Submission To [insert Committee name] Date Item No [Secretariat ...

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. DECISION PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. (insert name and position). Paper title. (insert name



Centre Closure. Introduction: this form and checklist should be completed as a part of a Centre closure, in accordance with the Centres. Policy and Procedures 2023. Name of Centre:. Level:. Closure Details. Presiding Faculty/Supervising DVC:. Other Faculties/Schools involved in the Centre:. External entities associated with the Centre:.. Funding bodies associated with the Centre:. Director(s) of Centre:. Closure Date:. Has the website been closed: Yes No. If no, provide the anticipated closure


academic and business plan

Strategic and Operational Plan. Centre Name:. Centre Level:. Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines the mission, vision, and objectives of the Centre for the next five years. It describes your KPIs, how you will measure progress against KPI targets, and the major projects the Centre will undertake to achieve these targets. 1. Describe the purpose and key objectives of the Centre for the next five years including strategies and major projects to achieve them (1000 words). 2. Describe how


Faculty/School Initial Issue Date: Next Review Date: Comment by ...

Faculty/School. Initial Issue Date:. Next Review Date: Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: your initial review date should be 1-3 years after the issue date, depending on the overall risk rating of the tasks. RA/SWP Reference #. Version:. Version Issue Date:. RA SWP Title:. Prepared by. Responsible supervisor/s. Supervisor approval & signature. Description of the activity or process covered by this document. Location. Persons at risk. Persons at high risk Comment by Markus Hofer: e.g. those that



NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED. The use of artificial intelligence is prohibited in this assessment. This includes translation software, editing/paraphrasing software (e.g., Grammarly), and generative artificial intelligence (e.g., Chat GPT). No software may be used that: generates ideas, translates or summarises writing from other sources; or transforms your writing style. By marking this box you agree that you have used no form of artificial intelligence for this assessment task:. Name: __


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 12.00pm, Monday 27 NOVEMBER 2023. Room 2135 and Zoom. Present: Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair); Anthony Chmiel (AC, Executive Officer); Chris Coady (CC); Amanda Harris (AH); Benjamin Carey (BC); Toby Martin (TM); Stephanie McCallum (SM); Michael Duke (MD); Narelle Yeo (NY); Helen Mitchell (HM); Myfany Turpin (MT); Sally Chik (SC—Library); Julia Russoniello (JR —HDR Student Representative); Sarah Graham (Library Guest Speaker). Apologies


Proforma OA Publication Scheme

Sydney School of Veterinary Science. Proforma - Strategy to support journal publications costs for high impact journals. SSVS supports your Open Access publication in the top-quartile ranked journals (Scopus). Proforma must be submitted and approved prior to submitting the manuscript to the journal. 1. Name of the applicant. 2. Title of the manuscript. 3. Authors list (in the same order they will be placed in journal submission) placing SSVS staff in bold and underlining SSVS higher degree by


No use of AI tools

No use of AI tools. The use of automated writing tools and generative artificial intelligence is prohibited in this assessment. You are not allowed to use AI or any other software to create information or answers, to alter your own original writing, or to generate or modify text from other sources. This includes translation software, editing/paraphrasing software and other generative artificial intelligence tools. Unapproved use is considered a breach of the Academic Integrity Policy and may


July 16, 2024 Semester 2, 2024 FASS Unit Coordinators ...

July 16, 2024. Semester 2, 2024. FASS Unit Coordinators Implementation Guide for AI Policy in the Classroom:. 1.University Update: Semester 2, 2024 AI Policy – Coordinator Discretion: University policy in Semester 2, 2024, provides discretion to Unit Coordinators regarding student use of AI on assessments as outlined below:. Part 5 – Acceptable Practices: 16: Allowable assistance. A. Students must clearly acknowledge and reference all use of automated writing tools and generative artificial


Local WHS Induction Check List

LOCAL WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY (WHS) INDUCTION CHECK LIST. Local WHS Induction Check List. Introductory Notes. This check list should be used during induction of all new staff, research students, contractors and affiliates. Topics 1 & 2 should be addressed during the first day at work. The other topics must be addressed prior to engagement in related work – this is expected to be within the first week at work. Each check-box should be ticked-off and the induction signed by the new starter and


Proposal for a new micro-credential

EDUCATION PORTFOLIO. Proposal for a new microcredential. proposal for a new microcredential. Please contact the Lifelong Learning Program team within DVCE for support with this form. Email [email protected]. Version 0.1.4. part a: summary information. 1. Microcredential name.. 2. Managing faculty, University School or Centre. 3. Contact details Name:. Email:. Phone:. School/Dept/Discipline:. 4. Course description. Provide a concise course description that is meaningful to


Faculty/School Science / School of Life and Environmental Sciences ...

Faculty/School. Science /. School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Initial Issue Date:. Next Review Date: Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: your initial review date should be 1-3 years after the issue date, depending on the overall risk rating of the tasks. RA/SWP Reference # Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: this would be your lab internal reference number. Version:. Version Issue Date:. RA SWP Title:. Prepared by Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: this would be you. Responsible supervisor/s Comment


Self Sourced No SPA Letter to Students

Document Title (adjust in Document Properties). [insert date]. [insert student name and SID]. [insert student address]. Email: [insert student email]. Dear [name of student]. RE: Self Sourced Placement. The University is happy to confirm approval of your placement. The objective of the placement is to assist you to satisfy the practical education requirements of your degree at the University of Sydney and to provide you with exposure to, and training in, a practical working environment. 1.


NEW UoS Proposal Form 2024

ABCD1234. Title of unit (max 40 characters including spaces). Coordinator: Name. Teaching staff: (can be specific or general). Semester: specify here. Credit points: specify here. Campus. Macquarie St or Camperdown campus (or both) or online only (circle). Core Elective. 1000-level 2000-level 3000-level 4000-level. Introduction and Rationale for this unit of study: (Handbook entry). In this unit of study, students will. Learning Outcomes: (max 6 recommended). After successfully completing this


MDI Implementation Plan template

Level 4 Centre. Implementation. Planning. Introduction. As part of a more structured approach to implementation planning for Multidisciplinary Initiatives (MDIs), we ask that MDIs complete the table below to 1] facilitate discussions with the Office of Global and Research Engagement (OGRE) in the preceding year and 2] to include the plans in the annual reporting process such that members of the University Executive are able to see the connection of previous performance and current plans to


Provost CAPEX Funding Guidelines

Provost’s Capital Equipment and Contingency Fund – Funding Rules and Guidelines. 1. Objective. The Provost’s Capital Equipment (CAPEX) and Contingency Fund is an annual funding program that supports total or partial cost of a capital equipment to advance research and education. 2. Funding. Funds are available to support requests for new or replacement equipment and maintenance and/or repair of existing equipment. 2. Eligibility Criteria. All faculties and University schools are eligible



PROPOSAL TO NEGOTIATE AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT. For explanatory notes for completing this Proposal, see Appendix A. Note: As a quality assurance step, signed Proposals are recorded on Records Online so that prior to any renewal of an agreement, the outcomes of the agreement can be evaluated against the stated objectives and desired outcomes outlined in this Proposal. PARTNER INSTITUTION CONTACT DETAILS. 1. FULL NAME OF PROPOSED PARTNER INSTITUTION. 2. PARTNER FACULTY (if faculty-specific). 3.



Foreign Engagement and National Security – A Guide to key Australian Government Policies and Schemes. Foreign Relations Act / Foreign Arrangements Scheme. Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme. Foreign Interference Guidelines. Defence Trade Controls. Autonomous Sanctions. Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets. Critical Technologies List. Concerning. Public disclosure of activities. Risk reduction. Counter proliferation. Global security. Global security. Technology protection. Purpose.


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 12.00pm, Monday 4th March 2024. Room 2135 and Zoom. Present: Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair); Anthony Chmiel (AC, Executive Officer); Amanda Harris (AH); Benjamin Carey (BC); Michael Duke (MD); Stephanie McCallum (SM); Helen Mitchell (HM); Myfany Turpin (MT); Julia Russoniello (JR —HDR Student Representative). Guests: Paul Mac (PM); Jade Smith (Library Guest, in lieu of SC). Apologies: Chris Coady (CC); Thomas Fienberg (TF); Jakelin Troy


APO Checklist

2. The University of Sydney Law School. Academic Profiles Online (APO). Profile Checklist. Academic Profiles Online (APO) is the system used to create externally searchable webpages to profile the academic staff of the University. Academic profiles include information about individual academics, their grants, publications and other measures of achievement. Data for academic profiles is sourced from Research Portfolio (IRMA) and HR systems, and the webpage content is managed by the Law Research
