INDEX Page 1 Background Page 2 Requirements for academic ...

INDEX Page 1 Background Page 2 Requirements for academic staff Page 2 Pre-census indicators and communications Page 3 Early feedback tasks (EFT) Page 4 SRES Page 5 Student appointment bookings and interaction record Page 6 Support for academic staff Page 7 Continuous improvement and feedback. Background How did the Support for Students Policy come about? The University has developed a new Support for Student Policy 2023 in response to the. Higher Education Support Amendment (response to the


A guide to using our University PowerPoint template

Welcome and information to support your University journey. For teaching staff – how to use this pack. This slide pack is designed to help you share housekeeping details with students as well as information to support their ongoing wellbeing and University journey. Slides can be used at the beginning of the semester to kick off classes as well as during semester to reiterate important information that students will receive through regular University communications. Refer to the Notes section


Applicant FAQ's

ACADEMIC PROMOTIONS UNIT Applicant FAQ’s. Pg. 1. Applicant FAQ’s. 1. Eligibility. 2. 2. Mentorship. 2. 3. Recommended Browsers. 3. 4. Cutting and pasting content into the application. 3. 5. Word Counts. 3. 6. Faculties and Schools. 3. 7. HoS/Nominee Report. 3. 8. Additional members. 3. 9. Referees. 4. 10. CV. 5. 11. Teaching. 5. 12. Research. 5. 13. Can I track my application post submission? 5. 14. Assessor Reports (Levels D & E applications only). 5. 15. Promotion Committees. 6. 16.



FAULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. SSP to be taken in 2025 Frequently Asked Questions. 1. I have applied for an international fellowship. How do I build this into my SSP application? And what do I do if, as at the date of SSP application submission, I don’t have the outcome of the fellowship? Please provide details about fellowships or other awards that will be part of the proposed SSP in 1, 3 of the Supporting Statement. Be sure to indicate how it will benefit you and enhance your


AIG Visitors Travel Insurance Policy Schedule 2021

Accident & Health. Corporate Travel Insurance Lifeline Plus Policy Schedule. AIG Australia Limited ABN 93 004 727 753 AFSL 381686. Copyright 2021. Corporate Travel Lifeline Plus Policy Schedule. July 2021 Page 2 of. Deductible:. 6(a) Total Liability $2,500,000. 6(b) Unscheduled Flights $1,000,000. 6(d) Personal Liability $10,000,000. 6(e) Loss of Deposits and Additional Expenses $100,000. Business Equipment: $250. Any Claim (including Business Equipment): Nil. In respect of personal or



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 29 April 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: Zoom - https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84881979550?from=addon. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Daniel Blinkhorn, Jeanell Carrigan, Sally Chik, Alex Chilvers, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Helen Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Daniel Rojas, Scott Ryan,


Responding to Targeted Questions All staff applying for positions ...

Responding to Targeted Questions All staff applying for positions at Sydney answer two standard targeted questions as part of the recruitment process. This is also applicable to applicants applying for positions internally and externally. The questions are based on skills and motivations relevant to the position. This document outlines the 2 targeted questions and will provide some tips on how each question can be approached. Targeted Question 1 Describe how your skills and experience will meet


FASS Special Studies Program (SSP) Information Session Presented by ...

FASS Special Studies Program (SSP) Information Session. Presented by. Prof Kalervo Gulson, Associate Dean - Research. February 2024. The University of Sydney. Page ‹#›. 1. Purpose of SSP. SSP is a benefit that may be offered to eligible staff when circumstances permit. It is not an entitlement. SSP is designed to assist research and teaching academics to balance both activities and genuinely require a period of time to allow them to focus on research. An SSP must be intended and designed to


Faculty of Medicine and Health HDR NEWSLETTERIssue: 41June 2024 ...

Faculty of Medicine and Health. HDR NEWSLETTERIssue: 41June 2024. Welcome to the FMH HDR Newsletter - bringing you the latest in HDR workshops, announcements, resources. to help strengthen your research practice, spotlights on leaders in the field, feel-good stories and much. more! We hope that you will take advantage of all the University has on offer in order to enrich your HDR. experience. In this edition:. HDR Announcements | FMH HDR Conference - EOI open until 7 JuneHDR Stories | Meet



FACULTY OF SCIENCE LEADERSHIP GROUP BULLETIN MARCH 2024 The Faculty Leadership Group (FLG) held its first mee ngs for the year on 13 March. It brings together, the Deans Execu ve Commitee, Work, Health & Safety Commitee, Indigenous Strategy & Services and Equity Diversity and Inclusion (ISSEDI) Commitee and Faculty Board. The FLG will meet again on 8 May 2024. Dean’s Execu ve Commitee The Dean emphasised the University wide priority of improving the student experience and encouraged members


Evolve Strategy Portfolio - Appendix 4 PDs Project Services

Job Profile Setup Date: 1 October 2020. Page 1 of 4. POSITION DESCRIPTION JOB PROFILE TITLE Advisor, Business Analysis JOB PROFILE ID P_15112023 JOB CATEGORY Professional JOB FAMILY Business Analysis COMPENSATION GRADE TBD (guide HEO 7-8) MANAGEMENT LEVEL 19 Individual Contributor JOB PROFILE SUMMARY. Primary Function of the role The Advisor, Business Analysis Practice supports the Business Analysis capability as part of the Project Services Function. They support project owners and project


Academic Promotions - Applicant Guidelines 2023

Academic Promotions 2024 Applicant Guidelines. The Guidelines for Applicants should be read in conjunction with the Academic Promotions Policy, Academic Promotions Procedures, External Interests Policy 2010 and the University’s Code of Conduct. Contents. Application Enquiries. 2. Closing dates. 2. Lodgment requirements. 2. Promotion application overview. 3. Section I: Prior to submission. 8. 1. Eligibility. 8. 2. Seeking advice. 8. 3. Two-level promotion. 8. Section II: Preparing and writing


myResearch Ethics glossary

Document Subject (adjust in Document Properties)


Bring your Status. Leave the quo.Have your team check ...

Bring your Status. Leave the quo.Have your team check in to more rewarding rewards. If you (or any of your team) are Gold or Platinum on a non-partner airline, we’ll match your Velocity Status to Pilot Gold for 3 months, so you can keep your status, and leave the quo. That’s benefits that are anything but business as usual, including:. Fly Ahead. Get home sooner with Fly Ahead. when travelling with Virgin Australia on. an Economy Flex or Business fare4. Priority Service. Breeze through with


Progress Evaluation Meeting (PEM) Manual Faculty of Medicine and ...

Progress Evaluation Meeting (PEM) Manual. Faculty of Medicine and Health. February 2024. PEM Manual. Progress Evaluation Meeting (PEM) Manual – last amended February 2024 Faculty of Medicine and Health. 2. Contents. Table of Contents. Introduction. 3. Organisation of the Progress Evaluation Meeting (PEM). 4. The Progress Evaluation Panel Discussions. 5. Overview. 5. What candidates must provide for the PEM. 5. Overall Format of the PEM. 6. Key Interactions with RECS and Notifications. 6.



FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. SPECIAL STUDIES PROGRAM (SSP) SUPPORTING STATEMENT. Name:. Position / Level:. School:. Year of PhD award:. Part I of this form requests information that establishes whether your application is eligible according to the criteria specified in section 11 of the SSP Policy. Part II of this form requests information that will assist the SSP Committee with ranking applications in accordance with the criteria specified in section 12 of the SSP Policy. Part I. 1.


Privacy considerations Taking photos and video that include staff ...

Privacy considerations Taking photos and video that include staff and student political opinions in lectures. Archives and Records Management Services. March 2022. 1 Taking photos and video that include staff and student political opinions in lectures. Contents The University encourages freedom of speech but protects the privacy of its staff and students. 2. It’s important to balance freedom of speech with privacy protections. 2 Photographs of people are personal information. 3. Taking


GRADUATE STUDIES COMMITTEE AB Graduate Studies Committee [Approved: 5 ...

GRADUATE STUDIES COMMITTEE. AB Graduate Studies Committee [Approved: 5 March 2024] Page | 1. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE AB GRADUATE STUDIES COMMITTEE. PURPOSE The Graduate Studies Committee assists the Academic Board in ensuring the maintenance of the highest standards and quality in teaching, learning, research training and scholarship at the University of Sydney. It advises the Academic Board about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to postgraduate study at the University. It


Sydney Operating Model Program Forum 5 July 2018

The University of Sydney Page 1. EA 330Candidate Briefing Pack. November 2023. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and communities – past, present, and emerging – of the lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand on. For thousands of years they have shared and exchanged knowledges across innumerable generations for the benefit of all. The University of Sydney. Before we begin. Please keep your video on. Please stay on mute during the presentation. Please take note of the


Program Details The Positioning for Promotion program has been ...

Program Details The Positioning for Promotion program has been designed specifically for Level C women to assist you in progressing your career to more senior roles and recognition. The program uses the promotion process as a powerful scaffolding tool to encourage a strong focus on how women are positioning their roles and outcomes for career success. The program is designed to encourage you to think about your career and goals, providing a safe but stimulating place for you to think about how
