facsimile template

Application Special Studies Program (SSP). (Academic Staff). Instructions for the Applicant. 1. Please ensure that you read the Special Study Programs Policy and Procedures before completing your application. If youhave any queries contact the HR Service Centre or SCM Research Manager. 2. Please carefully complete Parts 1 to 7 of the application form including all items in the Checklist. 3. Forward the application to SCM's Research Manager. PART 1: Employee details. Employee ID:. Surname:. Title



INCLUSION AND DISABILITY SERVICES FACULTY FACT SHEET. Updated July 2023. Faculty of Science Sydney School of Veterinary Science. This Fact Sheet provides information regarding the implementation of reasonable adjustments for students registered with Inclusion and Disability Services and enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program within the School of Veterinary Science. Also attached are the Inherent Requirements for Veterinary Medicine. Please review both documents carefully



ATTACHMENT 4. RESPONSE TO FEEDBACK ON DRAFT PROPOSAL. Comment/ Question Response Resulting changes. 1. Nicola Buster position is 0.4FTE not 0.2FTE as listed on the organisational chart. Thank you for your feedback. Org charts have been revised to correct FTE anomalies and to include all aged care positions, positions in recruitment, and those closely connected with the allied health program. 2. In the change proposal, one of the rationales for the change is gross workload capacity. However,


Capital program glossary

CAPITAL PROGRAM GLOSSARY VERSION 1.1 - 14 NOVEMBER 2023. Capital Program Glossary. Term Definition. Account (in PeopleSoft) The Chart of Accounts (CoA) string of CC/RC/PC/AC used to identify items in a Ledger. Asset Asset means a thing that can produce future benefit. An asset is a complete item, not a component. Asset register Means a management system used to record capitalised assets, expensed equipment, and other asset information. Asset recognition criteria Asset recognition criteria: In


Peoplesoft Quick Reference Guide

Peoplesoft Quick Reference Guide


For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in ...

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! Version Issue Date: 2023-0 -1 1. HIGH RISK and RESTRICTED CHEMICALS RISK. ASSESSMENT & APPROVAL. This form is required as an attachment to any MyLab purchase involving a High Risk or Restricted chemical. Restricted, prohibited and High Risk chemicals (as described in Section 7.3 of the University Chemical Safety Standards) require additional safety documentation prior to use. This


Procedures Template and Instructions

Procedures Template and Instructions


Staff Health and Wellbeing Program 2023-2026

Staff Health & Wellbeing. Program 2023-2026. Health & Safety PSU | VP Operations. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and. communities – past, present, and emerging – of the. lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand. on. For thousands of years they have shared and. exchanged knowledges across innumerable. generations for the benefit of all. Acknowledgement of Country. I'm proud that "a better place to work, and a place that works better" is a key. aspiration of our Sydney


Procedures Template and Instructions

Procedures Template and Instructions


Spend Analysis – Travel Expense User Guide Created October ...

Spend Analysis – Travel Expense User Guide. Created October 2019 Updated September 2023. Spend Analysis – Travel Expense User Guide September 2023. Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP) Page 1 of 9 The University of Sydney. Power BI – Spend Analysis – Travel Expense User Guide. This suite of reports is designed to assist staff in managing and reviewing all travel expenditure. The availability of these reports follow the introduction of the University’s travel policy,


SCM EdCom Agenda 20.05.2024

SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 29 April 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: Zoom - https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84881979550?from=addon. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Daniel Blinkhorn, Jeanell Carrigan, Sally Chik, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Helen Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Daniel Rojas, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach,


Academic Request & Impact Assessment (ARIA) Form

FACULTY OF SCIENCE. Using the Academic Request & Impact Assessment (ARIA) Form. The Academic Request and Impact Assessment (ARIA) form should be completed when. staff or students are planning to use University farms or remote sites. The objective of the attached form is to understand the different activities that ocur on our farms and remote sites, enabling us to plan for and provide appropriate support. If your use of the farms or remote sites is for education and commercial use, this. form


Student Insights Report: Student diversity User Guide Created July ...

Student Insights Report: Student diversity User Guide. Created July 2020 Updated September 2023. Student diversity September 2023. Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP) Page 1 of 8 The University of Sydney. Table of Contents. Power BI apps. 2. Getting the app. 2. Finding your way around. 3. Home page. 3. Report page overview. 4. Page filtering functionality. 5. Visuals functionality. 6. Table functionality. 7. Exporting data. 8. Student diversity September 2023. Advanced


Student Insights Report: Student and courses User Guide Created ...

Student Insights Report: Student and courses User Guide. Created July 2020 Updated September 2023. Student and courses September 2023. Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP) Page 1 of 9 The University of Sydney. Table of Contents. Power BI apps. 2. Getting the app. 2. Finding your way around. 3. Home page. 3. Navigation page / site map. 4. Report page overview. 5. Page filtering functionality. 6. Visuals functionality. 7. Table functionality. 8. Exporting data. 9. Student and


For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in ...

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! Version Issue Date: 2023-05-12 1. HIGH RISK and RESTRICTED CHEMICALS RISK. ASSESSMENT & APPROVAL. This form is required as an attachment to any MyLab purchase involving a High Risk or Restricted chemical. A separate form is required for each High Risk chemical.Restricted, prohibited and High Risk chemicals (as described in Section 7.3 of the University Chemical Safety Standards)


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 12.00pm, Monday 4th March 2024. Room 2135 and Zoom. Present: Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair); Anthony Chmiel (AC, Executive Officer); Amanda Harris (AH); Benjamin Carey (BC); Michael Duke (MD); Stephanie McCallum (SM); Helen Mitchell (HM); Myfany Turpin (MT); Julia Russoniello (JR —HDR Student Representative). Guests: Paul Mac (PM); Jade Smith (Library Guest, in lieu of SC). Apologies: Chris Coady (CC); Thomas Fienberg (TF); Jakelin Troy


MACLAURIN HALL FACT SHEET The MacLaurin Hall is one ...

MACLAURIN HALL FACT SHEET. The MacLaurin Hall is one of Sydney University’s grandest and oldest venues. Situated on the fourth floor of the Quadrangle Building, it is in the heart of the Campus and gives any. event an air of grace and style second to none. Capacities and Furniture. EVENT TYPE. CAPACITYY Dinner/Reception – Without dance floor. Dinner/Reception – With dance floor Theatre Style Cocktail Style. 300 250320 280. For exhibitions the Hall offers 565 m2. There are a total of 8


Power BI Visualisation Standards

Power BI Visualisation Standards Documentation. Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). 5 September 2023. Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP) Page 1 of 14. Table of Contents 1. Overview and Purpose. 2. 2. Document Version Control. 2. 3. Power BI Visual Standards. 2. 3.1 Global Settings. 3. 3.2 Page Layout. 4. 3.2.1 Global page layout. 4. 3.2.2 Home page layout. 4. 3.2.3 Report page layout. 5. 3.2.4 Theme colours. 6. 3.2.5 Slicers. 6. 3.3 Visualisations. 8.


(a) death;(b) attempted suicide or self-harm, or imminent risk ...

a) death;(b) attempted suicide or self-harm, or imminent risk of suicide or self-harm;(c) serious injury or life-threatening illness;(d) drug, alcohol or psychoactive substance overdose;(e) reports of an alleged indictable offence, including physical. or sexual violence;(f) Scams (personal, financial and other). (g) a missing student;(h) significant mental-ill health issues threatening the safety of self or others;(i) witnessing a serious incident;(j) natural disasters;(k) event of cultural


FACULTY OF SCIENCE Grant Wri�ng Navigator – Building External ...

FACULTY OF SCIENCE. Grant Wri ng Navigator – Building External Partnerships for Grant Success. 1. Having the right mindset and approach. It’s not like applying for a grant where you are pitching for research funding. The fact is, this is not about you and how you can get money. It is about the partner, what their needs are and how well you align with the industry problem and the partner. 2. Finding an external partner. Regardless of where you are in your career, make yourself visible. Be
