Submit a decision in myResearch Ethics (DVC-E endorsements)

This guide explains how to submit a decision in myResearch Ethics for DVC-E endorsements, which are required for ethics applications seeking to use student data. 

If you are the nominated DVC-E reviewer/approver, you will receive an email when a decision is assigned to you.

  • DVC-E reviewers: a decision is assigned when an ethics application is proposing to use student data. Your decision is to 'Recommend' or 'Not Recommend' access to the student data. This recommendation is sent to the DVC-E approver.
  • DVC-E approvers: a decision is assigned once the DVC-E reviewer has made their recommendation. Your decision is to 'Approve' or 'Not Approve' access to the student data.   

Submit a decision in myResearch Ethics (faculty/facility approvers)

This guide explains how faculty and facility approvers can submit a decision in myResearch Ethics.

If you are a nominated approver for ethics applications, you will receive an email when a decision is assigned to you.

  • Faculty approvers: a decision is assigned when the Chief Investigator is affiliated with your area. You must approve the application before it can proceed to ethics review.
  • Facility approvers: a decision is assigned when a project has indicated use of your facility. You must approve the application before ethics approval can be granted. 

Modify your display in myResearch Ethics

This guide explains how to modify your display by customising your columns, sorting and filtering the various sections in the myResearch Ethics system

Note: you cannot customise your landing page; only the sections accessed via the navigation task bar at the top of screen.

Submit a milestone (progress and final report or proviso) in myResearch Ethics

  • This guide explains how staff and higher degree research (HDR) students can submit a milestone in myResearch Ethics.
  • Progress reports, final reports and provisos are set up as 'Milestones' which are due at certain timepoints.
  • Any person with edit access may draft a report, however only the Chief Investigator can submit.  If you are not the Chief Investigator, you must contact them to complete the task.
  • If the milestone is returned to you for more information, the status will change to Revision.  Follow these instructions to edit and resubmit the milestone.

Submit a review via myResearch Ethics (committee members)

This article explains how to submit a standard review in myResearch Ethics.

A standard review is a review of an adverse event or milestone, or a chair review of a resubmitted application/amendment outside of a meeting. It is a simplified review form which does not allow other reviewers to see your comments on the system.

Submit an ethics application in myResearch Ethics

This guide explains how to submit a new ethics application in myResearch Ethics.

If you need to:

Log in to myResearch Ethics

This guide explains how University staff, affiliates and higher degree research (HDR) students can log in to the myResearch Ethics system.

University staff, affiliates and HDR students will have an account automatically set up. Other students (e.g. Honours) need to complete the access request form to gain access. 

Project Budgeting Tool Installation and Uninstallation Guide(PC & Mac)

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to install and access the Project Budgeting Tool for both Windows and Mac users. If you are a Windows user, installing via local machine is recommended, but you may use either method. For Mac users, please refer solely to the “Installation via Citrix” section. If you are looking to uninstall the Project Budgeting Tool (PBT), then please skip to the section titled “Local Machine Uninstallation”.

Submit an amendment to an approved application in myResearch Ethics

This guide explains how staff, higher degree research (HDR) students and external applicants can submit a new amendment to an approved application in myResearch Ethics.

Any person with edit access to an application  may draft an amendment, however only the Chief Investigator can submit.  If you are not the Chief Investigator, you must contact them to complete the task. 

You will not be able to create a new amendment if there is already an amendment or response submitted or under review.

What is the process to obtain IP at USYD?

The Commercialisation Office assists and provides support to University of Sydney staff, affiliates and students in all matters related to creation, protection and commercialisation of intellectual property (IP) at the University. This articles outlines the general steps to obtain IP at the University.

What is IP commercialisation?

This article outlines what is intellectual property (IP) commercialisation, purpose of IP commercialisation, and how the Commercialisation Office can assist and guide you through the IP commercialisation process.  

Human ethics application process

This article provides an overview of the human ethics application process at the University of Sydney. It is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare and complete an application, and what to expect after submission.

Retention periods for research data

Research data must be retained for a minimum period as set out by the State Records Act (NSW) 1998 General retention and disposal authority: higher and further education and research (GA47).
