
Student Charter 2020

6 Definitions. 7 Student expectations of the University. 8 University expectations of students. ... Note: See clause 8 of the Learning and Teaching Policy. (d) welcome student participation in academic governance and create opportunities for students to share feedback;.

SCM Research Data Management - Intranet

It is particularly important for completing HDR students to register their research data. ... Faculty requirements for Research Data Management Plan. All HDR students and all researchers with SCM, University or external research grants are required to complete a Research Data Management Plan to help

December - Intranet

Universities have the power to create unique cultures of learning that allow students to thrive. ... In it’s second year running, Green Impact brought together 12 teams of staff and students from five campuses who worked together to complete 543 sustainable actions over six months.

May - Intranet

Congratulations to the Student Transition and Retention (STAR) team, who have received a Vice-Chancellor's award for an innovative support program that is keeping students engaged and enrolled at the ... The pharmacy dispensing lab has been transformed into a modern and interactive space that is preparing students for real-world pharmacy practice.

Geosciences Intranet - Intranet

As a student in the School of Geosciences you will learn how to analyse problems, work out solutions, and communicate these clearly to others.

April - Intranet

Highlights of upcoming funding schemes to support your research. New system introduced by the University's Library makes it easier for students to find and access their readings. ... With our new high-achieving student program named after her, and her medical service during the first World War tying in to Anzac Day this week, we discover more about Elsie

Work-integrated learning and placements - Intranet

Students self-select and complete the student section of the Incident Report Form via SONIA Online. ... Student Charter. Students on placements are expected to act in accordance with the University of Sydney Student Charter 2020.

September - Intranet

Our Centre in China and Student Experience Program have collaborated to launch a monthly newsletter in the University’s WeChat Mini Program, helping students studying remotely to feel a part of ... campus. The University of Sydney will participate in a small pilot program to bring some international students back to NSW in late 2021.

April - Intranet

During the migration, Sydney Student will be unavailable and some other related systems may experience intermittent outages. ... Zoom will be upgraded for all staff and students on Monday 12 April to enable enhanced functionality for breakout rooms.

February - Intranet

For staff, here are the most common questions new students may throw at you. ... planning, student administration, services, student IT, as well as key study and University dates.

New Staff Welcome - Intranet

Our graduate outcomes testify to the high quality of our students and their legal education and confirm that we continue to be one of the top places to study law globally.

April - Intranet

The University has a range of initiatives to support the wellbeing of students as they face new challenges during COVID-19. ... During Semester 1 we have been transitioning to online delivery of tests and exams, enabling students to stay safe while continuing their studies.

Governance committees - Intranet

Committees. Student Consultative Committee. Kate Calhau. Executive Assistant to the Chair of Academic Board & Administration Officer . ... Senate. The Senate is the governing body of the University. It includes appointed and elected representatives from across the University community, including staff, students and some external parties.

Understanding the online learning experience of students - Intranet

Professor Pip Pattison, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) also emphasised the opportunity to gain valuable insights from our students’ feedback. ... It has provided challenges to both staff and students while also leading to new and innovative ways of engaging students with their learning.

September - Intranet

Following the distribution of a survey last week to students about sexual harassment and safety on campus, Student Experience Coordinator and co-investigator Dr Sophia Barnes talks about the Creating a ... Staff and students turned out last week to show their support for Disability Awareness Week.

October - Intranet

Dr Clinton Moore is a Clinical Psychologist and Senior Counsellor in Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Student Support Services. ... The safety of our people, both staff and students, is important and we have an obligation to act in their best interests.

March - Intranet

Students are at the core of the University’s mission. Our results from the 2023 Student Experience Survey provide welcome feedback and offer an opportunity to help uplift the educational experience ... Acting Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Annamarie Jagose, wrote to all staff and students.

July - Intranet

Meet Lindsay McCabe, HDR Portfolio Officer and Sydney honours student who, for the past two years, has also helped new students through the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS). ... The Student Centre is the first stop for future and current students, to show them how to enrol in their chosen degree and navigate their way through University life.

HDR coursework, progression and milestones - Intranet

The Science HDR Hub Candidature Maintenance- Milestones, Progress Planning, Policy page also provides details for students. ... Current milestones will be listed in RECS both for the individual students and also in the Guides.

December - Intranet

Read how the program has improved the experience for students, staff and stakeholders during 2019. ... All staff, students and visitors can return to the campus with operations resuming as normal.
