Advancing Leaders Program Details Advancing Leaders aims to build ...

Advancing Leaders. Program Details Advancing Leaders aims to build strategic leadership capabilities for leaders with responsibilities for larger teams and is facilitated by leading experts from across the University of Sydney. Advancing Leaders combines workshops, group activities, one-on-one coaching, and an ongoing leadership community to provide an integrated approach to leadership in a University of Sydney context. Participants engage in:.  A diagnostic tool providing a comprehensive


ADP Research Support Scheme 2024 Scheme Objectives This scheme ...

ADP Research Support Scheme 2024 Scheme Objectives This scheme supports ADP Researchers financially. The objective of this funding scheme is to provide financial support to ADP researchers who do not otherwise have funding available for their research activities. Expected outcomes of such financial support include:. • The production of high-quality research outputs. • Development of research that can be used as a basis to apply. for an externally funded project or program. • Strengthened


PowerPoint Presentation

Key TakeawaysThe UE Strategic Course Portfolio Committee (UE SCPC) set the 2024 Forward Plan to guide strategic course portfolio activities for the year ahead. This Forward Plan includes a review of the new Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) strategy, curriculum sustainability, implementing draft principles-based framework for future fee-setting and multi-year revenue and load planning forecasts with consideration of workforce planning and space requirements. UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE GOVERNANCE


Architecture, Design and Planning External Engagement Event Planning Guideline ...

Architecture, Design and Planning. External Engagement Event Planning Guideline. Overview. Following is information and guidance on the planning, organisation, marketing and delivery of events by the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning External Engagement Team. All event requests will be reviewed prior to approval. The focus for the External Engagement Team is to engage with external bodies, industry partners or the broader community so any requests must. have an external angle.


Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences PRSS Ranking Criteria

POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SUPPORT SCHEME 2024. FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 14 February 2024. POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SUPPORT SCHEME FACULTY RANKING CRITERIA. Eligibility Criteria To be eligible to apply for PRSS funding in FASS, the following criteria must be met:. a. At the closing date, the candidate must be a currently enrolled HDR student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and their candidature cannot have exceeded the following full-time (or part- time equivalent) periods:. •


Face to Face meetings with the Research Education Support ...

Face to Face meetings with the Research Education Support Team. The Research Education team would like to advise that we will be available for in-person enquiries at the following locations:. • Central Sydney (Patyegarang) Precinct: Quadrangle & Susan Wakil Health Building inCamperdown, and Concord Clinical School. • Western Sydney (Baludarri) Precinct: Block K, CASB Westmead & Nepean Clinical School,Nepean. • Northern Sydney (Arabanoo) Precinct: Kolling Building, Royal North Shore


BN1092 - Shepherd St Building Project (SSB) - Fortnightly Newsletter #14 - 01-03-24

1st March 2024. Sydney University Shepherd Street Project – SSB. Fortnightly Newsletter 014. General Notices  Please continue to pay extra attention to increased vehicular movements and workers around the site,. as the projects lift glazing deliveries commence. Work to date In the past fortnight the project team have been working on the following:.  Continued Works on the Shepherd St Communication Pits.  Commended Level 1 & 2 Façade Blockwork.  Completed installation of Lift


Peoplesoft Quick Reference Guide

Peoplesoft Quick Reference Guide


University of Sydney Risk Environment

The University of Sydney. The University’s Risk Environment. University. Risk Environment. Financial SustainabilityOperational Environment. Conduct,. governance and. compliance. Health, wellbeing. and safety. Culture and. Performance. Reputation and. Relationships. Ongoing revenue dependence on international students. Lack of track record to make difficult financial trade-off decisions. Macroeconomic downturn. Inflationary pressure – global energy inflation, and domestic inflation.


FASS Guidelines for Applying M03 Marking Paycode Rationale The ...

FASS Guidelines for Applying M03 Marking Paycode. Rationale. The Faculty is seeking to develop an approach to marking classification that is:. • Consistent with obligations to staff under the Enterprise Agreement • Clear to all academic staff • Ensures appropriate quality and consistency for marking student work. The EA Definition of M03. “Rate paid per hour for marking as a supervising examiner, or marking requiring a significant exercise of academic judgement appropriate to an


BN1092 - Shepherd St Building Project (SSB) - Fortnightly Newsletter #16 - 11-04-24

11th April 2024. Sydney University Shepherd Street Project – SSB. Fortnightly Newsletter 016. General Notices  Please continue to pay extra attention to increased vehicular movements and workers around the site,. as the projects window and door frame deliveries continue. Work to date. In the past fortnight the project team have been working on the following:.  Completed Level 3 Façade Blockwork.  Continued works to Level 1 & 2 & 3 External Wall Framing.  Completed Fire Stair


BN1092 - Shepherd St Building Project (SSB) - Fortnightly Newsletter #15 - 15-03-24

15th March 2024. Sydney University Shepherd Street Project – SSB. Fortnightly Newsletter 015. General Notices  Please continue to pay extra attention to increased vehicular movements and workers around the site,. as the projects feature stair deliveries commence. Work to date In the past fortnight the project team have been working on the following:.  Completed Level 1 & 2 Façade Blockwork.  Commenced Level 3 Façade Blockwork  Commenced Level 1 & 2 External Wall Framing. 


BN1092 - Shepherd St Building Project (SSB) - Fortnightly Newsletter #18 - 10-05-24

10th May 2024. Sydney University Shepherd Street Project – SSB. Fortnightly Newsletter 018. General Notices  Please continue to pay extra attention to increased vehicular movements and workers around the site,. as the projects window and door frame deliveries continue. Work to date. In the past fortnight the project team have been working on the following:.  Continuing works to Level 1, 2 & 3 External & Internal Wall Framing.  Continuing works on Level 1, 2 & 3 for Mechanical,


BN1092 - Shepherd St Building Project (SSB) - Fortnightly Newsletter #19 - 24-05-24

24th May 2024. Sydney University Shepherd Street Project – SSB. Fortnightly Newsletter 019. General Notices  Please continue to pay extra attention to increased vehicular movements and workers around the site,. as the projects external façade deliveries continue. Work to date. In the past fortnight the project team have been working on the following:.  Continuing works to Level 1, 2 & 3 External & Internal Wall Framing.  Continuing works on Level 1, 2 & 3 for Mechanical, Hydraulic,


Upda�ng container expiry Date This Reference Guide is used ...

Upda ng container expiry Date. This Reference Guide is used for upda ng expiry dates on container. Step 1: Click on Container Search tile. Step 2: Use the tabs to select the desired search method. Part A - Quick Search To perform a Quick Search, enter the barcode number of the container you wish to locate and click Search. Note: Only containers with the status of AVAILABLE or IN TRASNSIT can be searched in the Quick Search tab. Part B - Advanced Search The Advanced Search tab allows you to


BN1092 - Shepherd St Building Project (SSB) - Fortnightly Newsletter #20 - 11-06-24

11th June 2024. Sydney University Shepherd Street Project – SSB. Fortnightly Newsletter 020. General Notices  Please continue to pay extra attention to increased vehicular movements and workers around the site,. as the projects external façade deliveries continue. Work to date. In the past fortnight the project team have been working on the following:.  Continuing works to External & Internal Wall Framing.  Continuing works on for Mechanical, Hydraulic, Fire & Electrical services.


BN1092 - Shepherd St Building Project (SSB) - Fortnightly Newsletter #17 - 26-04-24

26th April 2024. Sydney University Shepherd Street Project – SSB. Fortnightly Newsletter 017. General Notices  Please continue to pay extra attention to increased vehicular movements and workers around the site,. as the projects window and door frame deliveries continue. Work to date. In the past fortnight the project team have been working on the following:.  Continued works to Level 1 & 2 & 3 External & Internal Wall Framing.  Continued works on Level 1 & 2 for Mechanical, Hydraulic


TELUS Health How to Share My Mental Health with Others

TIP SHEET. WE’RE HERE TO HELP. For free, confidential coaching and support,. please contact us today to book an appointment. 1300 360 364 (AU) 0800 360 364 (NZ) 61 2 8295 2292 (INTL). How to Share My Mental Health with OthersSharing our mental health with others can be a daunting experience. We can feel uncertain about how someone might respond or what we are hoping for as an outcome from the conversation. The first step in sharing, is to know when you need to share your mental health with


PowerPoint Presentation

Key TakeawaysThe UE Strategy and Transformation Board (UE STB) discussed the proposed changes to the UE STB and uplift plan for the Central Program Management Office (CPMO). UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE GOVERNANCE UPDATEFEBRUARY 2024. UE Strategy & Transformation Board  The Board met on 22 February 2024.  The Board is supported by Rosie Biasi (Senior Governance Officer). Strategic Discussions• UE Strategy and Transformation Board. Proposal: The UE Strategy and Transformation Board (UE STB) was
