What is a role-based account?

Role-based email accounts can be requested for staff positions or departments to facilitate the sharing of an Exchange mailbox or present a branded email presence - e.g., ict.support@sydney.edu.au

The primary reason for a role-based account is to send emails from a specific email address and replies to be stored in a single place to be monitored and actioned by a small number of people.

What is the eNotebook?

The eNotebook is a web-based notebook for seamlessly managing research notes, documentation, images, and any other data. It is a comprehensive and adaptable tool that enables you maximise the impact of your research, maintain integrity, and follow best practice in research data management. It can be used for qualitative and quantitative research in any discipline.

How to provide access using the DAP Access Management Portal

Access to Academic Plan information will depend on your Disability Academic Plan responsibilities.  Some people will require access to all the Academic Plan information for a faculty or school. Some will only require access to the Academic Plan information for a specific unit of study.

See below for short videos and instructions on how to provide access using the DAP Access management portal.



DAP access rights


DAP role type

Grant/remove Faculty Administrator access

Grant/remove unit viewer access

View Academic Plans for all students in the Faculty/School

View Academic Plans for students in one or more units

Unit Administrator

(e.g., unit of study coordinator)






Faulty/School Administrator

(e.g., Academic Plan Champion, Faculty Disability Liaison Officer (FDLO), Education Support, Education Innovation Officer, Student Support Officer, Appeals Officer, Educational Designer, Program Director, Senior Manager, Associate Dean, Placement Coordinator, Honours Coordinator)





Unit Viewer

Which Units of Study have remote access to the student computers in G04 Wilkinson Building?

Students enrolled in the Units of Study offered by the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning can remotely access the Windows OS on computers in G04 Wilkinson Building student computer labs.

How students can remotely access computers in on-campus student computer labs.

Below is the list of Units of Study that can use this remote access capability.

Provisioning remote access to campus student computer labs

This KB article is for teaching staff looking to provide their unit of study with access to software.

As part of ongoing work to support class for COVID-19, the ICT Client Technology team has been piloting various methods to leverage out fleet of desktops for remote learning.

How to request access to the Disability Academic Plans Portal

There are two ways to request access to the Disability Academic Plans Portal.

Note: Unit of Study Coordinators will automatically have access to the Disability Academic Plan portal.
