Who has delegated authority in the research domain?

The University of Sydney Delegations of Authority Rule 2020 authorises the holders of identified positions to make final decisions, or take actions, on the University’s behalf in relation to specified activities. You can read more about the Delegations of Authority, including frequently asked questions, on the Strategy & Governance Section of the University intranet page.

What are the differences between REDCap and Qualtrics?

Both REDCap and Qualtrics are available to researchers to use to deliver surveys to research participants. However, these two platforms have different strengths and weaknesses. Here is a comparison that may help you decide which platform better suits your needs.

Who owns IP that are created at the University?

Ownership of intellectual property (IP) created at the University (whether by staff, students, honorary title holders or visitors) is detailed in the University's Intellectual Property Policy 2016. This articles provides a general summary of how IP created at the University are owned. 

How to Submit a Notice of Intent

A Notice of Intent is a one-page form and the first step in applying for a grant or fellowship. It notifies research support staff of your intentions and they ensure that you are kept informed of targeted grant development support and events. This helps make your application as competitive as possible. 

Research Funding Approval (RFA) Workflow – Researcher Article

This article provides a detailed guide for researchers applying for grants in the Pre-Award phase, specifically designed for the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FMH) pilot.

What is "copyright", "moral rights" and "circuit layout rights"?

Copyright, moral rights and circuit layout rights are classified as automatic intellectual property (IP) rights, meaning they are automatically conferred provided that certain eligibility criteria are met. This article further describes each of the aforementioned rights and their distinction from one another.

How do I handle or manage an embargo?

This article explains what embargo entails, its purpose, allowable activities under embargo, and the University’s protocols in managing an embargo.

How to action financial milestone notifications?

This article outlines how financial milestone notifications are actioned through the research invoicing automation process.

Human ethics application process

This article provides an overview of the human ethics application process at the University of Sydney. It is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare and complete an application, and what to expect after submission.

ERA Peer Review Requirements

For the purposes of the Sydney Research Collection and Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) submission, peer review involves assessment of the entire publication – not an abstract or extract – before publication. This must be done by qualified experts who are independent of the author.

How can I get access to Research Profiles Management (RPM)?

This article outlines the steps to take in order to gain access to Research Profiles Management (RPM) to update and/or modify a range of information that is listed on Academic Profile Online (APO).

Overview of Modern Slavery in Research

This article aims to inform researchers and support staff on their role and responsibility in identifying and addressing risks that are in our direct control relating to our obligations under the Modern Slavery 2018 Act (Cwth).

How to request an application review or eligibility check for a scheme

The Pre-award and Pipeline Submission team has been using ServiceNow to manage application reviews. This has many benefits including increased visibility on review progress for researchers, improved document tracking, and better workload management to enable faster response times. 

All communication regarding the application will be conducted through ServiceNow. Once you have submitted a request for a review and created a ticket, please continue to reply to/update that ticket rather than create a new one.

Please follow the below steps to request a review of your application through the Services Portal.

REDCap External User Two Factor Authentication

Two factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security to our REDCap system. Sydney University users, and Australian Access Federation (AAF) users already have 2FA enabled via their institutional login, our non-institutional users will have to setup and use either Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator.

Please make sure you setup either Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator as the "email" option will be turned off in the future.

How do I defer or suspend a grant?

This article outlines the procedures that you need to follow to defer or suspend your grant.

Note: It is critical that you notify the research office of your intention to defer or suspend your grant ahead of the suspension or deferral effective date as it takes several weeks for the funder to review and approve deferral and suspension requests.

Public availability of Non-traditional research outputs (NTROs)

Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs) that are reported for the annual Sydney Research Collection and periodic ERA submission must have been made available to the public. You need to provide evidence of the year in which your NTRO was published or otherwise made available to the public.

What is "confidential information" and "trade secrets"?

Confidential information is the overarching term for information that needs to be kept secret, this include trade secrets which are a more specialised form of commercially valuable information. This article further describe what constitutes as confidential information and trade secrets.
