Students of concern - Intranet

accommodation. Temporary emergency accommodation is free for eligible students. complete the Student Wellbeing Care Report, or phone: 61 2 8627 8433. ... Students of Concern - where possible we recommend seeking consent for referrals; this will assist our team to engage the student in help seeking.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Intranet

The Learning Hub is exploring innovative new tools and software to support the academic development of students. ... Colleagues can refer students to the Learning Hub for one-on-one support, workshops and other resources to help build their academic writing and mathematics skills.

Student administration - Intranet

Student administration. Student Administration Services (SAS) are responsible for student administration from enrolment to graduation. ... Training support. The SAS Training team provides introductory Sydney Student training for all University staff and supports the professional development of SAS staff.


Coursework Policy 2021

feedback means information provided to students on the quality of their learning in relation to an assessment activity, which forms the basis of improved student learning. ... This process lets students monitor their progress and contributes to their academic results.

Sydney Conservatorium of Music - Intranet

Click here for more information. Note that a link for students to request card programming is available on the Canvas SCM Student Hub. ... The Learning Hub is exploring innovative new tools and software to support the academic development of students.

Diversity and inclusion - Intranet

Our commitment to creating a welcoming, safe and inclusive culture for all staff and students is outlined in our 2016–20 University of Sydney Strategic Plan. ... The day was founded in 2010 by two students from Sydney in response to the overwhelming percentages of bullying experienced by sex, sexuality and gender diverse youth.

Faculty of Science - Intranet

The Learning Hub is exploring innovative new tools and software to support the academic development of students. ... Colleagues can refer students to the Learning Hub for one-on-one support, workshops and other resources to help build their academic writing and mathematics skills.

Casual staff - Intranet

Note that this includes Higher Degree Research (HDR) students. Reflecting the criteria for HDR student exceptions in the system is very complex so in the short term this exception will be ... Casual professionals who are students at the University can now elect and change their ordinary hours of work in myHRonline.

Faculty of Engineering - Intranet

Many of these resources are provided free of charges to students and staff. ... The Educational Innovation team is working with teaching staff to support teaching and students.

Academic integrity - Intranet

This includes:. students doing their own work, even if they find the work challenging;. ... Provide clear information and advice to students about their responsibilities, relevant university policies and procedures.

HDR News - Intranet

Recognise that HDR students are an important student cohort, including as potential future researchers at our University, and make them feel supported and valued. ... short spotlight profiles about students and their fantastic research, e.g. if they’ve been featured somewhere.

Faculty of Medicine and Health - Intranet

The Learning Hub is exploring innovative new tools and software to support the academic development of students. ... Colleagues can refer students to the Learning Hub for one-on-one support, workshops and other resources to help build their academic writing and mathematics skills.

Awards and grants - Intranet

The Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) recognise teaching excellence and reward the diverse contributions made by individuals and teams to the quality of student learning. ... Awards for Teaching Excellence ('Teaching Awards') recognise Australia's most outstanding individuals or teams who have broadly improved student experiences and learning over a sustained period.

Information and Communications Technology - Intranet

The Learning Hub is exploring innovative new tools and software to support the academic development of students. ... Colleagues can refer students to the Learning Hub for one-on-one support, workshops and other resources to help build their academic writing and mathematics skills.

Finance - Intranet

The Learning Hub is exploring innovative new tools and software to support the academic development of students. ... Colleagues can refer students to the Learning Hub for one-on-one support, workshops and other resources to help build their academic writing and mathematics skills.

Sydney Law School - Intranet

The Learning Hub is exploring innovative new tools and software to support the academic development of students. ... Colleagues can refer students to the Learning Hub for one-on-one support, workshops and other resources to help build their academic writing and mathematics skills.


Working with Children Procedures - Students 2021

d) require students to notify Student Administration Services or SONIA, as applicable, of their:. ... Sydney Student means the University’s student administration system. Working with Children Procedures - Students 2021 Page 2 of 11.


Student Placement and Project Policy 2015

Student Placement and Projects Policy 2015 Page 12 of 20. 19 Communication with students prior to internships. ... 1) The HDR internship coordinator must inform students of the following before the student commences an internship:.

Supporting students with disability - Intranet

Some students may not need direct assistance from their teachers and to maintain as much privacy as possible, awareness of a student's disability or carer responsibilities occurs only when direct ... Provide students with useful advice and guidance. Understand that the first suggestion or recommendation you make may not be the right one for the student and the situation – it can be

Events - Intranet

This includes staff, affiliates, students, and visitors. Both policies are recorded on the Policy Register. ... The University Events Planning and Management Policy 2021 was formally adopted on 1 November 2021 and applies to University staff, students and affiliates, and all affiliated, associated and controlled entities.
