Wellbeing Break SeptemberOctober 2024 Email Signature

Wellbeing Break Signatures – 30 September- 4 October 2024. Wellbeing Break Link:. Please add the below text note above the image in your signature:. Accessibility note: The below image has alt. text enabled and links to. Option 1:. Option 2:. Option 3:. Option 4:. Option 5:. How to temporarily add a Wellbeing E-signature to your emails. 1. Open a new email. 2. Click the ‘insert’ tab at the top, and then the ‘Signature button’, and select the drop down field option ‘Signatures…’.


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

thema. course quality review. COMBINED DEGREE COVERSHEET.. REVIEWING COMBINED DEGREES. Where a home faculty is reviewing a combined degree and one or both of the degrees have already been reviewed, only the student experience elements of the combined degree need to be reviewed. This coversheet provides guidance on the metrics which should be considered. Please note, there is no requirement to provide further recommendations unless necessitated by the data specific to students of the combined


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. Submission To. xx Committee. Date. [Date of meeting]. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential (please delete ONE). Reviewer/Approver. (insert name and position) Comment by Philippa Ryan: Please complete with the details of the person under whose authority this is being submitted to the Committee (committee member or chair). Paper title.


Terms of reference - mono

GROUP NAME ARIAL SIZE 11 ALL CAPS. Document Title (adjust in Document Properties). terms of reference. Committee. [Name of advisory committee]. Purpose. The purpose of the [name of Advisory Committee] is to provide advice, support, and direction for the [name of the Centre] to ensure [objectives to be met]. Examples:. to serve as a source of independent advice to the Centre’s leadership team regarding strategy and external engagement. to increase two-way engagement with the research


NTRO research statement form

RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. Research Statement for Non-Traditional Research Output. Author(s): __________________________________________________________ Today’s Date: __ / __ / __. Title of work: ________________________________________________________________________________. This should be approximately 200-250 words in total (2000 characters) and can be revised later if required for ERA. In structuring your statement as a coherent narrative, please follow the prompts for each


ARC Assist Appln Form

School of Art, Communication and English. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. SACE Mobility and Engagement Fund 2024 Application form. SACE Mobility and Engagement Fund 2024. Submit this application form and supporting documents to SACE Research Support, [email protected], by 31 March 2024. For full details of this scheme, see the SACE Mobility and Engagement Fund Guidelines. 1. APPLICANT. Applicant Name. Discipline. Academic Level (level/step, FTE%). 2. PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS (if


Centre review self evaluation report

Review of Centre. Self-Evaluation Report. Introduction. This template should be used for review of level 2-4 centres with reference to the Centres Policy and Centres Procedures. It should be provided, with any attachments, to the Review Panel to aid their review of the Centre. 1. Centre information. Name of Centre:. Level:. Presiding Faculty/Supervising DVC:. Date of establishment/last approval:. Approval expiry date:. Type of review: 5-Year Other (please specify):. Name of Centre’s Director(s


PEMs FAQs · Who should I turn to for ...

PEMs FAQs. Who should I turn to for advice about the PEMs? Responsibility for the PEMs is shared between the HDR Portfolio Manager for FASS (in HDRAC2), Clare Woodley ([email protected]), and me ([email protected]). Clare oversees the PEMs and issues most of the messages, including notices requesting the completion of annual reports and advising about the PEMs schedule. My role is to form PEM panels for new students (consisting of a Chair, usually senior staff, and panel member),



FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. SPECIAL STUDIES PROGRAM (SSP) SUPPORTING STATEMENT. Name:. Position / Level:. School:. Year of PhD award:. Part I of this form requests information that establishes whether your application is eligible according to the criteria specified in section 11 of the SSP Policy. Part II of this form requests information that will assist the SSP Committee with ranking applications in accordance with the criteria specified in section 12 of the SSP Policy. Part I. 1.


Centres review panel report

Review Panel Report. Introduction. This template should be used with reference to the Centres Policy and Centres Procedures 2023. 1. Executive summary. Type of review: 5-Year Other (please specify):. Executive Summary (500 words).. 2. Review panel’s overall recommendation (select one). The Centre should continue unchanged. The Centre should continue with the changes recommended in Section (3). The Centre should be reclassified. The Centre should be closed. Other (please specify). 3.


Submission To [insert Committee name] Date Item No [Secretariat ...

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. BRIEFING PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor. (insert name and position) Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. Paper title. (insert name


Submission To [insert Committee name] Date Item No [Secretariat ...

Submission To. [insert Committee name]. Date. Item No. [Secretariat use only]. Resolution No. [Secretariat use only]. Confidential. DECISION PAPER. Submission To. <<Committee Name>>. Date. <<Meeting Date>>. Item No. [UGO use only]. Confidential OR Non-Confidential <<delete one>>. Executive Sponsor Comment by Stacy Oon: For papers submitted to University Executive or Senate meetings, this sponsor must be a member of the University Executive. (insert name and position). Paper title. (insert name



Centre Closure. Introduction: this form and checklist should be completed as a part of a Centre closure, in accordance with the Centres. Policy and Procedures 2023. Name of Centre:. Level:. Closure Details. Presiding Faculty/Supervising DVC:. Other Faculties/Schools involved in the Centre:. External entities associated with the Centre:.. Funding bodies associated with the Centre:. Director(s) of Centre:. Closure Date:. Has the website been closed: Yes No. If no, provide the anticipated closure


academic and business plan

Strategic and Operational Plan. Centre Name:. Centre Level:. Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines the mission, vision, and objectives of the Centre for the next five years. It describes your KPIs, how you will measure progress against KPI targets, and the major projects the Centre will undertake to achieve these targets. 1. Describe the purpose and key objectives of the Centre for the next five years including strategies and major projects to achieve them (1000 words). 2. Describe how


Faculty/School Initial Issue Date: Next Review Date: Comment by ...

Faculty/School. Initial Issue Date:. Next Review Date: Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: your initial review date should be 1-3 years after the issue date, depending on the overall risk rating of the tasks. RA/SWP Reference #. Version:. Version Issue Date:. RA SWP Title:. Prepared by. Responsible supervisor/s. Supervisor approval & signature. Description of the activity or process covered by this document. Location. Persons at risk. Persons at high risk Comment by Markus Hofer: e.g. those that


Meeting minutes - mono

SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. SCM RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 12.00pm, Monday 27 NOVEMBER 2023. Room 2135 and Zoom. Present: Neal Peres Da Costa (NPDC—ADR, chair); Anthony Chmiel (AC, Executive Officer); Chris Coady (CC); Amanda Harris (AH); Benjamin Carey (BC); Toby Martin (TM); Stephanie McCallum (SM); Michael Duke (MD); Narelle Yeo (NY); Helen Mitchell (HM); Myfany Turpin (MT); Sally Chik (SC—Library); Julia Russoniello (JR —HDR Student Representative); Sarah Graham (Library Guest Speaker). Apologies


Faculty/School Science / School of Life and Environmental Sciences ...

Faculty/School. Science /. School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Initial Issue Date:. Next Review Date: Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: your initial review date should be 1-3 years after the issue date, depending on the overall risk rating of the tasks. RA/SWP Reference # Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: this would be your lab internal reference number. Version:. Version Issue Date:. RA SWP Title:. Prepared by Comment by Markus Hofer: NOTE: this would be you. Responsible supervisor/s Comment


Provost CAPEX Funding Guidelines

Provost’s Capital Equipment and Contingency Fund – Funding Rules and Guidelines. 1. Objective. The Provost’s Capital Equipment (CAPEX) and Contingency Fund is an annual funding program that supports total or partial cost of a capital equipment to advance research and education. 2. Funding. Funds are available to support requests for new or replacement equipment and maintenance and/or repair of existing equipment. 2. Eligibility Criteria. All faculties and University schools are eligible


NEW UoS Proposal Form 2024

ABCD1234. Title of unit (max 40 characters including spaces). Coordinator: Name. Teaching staff: (can be specific or general). Semester: specify here. Credit points: specify here. Campus. Macquarie St or Camperdown campus (or both) or online only (circle). Core Elective. 1000-level 2000-level 3000-level 4000-level. Introduction and Rationale for this unit of study: (Handbook entry). In this unit of study, students will. Learning Outcomes: (max 6 recommended). After successfully completing this



PROPOSAL TO NEGOTIATE AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT. For explanatory notes for completing this Proposal, see Appendix A. Note: As a quality assurance step, signed Proposals are recorded on Records Online so that prior to any renewal of an agreement, the outcomes of the agreement can be evaluated against the stated objectives and desired outcomes outlined in this Proposal. PARTNER INSTITUTION CONTACT DETAILS. 1. FULL NAME OF PROPOSED PARTNER INSTITUTION. 2. PARTNER FACULTY (if faculty-specific). 3.
