November - Intranet

New student administration facilities will enhance the University's ability to respond to questions from prospective students. ... Find out how the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is engaging with international students online.

February - Intranet

staff and student experience at the University, and about a new funding opportunity open to all colleagues. ... Two Sydney staff have received citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in the federal government’s Australian Awards for University Teaching.

December - Intranet

Prospective students will soon be making their final decisions about where and what to study. ... Four focused themes will offer distinctive new opportunities for students in the areas of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

December - Intranet

All faculty phone calls and webforms from prospective students have now transitioned to the Future Student Contact Centre (FSCC). ... Former SRC president Eloise Howse compares her student and staff experiences at the University, and discusses Healthy Sydney University's goals.

Students recognise outstanding supervisors - Intranet

Ulku Yuksel, the Business School. Special award for outstanding support for student wellbeing:. ... The awards recognise excellence in higher degree research supervision as nominated and judged by research postgraduate students.

Responding to student feedback - Intranet

Student feedback is a really helpful way for unit of study teams to gain insight into students’ experiences of a unit, so we can ensure that future cohorts have the best ... Just to share a couple of examples: student feedback has resulted in changes to the timing of assessment tasks to reduce student stress and allow sufficient time for students to reflect

Recruitment - Intranet

Enabling our educators. Powering our researchers. Empowering our students. Creating tomorrow today is what our team does every day.

February - Intranet

The free service provides telephone and text support for enrolled students needing immediate relief from emotional distress. ... Following positive feedback from similar programs, the University will continue to fund PhD students to work on successful Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage project applications.

July - Intranet

Sign up for a University-wide event to watch how outstanding teachers engage their students in lectures. ... Healthy Sydney University funds three videos on health and wellbeing on campus, produced by a group of students.

Q fever and other zoonoses - Intranet

Sydney School of Veterinary Science. Guidance if an SSVS student is unable to be vaccinated. ... School of Life and Environmental Sciences . Guidance if a SOLES student is unable to be vaccinated.

May - Intranet

Here are some answers to common questions to help University staff guide students through their exams. ... As the University community marks National Reconciliation Week, we talk to Bianca Williams, Project Officer, Social Inclusion Unit, about her work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students under

August - Intranet

Sydney Student will be unavailable for staff and students from 9am on Friday 12 August to 10pm on Saturday 13 August. ... The new operating system is rolling out to student computers for Semester 2.

November - Intranet

The Student Administration Services (SAS) project team has been working this year on detailed analysis and planning arising from the project's 'conceptual operating model'. ... Nine students have celebrated their accomplishments in the two-year Inclusive Education Program at a special awards ceremony hosted by the Centre for Disability Studies, affiliated with Sydney Medical School.

Graduate qualities - Intranet

Each discipline will determine which units of study are relevant to encourage students to display the graduate qualities. ... the common University rubrics, which should be provided for units of study that are measuring students' attainment of the graduate qualities.

Support for students during the exam period - Intranet

Students can access examination timetables on the University website or through Sydney Student. ... If students require an official printed results notice, they must contact the Student Centre.

July - Intranet

Find out what the student panel said about their experiences with online learning. ... The Education Portfolio hosted the 'Teaching well and supporting students during COVID-19 symposium' to share lessons from Semester 1 and help inform approaches for Semester 2.

August - Intranet

The University’s flagship student recruitment event has been reimagined in line with physical distancing requirements during COVID-19. ... Track and Connect is an early intervention program to support and retain first-year undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students.

March - Intranet

We welcomed 850 parents of first-year students to the Great Hall last week, providing information to support them during their children's transition to university. ... The importance of technology for teaching and support is a fact of life in most disciplines and is absolutely key for engaging large cohorts of students," says Professor Adam Bridgeman, Associate

June - Intranet

Sydney researchers receive five NSW Health Translational Research Grants. Sydney Student will be unavailable for staff and students from 3pm, Friday 30 June until 10pm, Saturday 1 July. ... Special Considerations will be unavailable for students from 1pm, Friday 30 June until 10pm, Saturday 1 July.
