Resources for Finding Funding Opportunities

The University offers researchers a variety of tools and resources to assist with funding research funding opportunities for any discipline. Start your search by exploring the resources within this article. 

Confidentiality Agreement (self-service)

The Confidentiality Agreement (self-service) is an auto-generation of a simple, fair contract for the exchange of low-risk confidential information (excluding research data) with one other organization for a nominated purpose.

This article explains the workflow and integration of ServiceNow and DocuSign. 

What is Dimensions?

This knowledge article gives you a brief introduction of Dimensions (Analytics version)

How to manage your requests

It is essential that communications, updates, files are kept within the existent requests. This article describes how a Case or other requests can be correctly updated avoiding duplication or delays in the request resolution. 

Important Notes: Updates will be automatically ingested to existent requests when using the options below. Initiating a new email to or adding it to the CC field will create new Cases and they will need to be manually linked to existent requests causing breaks in the linearity of request resolution and potential duplication.  

How to access support for Dimensions

This knowledge article gives a brief explanation on how to submit a Dimensions related request for assistance via a ServiceNow webform. Your request will be directed to the Research Support team.

Templates - Publication records

There are a number of templates available that may be useful in various scenarios involving publication records and the documentation required for them.   

These include:  

Criteria for Traditional Publication Types: A1 – Books

The Sydney Research Collection (SRC) comprises information on all research published by staff, students, and honorary associates.

For the purposes of this collection the University will apply the ERA definition of Research.

Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings.

All research publications that meet the eligibility criteria are collected in IRMA.

The 4 main publication types for traditional research outputs are:

How to use the history function in the Project Budgeting Tool

Version 2.01 of the Project Budgeting Tool has a new functionality of recording the history of changes to the budget file. 

This article will explain how to use this function and details of each component. 

How to Reload My Budget List Using the Project Budgeting Tool

You would reload your budget list to see the updated list of projects you are involved in, both offline and online. 

Note:Citrix UniConnect users will be automatically prompted to "Reload My Budget List" upon opening the Project Budgeting Tool. 

Criteria for Traditional Publication Types: E1 – Conference Proceedings

The Sydney Research Collection (SRC) comprises information on all research published by staff, students, and honorary associates.

For the purposes of this collection the University will apply the ERA definition of Research.

Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings.

All research publications that meet the eligibility criteria are collected in IRMA.

The 4 main publication types for traditional research outputs are:

The Defence Industry Security Program

This article aims to inform researchers who are interested in working with the Defence Science and Technology Group and the Defence industry, as to the additional security requirements for collaborations and internal/external links for more information.

CW3 Recorded and rendered – Other recorded or rendered works NTROs

Definition of Recorded and Rendered – Other recorded or rendered works; what you need to submit when reporting your Other recorded or rendered works NTROs for the annual Sydney Research Collection and ERA; tips and tools to help you with reporting your research outputs in the form of Other recorded or rendered works.

Funding Submission Record Overview

The Funding Submission (FS) Record is a single record to track the lifecycle of the application from intention to apply through to post-award support, greatly reducing the duplication of effort by providing project information upfront which follows the record end-to-end.

Affiliation and Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs)

To ensure your NTRO will be eligible for inclusion in the annual Sydney Research Collection and in the University’s ERA submission, include your University of Sydney affiliation on your output or associated documentation.
