2023 Faculty of Science Research Funding Scheme For HDR Students

FACULTY OF SCIENCE. RESEARCH. FACULTY OF SCIENCE RESEARCH FUNDING SCHEME FOR HDR STUDENTS . Executive Summary This funding scheme provides a consistent and transparent funding model across the Faculty to support the research of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students in addition to the University Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS) funding provided to students.


E1 Conference Proceedings form

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS REPORTING PROFORMA Name of Author. Staff ID / Student ID. Faculty and School/Department. Year of Publication. Full Citation of Conference Paper. Was this item peer reviewed? Peer ReviewedNot Peer Reviewed / Display only record. Name of Conference. Date of Conference. Location of Conference. Publisher Name. Names of External Co-authors. Type of Record Sydney Research CollectionSydney Research Collection – Extended CollectionERA / EXT recordDisplay Only Record. Full



The University of Sydney Page 1. FAQs for Supervisors/Heads of. School. How long will I be given to prepare the confirmation report? As a Head of School you will have up to 3 months to prepare the confirmation report however if you are in the capacity of supervisor it is important to note that you need to allow the Head of School sufficient time to prepare their recommendation. We recommend submitting the confirmation report within 1.5 months. As a Head of School what do I need to do to prepare


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1 MyLab | MyLab Setup Reference Guide for v19.2 ...

1 MyLab | MyLab Setup Reference Guide for v19.2 | v1.1 | 27 July 2023. High Risk Chemicals Procurement Reference Guide _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This Reference Guide provides steps on how to:. • Identify if a chemical is classified as High Risk or Restricted in MyLab • Steps to complete the High Risk and


A guide to using our University PowerPoint template

The University of Sydney. Technical Support Services. (TSS) Workshops. Preliminary Consultation. Margaret Faedo. 20 June 2024. The University of Sydney. Background and. aspirations. The changes. being. considered. How you will. contribute to the. success of the. future. Before we begin. Please take note this session is being recorded. The University of Sydney. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and. communities – past, present, and emerging – of the. lands that the University of


corporate travel certificate of currency

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


Provost CAPEX Funding Guidelines

1. Provost’s Capital Equipment and Contingency Fund – Funding Rules and Guidelines. 1. Objective. The Provost’s Capital Equipment (CAPEX) and Contingency Fund is an annual funding program that supports total or partial cost of a capital equipment to advance research and education. 2. Funding. Funds are available to support requests for new or replacement equipment and maintenance and/or repair of existing equipment. 2. Eligibility Criteria. • All faculties and University schools are


PowerPoint Presentation

Business PartneringApplying Pivots to Partnering. Petrus Swemmer Finance Director – Infrastructure, Medicine and HealthThe University of Sydney. 11 October 2023. A story…. I was working as a finance business partner embedded in a marketing teamMy business partners kept pitching these amazing product ideasthat were also terrible business propositions. I would tell my team ….“our job is to get their vision onto the supermarket shelf”. ….but how? ….our job was to facilitate the


SLAM External Grant Application Award Guidelines Aug 2019

School of Art, Communication and English Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. SACE Research Grant Development & Support Guidelines 2024. The Research Grant Development & Support Fund supports research that advances high-. quality and high-impact research. This Fund covers the preparation of external research grant. applications (ARC and other competitive external research funding applications) to be. submitted in 2024 or early 2025. In addition, the Fund covers project start-ups and.


Appendix A Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board ...

Appendix A. Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board Minutes. Minutes of the Meeting of the Sydney Conservatorium University School Board. held on 28th November 2023, Recital Hall West. Present: Tom Westley, Sue Newsome, Dan Baykitch, Bree Van Ryk, Liza Lim, Catherine Peak, David Kim-Boyle,. James Kortum, David Larkin, Jadey O’Regan, Ivan Zavada, Toby Martin, Daniel Herscovitch, Stepanie. McCallum, Justin Ankus, Adrienne Sach, Thomas Fienberg, Thomas Wade, Neal Peres da Costa,


PowerPoint Presentation

Business PartneringPartnering in the Grey Zone. Petrus Swemmer Finance Director – Infrastructure, Medicine and HealthThe University of Sydney. 15 November 2023. As an accountant I am comfortable with black and white. Partnering however, often contains zones of grey / gray…. ….this ambiguity requires active management particularly in a low trust environment. Define typical grey zones for embedded partners What makes them challenging? What is the sweet spot we need to strive toward? When is


Marine transit

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


QRG - Courier Requests-Dock facing[84]

1. MyLab | Courier Requests- Dock facing v9.4 Reference Guide | v1.0 | 24th July 2023. This Reference Guide is used for Requesting Couriers through the MyLab Hub. The MyLab hub utilises two couriers – GT-EX and DGI. Step 1: Requester fills in the freight request form https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=fuOzgnGBXUixCzja5-0UqLzdqhcNriNJnJMs30W3CgBUM0FRSlhKSkUwM0dCSFBRMFhRVFA5UlNPMS4u If anything in the form is unclear, please contact your local MyLab Hub for extra assistance at:


A guide to using our University PowerPoint template

CR. ICO. S 0. 0026A. T. EQ. SA. PR. V12057. A platform for research. excellence. Design & Prototyping workshop’s. design,fabrication and installation of a bespoke. platform for "Hexapod" motion simulator. Caleb Gudu. Project and Design Engineer, TSS. The University of Sydney. Introduction. - The Design & Prototyping team is the home of bespoke fabrication for the Faculty of Science, supporting teaching and research. In one of its biggest projects, the workshop was involved in the custom


The University of Sydney AI in Education SACE Education ...

The University of Sydney. AI in Education. SACE Education Day, 14 Feb 2024Benjamin Miller (SACE / DVC-E). CR. ICO. S 00. 026A. T. EQSA. PR. V120. 57. The University of Sydney. Agenda- The Context for AI at Sydney. - TEQSA Principles and Propositions- Assessment principles at Sydney. - Akari reporting, the 'two-lane' approach. - AI Tools- Scite, ChatGPT, DALL-E / Midjourney, Cogniti. - Investigating Assessment in SACE- What challenges are there for understanding the impact of AI on assessment.


SCM ARC Grant Calendar 2023

SCM ARC Calendar as of April 2023


Committee Name Leadership Committee School MeetingSafety CommitteeISS Equity, Diversity ...

Committee Name. Leadership Committee. School MeetingSafety. CommitteeISS Equity, Diversity &. InclusionEducation Committee Staff/Student Liaison. Research Committee. Researcher Liaison. Chair Head of School Head of School Alex Yuen School Manager Associate Head (Education) Mark WhiteAssociate Head. (Research)Leo Corcilius. Committee Officer. Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Officer Executive Officer Education Support Officer Education Support OfficerResearch Administation.
