HDR student administration - Intranet

All students undertaking research off campus must lodge a request for counting time away in the central HDR student system. ... HDR students submit their travel requests via Concur. Where a HDR student is also a staff member they will have two Concur profiles created automatically and will need to select the

Regional impact series - Intranet

23 November 2023. For many students from regional and remote areas, coming to the University of Sydney is a big and expensive move, which is only possible with support from16 November

Improving the student experience: update on Vice-Chancellor’s Challenge - Intranet

is important for students’ improvement”. David Price said: “The course on feedback has encouraged me to evaluate how I engage with each student, particularly in the way I ask questions about ... feedback to students; increasing classroom engagement and assisting with assessment redesign as needed.

Committees - Intranet

Student Retention & Engagement Committee and Student Advisory Subcommittee. Remit merged into Student Life Committee. ... Work Health & Safety Committee. Established 2021. Student Life Committee. Established as an optional committee in 2021.

Applying for flexible work - Intranet

the benefits – to you, your team and students/stakeholders. Speak to your manager. ... What might my manager, team, stakeholders, clients, students or business unit be concerned about?

The Pride Network - Intranet

Facilitate intersectional and accessible environments for all LGBTQIA+ Students and Staff to thrive. ... Our Student Support Liaison Offers (SSLOs) are also happy to have a chat.

Sustainability Strategy - Intranet

Sustainability Strategy. The University’s Sustainability Strategy was endorsed by the Senate in July and launched in August 2020, following extensive consultation with staff and students during 2019. ... The strategy was informed by the expertise of and insights from a number of academics, staff and students who were involved in our steering committee, advisory group and focus area

Training EOI - Intranet

be a staff member, HDR student or Honours student in the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney. ... To qualify for 4WD sponsorship, applicants must:. be a staff member, or an HDR student in the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney.

Mental health month: staff and students share their journey - Intranet

If you are concerned for a student’s wellbeing, visit the students of concern page to determine the next best step. ... Specialist advice and support for students guide. Developed by Student Support Services, the Specialist advice and support for students guide is available to staff to assist students to access the right


University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule 2011

2.13 Students may be required to show good cause. (1) An Associate Dean may require a student to show good cause:. ... 2.15 Suspension of candidature. (1) Subject to the course resolutions and to any restrictions imposed on student visa holders by the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, a student

August - Intranet

Ahead of the National Student Safety Survey (6 September to 3 October) colleagues are encouraged to familiarise themselves with support services available to students. ... get involved to support access and inclusion for staff and students with disability.

June - Intranet

The Student Administration Services (SAS) Process Refinement project, part of the Sydney Operating Model Program, is now complete. ... The Fisher Library now uses WiFi 6 to provide faster access for students and staff using online services.

Protecting our students from scams - Intranet

Types of scams targeting students. Student safety and wellbeing is a top priority for the University. ... Student support. Find training and resources to identify and respond to students of concern..

Students learning remotely in China meet in person for special event - Intranet

Organised in collaboration between the Centre in China and the Student Experience Program, the event provided students with the unique opportunity to engage with industry leaders and meet and build connections ... Students reported coming away feeling inspired and excited about what their future holds.

First Aid - Intranet

be a staff member, HDR student or Honours student in the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney. ... First Aid. The Faculty of Science sponsors first aid training for staff, HDR and Honours students that are required to provide first aid to support Faculty of Science operations.

Science from Home - Intranet

20 April 2020. Between Zoom meetings and supporting HDR students Dr Sabrina Lomax, from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences, is trying out her green thumb. ... 1 May 2020. Zizi Ji, the Faculty Liaison Assistant (Science) in the Sydney Future Students team, is using some handy phone apps to help break up her day.

Find out what our students really think - Intranet

We regularly receive unsolicited emails of thanks from students when they receive these messages,” said Dr Bartimote-Aufflick. ... In Semester 2 2017, for Unit of Study Surveys completed by 31 December 2017, these student prizes are:.

Outstanding contributions to student learning - Intranet

The awards recognise and celebrate the impact of educators on student outcomes and are an outstanding testament to the innovative approaches taken to support and engage students with their learning,” said ... skills. “I am delighted to have received recognition for the Idea Factory, a multidisciplinary student learning framework we initiated in 2018.

Outbound student mobility policy opens travel doors for more students - Intranet

Outbound student mobility policy opens travel doors for more students. 15 February 2019. ... The University already has the largest student mobility program of any university in Australia, with one in three students undertaking a global mobility experience before they graduate.
