2002 – 100 word summary

Requests for piano tuning, piano lid removals and piano relocations. Procedures and guidelines for the booking and scheduling of venue piano tuning, piano lid removals and venue piano relocations at SCM from March 2016. Venue and ensemble room piano inventory and locations chart. Venue booking. If you require a tuning specifically for a recital or recording, your event must first be booked with [email protected]. SCM Venue Piano Tuning and Booking Form. After your venue booking has



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Monday 24 April 2023, 1.30pm - 3.00pm. Online via Zoom:. Attendees: Prof. Matthew Hindson (Chair), Prof. Jennifer Rowley, Dr. Daniel Blinkhorn, Dr. Rachel Campbell, Assoc. Prof. Jeanell Carrigan, Assoc. Prof. Chris Coady, Dr. Rowena Cowley, Assoc. Prof. Charles Fairchild, Dr. Vladimir Gorbach, Mr David Howie, Dr. Kevin Hunt, Dr. Catherine Ingram, Prof. Liza Lim, Dr. Lulu Liu, Dr. Toby Martin, Ms. Kirsty McCahon, Assoc. Prof.


Teaching Staff Support Guide We all have a shared ...

Teaching Staff Support Guide. We all have a shared responsibility to engage with Indigenous cultures and knowledges, and issues of race, when designing learning experiences. This guide is designed to support staff within the School of Social and Political Sciences in the development of new curricula and the redevelopment of existing curricula to achieve this vision. Teaching staff are encouraged to interrogate assumptions and broaden the intellectual vision within their curricula to include a


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

GROUP NAME ARIAL SIZE 11 ALL CAPS. Document Title (adjust in Document Properties). Document Title (adjust in Document Properties). Document Type. Author's name, ROLE, DEPARTMENT. 1 February 2010. 2010/sequence number. Author's name 1 February 2010 Page 2.


The University of Sydney

Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A.. The University of Sydney. Review of [Insert change initiative title]. [Date]. Written by:. Date:.


Faculty/School Initial Issue Date: Next Review Date: Comment by ...

Faculty/School. Initial Issue Date:. Next Review Date: Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: your initial review date should be 1-3 years after the issue date, depending on the overall risk rating of the tasks. RA/SWP Reference #. Version:. Version Issue Date:. RA SWP Title:. Prepared by. Responsible supervisor/s. Supervisor approval & signature. Description of the activity or process covered by this document. Location. Persons at risk. Persons at high risk Comment by Markus Hofer: e.g. those that


Executive Summary

Gate 1 Concept Paper. Version 2 – April 2023. Project Name. [Project Name]. Project Sponsor. [Sponsor]. Document Author. [Author of the paper]. Version Number. [xxx]. Version Date. DD MMM YYYY. Mandatory Reviewers. Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Professor Annamarie Jagose. Vice Principal Operations. Stephen Phillips. VP Strategy. David Scott. DVC-Education. Professor Joanne Wright. DVC-Research. Professor Emma Johnston. Finance. Wayne Andrews. Central Operations Services. Susan Turner.



Your Name. Mobile number. Email address. Name and title. Qualifications, Fellowships and Awards. Qualification. Institution. Date Completed Qualification. Institution. Date Completed. Brief Career Overview (including general skills highlight). Concise and easy to read overview of these skills. Research. Very brief overview of research track record and future research including collaborative projects. Research interest listing in bullet points. Grant Funding History. Have you submitted grant


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. BRIEFING PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor. (insert name and position) Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. Paper title. (insert name


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. BRIEFING PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor. (insert name and position) Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. Paper title. (insert name


Ask Me Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions. Here are the answers to some of the commonly asked questions students may ask at the start of semester. Where can I find? Maps are available on the Orientation website for each event venue or on the University website for general campus information. Where do I catch buses? Bus stops are located along City Road and Parramatta Road. They are marked with small blue bus icons on the campus maps. You can also use the Transport Info site to plan your trip. Is there a bank



Centre Closure. Introduction: this form and checklist should be completed as a part of a Centre closure, in accordance with the Centres. Policy and Procedures 2023. Name of Centre:. Level:. Closure Details. Presiding Faculty/Supervising DVC:. Other Faculties/Schools involved in the Centre:. External entities associated with the Centre:.. Funding bodies associated with the Centre:. Director(s) of Centre:. Closure Date:. Has the website been closed: Yes No. If no, provide the anticipated closure


Workstation Self Assessment Check List

SAFE WORK PROCEDURE. SAFE WORK PROCEDURE. Use this form to document Safe Work Procedures for hazardous activities and processes. The information in your Safe Work Procedure (SWP) should be supported by a risk assessment. Faculty/School:. Sydney School of Veterinary Science; Faculty of Science. Initial Issue Date: 5/6/20. Next Review Date: 1/9/21. SWP Reference Number:. Version:3. Version Issue Date:23/4/21. SWP Title:. Procedures for the use of the ambulatory cars by DVM4 students at their


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. Strategic Review of SCHOOL OPERATIONS. 1. Purpose. On behalf of the Dean and Faculty General Manager, the strategic review of school operations will assess the current operating model, key accountabilities, and strategic focus and whether they are aligned with the strategic goals of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and the University. The review will prepare a written report that makes recommendations, including global best practice and


Meeting attendee list - mono

GROUP NAME ARIAL SIZE 11 ALL CAPS. Document Title (adjust in Document Properties). Meeting name. Time day date year YYYY/##. attendence. Members:. Name. Position. Apology. attendees:. Name. Position. Apology. Signed:. Name:. Quorum = #. Author's name 27 June 2014 Page 2.


academic and business plan

Strategic and Operational Plan. Centre Name:. Centre Level:. Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines the mission, vision, and objectives of the Centre for the next five years. It describes your KPIs, how you will measure progress against KPI targets, and the major projects the Centre will undertake to achieve these targets. 1. Describe the purpose and key objectives of the Centre for the next five years including strategies and major projects to achieve them (1000 words). 2. Describe how


Work experience induction checklist for managers

HR SERVICE CENTRE. work experience induction checklist for managers. This checklist is designed as a guide, to assist you in getting your work experience student up and running. If you have any questions, please contact your faculty/unit HR Service Centre Officer or HR Advisor. It should be used in conjunction with local area information. Name of Student:. Faculty/School/Admin unit:. Name of workplace supervisor:. Workplace Supervisor ph:. Start Date:. End Date:. School/institution teacher


Lab Volunteer Info Statement

School of Psychology Faculty of Science. ABN 15 211 513 464. XXXXXX Lab. VOLUNTEER INFORMATION STATEMENT. (1) Welcome. Welcome to the lab and thank you for offering to help us out! We hope you will enjoy working with our lab. (2) Who is part of the Lab? The XXXXXX Lab is made up of XXX Sydney University academics, NAMES, research assistants: NAMES and volunteer research assistants. (3) What does being a volunteer research assistant involve? EDIT AS NECESSARY. As a volunteer, we would like you


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. DECISION PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. (insert name and position). Paper title. (insert name


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. DECISION PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. (insert name and position). Paper title. (insert name
