PowerPoint Presentation

2020. Singapore AirlinesCorporate Staff Benefits. Bundle. Enjoy your next vacation with Singapore Airlines. Offers on flight & seat selection. KrisShop Discounts. Kris+ Signup Bonus. PelagoDiscounts. Campaign Overview. FLIGHT BENEFITS. 1. With corporate-exclusive discounts for our air fares to their next holiday. destination, your travellers can focus on what matters: planning ahead for. their vacation from any of our online stations. 2. Your travellers can enjoy up to 5% off applicable


academic and business plan

Strategic and Operational Plan. Centre Name:. Centre Level:. Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines the mission, vision, and objectives of the Centre for the next five years. It describes your KPIs, how you will measure progress against KPI targets, and the major projects the Centre will undertake to achieve these targets. 1. Describe the purpose and key objectives of the Centre for the next five years including strategies and major projects to achieve them (1000 words). 2. Describe how


PowerPoint Presentation

The University of Sydney Page 1. Online Teaching Allocation (OTA) support. What? Where/How? Request access to OTA or. incorrect role assigned. Refer to Faculty User Administrator. (OTA). Technical issue with OTARaise ticket in Service Portal or email. HR service centre. About OTA. OTA Training. How do I perform a task in OTA? Online teaching allocation - Intranet. Service Portal OTA Knowledge. Articles. Hands on guidance. Raise ticket in Service Portal or email. HR service centre. OTA Intranet


HDR Student Research Funding - MARCH 2024 Monday

Funding by Supervisor for 31st March 2024The below list details the HDR load as of 31st March 2024 with each Lead Supervisor and how much each Lead Supervisor should expect toreceive as funding support for their students. Please note, this does not include:• the Computer Allowance provided to all newly commencing students• overtime, suspended, not currently enrolled students, withdrawn, and•



CONVERSION TO EDUCATION FOCUSED ROLE. This template should be used in any circumstances where an academic staff member and their supervisor are required to demonstrate the staff member’s eligibility for an education focused role. Staff member’s name:. Staff ID:. Academic Level:. Faculty/School:. Supervisor name:. Name of relevant delegated authority:. Period of conversion:. Ongoing/ Fixed-term for XX years. Date:. To confirm the relevant delegated authority, please refer to Clause 6.29.2.


Sydney School of Veterinary Science Travel Funds for Academics ...

Sydney School of Veterinary Science. Travel Funds for Academics. Application for travel in 2024. Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. sydney.edu.au. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. Department Division or Faculty Rm No, Building Name No Suburb NSW 0000 Australia. t 61 2 9000 0000 F 61 2 9000 0000 E [email protected]. sydney.edu.au. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. Funding


Marine transit

Further Information Should you have any queries, please contact us on the details set out at the top of the page. Important notes • Aon does not guarantee that the insurance outlined in this Certificate will continue to remain in force for the period referred to as. the Policy may be cancelled or altered by either party to the contract, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Policy and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). • Aon accepts no responsibility or liability to advise


Face to Face meetings with the Research Education Support ...

Face to Face meetings with the Research Education Support Team. The Research Education team would like to advise that we will be available for in-person enquiries at the following locations:. • Central Sydney (Patyegarang) Precinct: Quadrangle & Susan Wakil Health Building inCamperdown, and Concord Clinical School. • Western Sydney (Baludarri) Precinct: Block K, CASB Westmead & Nepean Clinical School,Nepean. • Northern Sydney (Arabanoo) Precinct: Kolling Building, Royal North Shore


Digital Roadmap Approach Faculty/Portfolio Preparation Information and Communication TechnologySarah ...

Digital Roadmap Approach. Faculty/Portfolio Preparation. Information and Communication TechnologySarah Zenon - Associate Director, Digital Strategy. Approaching Digital Sydney with a tailored methodologyA Digital Sydney strategy spans the University ecosystem reflecting the vision, needs and priorities of each of the Faculties, Schools, Research Centres and Portfolios (referred to as ‘areas’). The digital roadmaps that inform Digital Sydney will allow us to examine, map and document the


Centre review self evaluation report

Review of Centre. Self-Evaluation Report. Introduction. This template should be used for review of level 2-4 centres with reference to the Centres Policy and Centres Procedures. It should be provided, with any attachments, to the Review Panel to aid their review of the Centre. 1. Centre information. Name of Centre:. Level:. Presiding Faculty/Supervising DVC:. Date of establishment/last approval:. Approval expiry date:. Type of review: 5-Year Other (please specify):. Name of Centre’s Director(s


Library Report for SCM Research Committee – 4th March ...

Library Report for SCM Research Committee – 4th March 2024 Jade Smith, reporting on behalf of Sally Chik. - Read and Publish - Following on from Sally and Sarah's presentation to the committee last year, the Library has increased its support for open access publishing with 26 Read and Publish agreements this year. In addition to agreements through CAUL, the Library has four agreements that have been licensed independently. In 2024 University staff and Higher Degree by Research Students


Special Studies Program (SSP) Post-leave Report Form

FAULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. Special Studies Program (SSP) Post-leave Report Form. This form should be completed within one month of return to regular duties. It should be submitted to your Head of School, who will provide written comments and forward it to [email protected] for consideration by the SSP Committee. Name:. Department or Centre:. School:. Semester:. Year of SSP:. 1. Referring to the projects you listed in the SSP Supporting Statement you submitted along with your SSP


PowerPoint Presentation

Key Takeaways. UE EC discussed how to continue moving the University forward on assessment reform to address risks and opportunities from the use of generative AI. UE EC recognised the contributions of the faculty and central teams in the Support for Students Policy initiative which identifies and offers support services to at-risk students. UE endorsed a proposal to establish a new governance forum, the International Student Advisory Group, which has a focus on improving the student experience


Terms of reference - mono

GROUP NAME ARIAL SIZE 11 ALL CAPS. Document Title (adjust in Document Properties). terms of reference. Committee. [Name of advisory committee]. Purpose. The purpose of the [name of Advisory Committee] is to provide advice, support, and direction for the [name of the Centre] to ensure [objectives to be met]. Examples:. to serve as a source of independent advice to the Centre’s leadership team regarding strategy and external engagement. to increase two-way engagement with the research


Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) Artw ork: Tra de ...

Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP). Artw. ork:. Tra. de C. onne. ctio. n Ar. tist:. D. ebra. Bea. le. Developing high potential Indigenous leadersAGSM @ UNSW Business School. The Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) was created by the Elevate RAP Working Group1, supported by Reconciliation Australia in 2016. The objective of the program is to cultivate the next generation of future, senior Indigenous business leaders who will have an influential role in shaping the future not


Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) Artw ork: Tra de ...

Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP). Artw. ork:. Tra. de C. onne. ctio. n Ar. tist:. D. ebra. Bea. le. Developing high potential Indigenous leadersAGSM @ UNSW Business School. 2 | EILP AGSM Short Courses 2024. 1. Please read and complete the application from Pages 3-7. 2. Forward your completed application to your manager to endorse and complete Page 8. Your application cannot be accepted without your manager/sponsors endorsement. 3. If you have any questions in relation to the program


Red book specialist advice and support for students 2024 final

Red book specialist advice and support for students 2024 final


Centres review panel report

Review Panel Report. Introduction. This template should be used with reference to the Centres Policy and Centres Procedures 2023. 1. Executive summary. Type of review: 5-Year Other (please specify):. Executive Summary (500 words).. 2. Review panel’s overall recommendation (select one). The Centre should continue unchanged. The Centre should continue with the changes recommended in Section (3). The Centre should be reclassified. The Centre should be closed. Other (please specify). 3.


PowerPoint Presentation

The University of Sydney Page 1. CASUAL ACADEMIC WORK ALLOCATION. Online Teaching Allocation (OTA) support. What? Where/How? About OTA. OTA roles, responsibilities. and resources. Online teaching allocation -. Intranet site. Request access to OTA or. incorrect role assigned. Refer to Faculty User Administrator. (OTA). Technical issue with OTARaise ticket in Service Portal or email. HR service centre. OTA training e.g. how do I perform a task in OTA? Refer to OTA roles and. resources section in.


Centre review self evaluation report

Review of Centre. Self-Evaluation Report. Introduction. This template should be used for review of level 2-4 centres with reference to the Centres Policy and Centres Procedures. It should be provided, with any attachments, to the Review Panel to aid their review of the Centre. 1. Centre information. Name of Centre:. Level:. Presiding Faculty/Supervising DVC:. Date of establishment/last approval:. Approval expiry date:. Type of review: 5-Year Other (please specify):. Name of Centre’s Director(s
