
Instructions. Instruction. Use the calculator to identify which teaching activities will be bought out by putting in the timetabled hours. Do this by completing the relevant columns from A to H, inclusive. The calculator will automatically provide the equivalent hours for the academic load. Please provide additional information in the box to indicate if a fixed-term or casual acadmics will undertake your teaching. calculator. Academic name? Grant Name? Grant Code. PC? to be completed by Finance.



Sheet1. Item or Task. Units (e.g. hours). Cost. On-costs. Total. Justification/Notes. Research Assistant (RA) at HEO Level 5 Step 1, loaded rate. Mr. James Smith. RA Sub-total. $2,685.04. Mr. James Smith is available for this time period, and has agreed to this casual contract if this application is successful. -- Literature review. 30. 57.08. 1.176. $2,013.78. You should include a clear justification here for the literature review cost. -- Recording. 10. 57.08. 1.176. $671.26. This rate is


FBT Event

FBT Event. Version last updated: March 2024. NOTE. Once your budget is fully reconciled, send it to your Accounts contact, who will use the Accounting Section to adjust your Projected Staff/Guest split to your Actual Staff/Guest split, ensuring that FBT is reported correctly. STEPS. 1. Use the "BUDGET" section to plan your Event. 2. If an item category is not available - use "Other". 3. Enter anticipated audience numbers to determine FBT budget cost. EVENT NAME - BUDGET. 4. Use the "ACTUAL"



ClassExtract11062024. University of Sydney BALANCE SHEET Classifications. As at June 2024 (Active Classifications only). CLASS_MGTREPT. ALLACCOUNTS. BALSHEET. Balance Sheet (BALSHEET). ASSETS. Assets (ASSETS). CURRENT_ASSETS. Current Assets (CURRENT_ASSETS). CASH. Cash (CASH). 0025. Expense Advance (0025). Active. 0027. Imprest Account (0027). Active. 0028. AAIA lonian Cash Advance (0028). Active. BANK. Bank (BANK). 0050. Main Bank Account (0050). Active. 0051. Bank Account CS (0051). Active.


Staff FTE - University

Staff FTE - University. Staff(FT/FFT & Casual) FTE by Classification, Function and Teaching Faculty. as at 31/3/2023. Source: Advanced Analytics, Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). Classification. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Total. Academic. Vice-Chancellor & President. 1.0. 1.0. Deputy Vice-Chancellor. 4.0. 4.0. Professor(Level E). 2.4. 91.6. 550.0. 45.2. 689.2. Associate Professor(Level D). 14.3. 52.1. 442.1. 6.0. 514.5. Senior Lecturer(Level C). 48.3. 158.3.


SAS Communications Schedule 2024

sas-comms-schedule-2024. 2024 SAS student communications schedule. Thursday, June 27, 2024. Target audience. Date. End date. Communication. Key message(s). Process area. Event. Domestic /international. Course cohort. Segment. Session. SRL (if Sydney Student). Notes. Monday, November 27, 2023. Friday, February 16, 2024. Student financial statement available. Student Financial Statement now available Log in to Sydney Student to view statement. Fees. Enrolment task completed. Domestic. All.



RCextract30Jun2024. Responsibility Centres as at 30 June 2024. Responsibility Centres. Responsibility Centre Description. RC Status. Segment Reporting Type. Segment Reporting Sub-type. A0000_TOTAL_UNSYD. 50000_DVC_PROVOST. DVC & Provost (50000_DVC_PROVOST). 50100_PROV. DVC & Provost Exc Faculties (50100_PROV). 51000_PROV_OFF. Office of the DVC & Provost (51000_PROV_OFF). 51100_PROV_OFF. Office of the DVC & Provost (51100_PROV_OFF). 51110_PROV_OFF. Office of the DVC & Provost (51110_PROV_OFF).


Staff FTE - University

Staff FTE - University. Staff(FT/FFT & Casual) FTE by Classification & Appointment Term. as at 31/3/2023. Source: Advanced Analytics Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). Faculty/Administrative Portfolio. Academic. General. Total. Continuing. Fixed Term. Casual. Continuing. Fixed Term. Casual. Faculties. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 377.8. 120.9. 199.1. 116.4. 30.9. 43.5. 888.6. Faculty of Engineering. 136.0. 198.5. 100.6. 93.0. 70.7. 30.1. 628.8. Faculty of Medicine and Health. 450.9. 738


Staff FTE - University

Staff FTE - University. Staff(FT/FFT & Casual) FTE by Function & Gender. as at 31/3/2023. Source: Advanced Analytics Planning and Enterprise Data (AAP). Faculty/Admin Portfolio. Female. Male. Unspecified. Total. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Teaching Only. Research Only. Teaching & Research. Support. Faculties. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 97.0. 31.1. 217.3. 152.4. 61.7. 18.2. 207.4. 95.2. 880.2.



Detail. Revenue and Expenses Class Structure (Detail). as at 1 June 2024. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Category. Class Description. Posting Classes. Budget Classes. Project Code. Revenue. Revenue. All. Student Fees. 3199. Teaching. Commonwealth Support Places (CSP). Teaching. Commonwealth Grants - CGS. 2096. Teaching. Cwth Grant Scheme(2004). 2004. Teaching. CGS Disbursement(2042). 2042. Teaching. HECS. 2095. Teaching. HECS HELP Upfront(2201). 2201. Teaching. HECS Help Deferred (2203). 2203. Teaching.


UniBuy Category to Classification Code Translation

Translation. UniBuy Category (Commodity) to Classification Code Translation (as at 07 February 2024). Use this table to find either the classfication code or the category (commodity). CATEGORY NAME (IN UNIBUY). CLASSIFICATION CODE (IN UNIBUY). Commodity ID. Category (Commodity) Name Commodity Name is an International Classification of Goods and Services. Partitioned Commodity Code. Class Code (Account). Classification Description A Record name used to sort, store and summarize a company's
