongoing responsibilities in relation to identifying, disclosing and managing risks related to their research and research collaborations, including when an interest may be of significance. The ARC’s expectation is that universities will undertake due diligence of researchers and research



1. On the Home Page Click ‘ Cash Claims’. 2. Write a description in the ‘Description’ field and press save. 3. In the Coding Wizard tab click on the appropriate Spend Wizard (EG ‘ Reimburse Airfare’). 5. Check the RC, Project and Analysis (where necessary) are correct. Add attachments using the Paperclip. Click Save. 4. Fill in the amount and description. Where necessary also fill in comments in the Comments tab. Click Save Finance Service Centre. Procurement Services Handy tip:


1 SHS Student Placements change plan – RCP feedback ...

1. SHS Student Placements change plan – RCP feedback The following approach was adopted for review and response to feedback. 1. Each email sender received an automated response ‘receipt’ to acknowledge their email and note that it will be responded to via the FCP. 2. Feedback to the FMH Placements review account was copied into a table, personal information, introductory text and unrelated comments were excluded. 3. Feedback was theme for review and consideration. 4. Decision making


Law Faculty Strategic Planning Retreat – 4 November 2013 ...

Law Faculty Strategic Planning Retreat – 4 November 2013 In our discussion of our expectations of research leaders in our Faculty, it was clear that academic staff – across the board – value Professors who are actively engaged in the full life of the faculty, not only as stellar researchers in their own right, but as mentors for others, as engaged teachers, and leaders in faculty administration. These were the agreed expectation of Professors (Level E):. 1. Professors should be research


SSP Minor Variation Form

SSP Minor Variation Form


ARC Linkage Project Industry Benefits

Partner with us tosolve yourbusiness challenges. The Australian ResearchCouncil's Linkage Projectsenable innovative national andinternational collaborationbetween academics, industryand community partners.Benefits• Leverage up to three timesyour cash contribution• R and D tax benefits• Direct research to answerindustry relevant problems• Develop links with outstandingresearch scholars• Promote your organisation asa thought leader• Train and recruit the beststudents• Access state-of


UE Education Committee • The Committee met on 10 ...

UE Education Committee • The Committee met on 10 October 2022. • The Committee is supported by Dr Stacy Oon (Senior Executive Governance Specialist). Strategic discussions. • Student Communication and Needs Analysis (SCANA) Tool: the UE Education Committee received an update from the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Life) on the Semester 1 2022 SCANA pilot. Results indicate that student participation in this initiative can strengthen academic performance. The Committee recommended the pilot


ASB RCP: Attachment F Bosch Financial Position 2018 & 2019

Anderson Stuart Bosch revised change proposal


Bree Morgan - Student Communication and Feedback

Student communication and feedbackBree Morgan, School of Geosciences . GEOS1001 Earth, Environment and Society, entry‐level for Environmental Studies, Geography, Geology & Geophysics, Agriculture, Environmental Science, Marine Science, and the life sciencesmore broadly. • 341 students, 7 tutors, 4 teaching staff• 31 overseas students (22 special cohort). Challenge #1: Building communityChallenge #2: Creating normality .



FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH. Updated 15 April 2024. Research equipment catalogue. MICROSCOPES & IMAGING. Equipment name: Location: IncuCyte SX5 G03 K25; S208, A15 Leica inverted DME phase microscope Level 4 C81 Leica inverted DMIL phase microscope Level 4 C81 LIDAR-ARTEC 3D specimen scanner F13 Nanolive 3D explorer and Ibidi Heating and Gas incubation Systems G03 K25 Nikon Eclipse TS 100 inverted phase microscope Level 4 C81 Nuance Multi- Spectral Imaging System Kolling Institute Olympus



CRICOS 00026A. The follow staff members have been nominated as project team members to represent their school or faculty in supporting the SWHB building operating model stream activities. Susan Wakil Health BuildingOperating Model Project Team. Name Faculty/school/teamLisa Carrick Faculty of Medicine and HealthDavid Fulton Central Clinical SchoolSarah Harkin Sydney Nursing SchoolTracy Guthrie School of Health Sciences. Susan Wakil Health Building Operating Model Project Team.


UE Education Committee • The Committee met on 1 ...

UE Education Committee • The Committee met on 1 August 2022. • The Committee is supported by Dr Stacy Oon (Senior Executive Governance Specialist). Strategic discussions. • HDR Student Experience: the Education Committee received a report from the Higher Degree Research (HDR) Scholarship Working Group and discussed recommendations to uplift the HDR student experience and better support HDR students to completion. Building on discussions at this Education Committee meeting and subsequent
