Privacy guidelines when using email

Privacy in PracticeEmail guidelines. Privacy Team Staff Update December 2023. Email is widely used at the University to communicate information quickly and efficiently. It is. also one of the most vulnerable of our environments in terms of privacy risk and phishing. attacks, which can target sensitive personal data retained in email inboxes and folders. We are all responsible for minimising the University’s privacy risk footprint and for protecting. the sensitive personal information that we



UNIVERSITY SCHOOL BOARD: SYDNEY CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. 12pm Tuesday 26 March 2024, Recital Hall West. No Zoom option w ill be available for this meeting. Memorandum to Members of the University School Board The Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board will meet on Tuesday 26 March 2024 at 12.00pm in Recital Hall West. Members will be asked under agenda item 2 whether any additional unstarred agenda items should be starred for discussion. Unstarred items will be dealt with under



February 2023. 1. FACULTY PROJECT REQUESTS The Sydney Conservatorium of Music (SCM) supports and facilitates faculty projects involving research, professional practice, and education to expand and enhance the experiences of our students and staff, and to forge relationships at national and international levels. A faculty project is defined as activity which falls outside of the standard curriculum, and which may or may not require university funding or resources. Please note, faculty projects



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 26 February 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: 2135. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Daniel Blinkhorn, Sally Chick, Alex Chilvers, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach, Tonnette Stanford, Thomas Wade, Alexis Weaver, Danny Yeadon, Alex Chilvers, Ella Macens,


TELUS Health - Having an R U OK Conversation

TIP SHEET. WE’RE HERE TO HELP. For free, confidential coaching and support,. please contact us today to book an appointment. 1300 360 364 (AU) 0800 360 364 (NZ) 61 2 8295 2292 (INTL). Having the R U OK? Conversation with a Peer. Conversations about mental health can sometimes feel difficult, even when you know it’s the right thing to do. Many people are afraid of saying the wrong thing or making the situation worse, which is very rarely the case. Reaching out and having an “R U OK?”


SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady ...

SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady (Chair), Professor Neal Peres Da Costa, Dr Catherine Ingram, Dr Alan. Maddox, Associate Professor Helen Mitchell, Dr Stephen Mould, Ms Sue Newsome, Dr Jade O’Regan, Professor Jennifer Rowley, Dr Daniel Rojas,. Associate Professor Paul Stanhope, Dr Ivan Zavada, Dr James Humberstone, Nathan Cox (Student Member). Attending: Catherine Peake (Committee Officer). Date: 13 November 2023 Time: 1:30PM – 3:00PM. Venue:


A phased approach to hiring

The University of Sydney Page 1. A phased approach to hiring – roles planned, advertised and filled. EA 2023-2026 330 staff appointments: 110 T&R (50%/55 eligible staff); 220 EF(25%/55 eligible staff). Tranche1. Nov 2023. T&R. EF. Tranche 4. Mar2024. OpenCall. T&R. EF. Tranche 5. Sep-Oct 2024. T&R. EF. OpenCall. T&R. EF. Tranche 6. Sep-Oct 2025. T&R. OpenCall. T&R. EF. End 2023 End 2024 End 2025. Tranche2. Dec 2023. Open Call. EF. Tranche 3. Mar2024. Eligible Staff Call. Eligible Staff Call.



SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND PLANNING. SSP to be taken in 2025 Frequently Asked Questions. 1. Who should I contact to confirm eligibility to apply for SSP to be taken in 2025? Please contact Paulina Rojas to ask for specific information regarding your eligibility. This is. determined semester by semester depending on your contract status and leave arrangements. and therefore will be managed on a case-by-case basis. Paulina Rojas. Phone: 61 2 9114 2199. Email: [email protected]].


Digital Roadmap Approach Faculty/Portfolio Preparation Information and Communication TechnologySarah ...

Digital Roadmap Approach. Faculty/Portfolio Preparation. Information and Communication TechnologySarah Zenon - Associate Director, Digital Strategy. Approaching Digital Sydney with a tailored methodologyA Digital Sydney strategy spans the University ecosystem reflecting the vision, needs and priorities of each of the Faculties, Schools, Research Centres and Portfolios (referred to as ‘areas’). The digital roadmaps that inform Digital Sydney will allow us to examine, map and document the



SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE CHEMISTRY EDUCATION COMMITTEE. PURPOSE The Chemistry Education Committee is responsible for:Pedagogy • Curriculum • Board of Examiners/results • Honours Board of Examiners. The chair of this committee attends the Faculty Education Committee and reports back to the Chemistry Education Committee. TERMS OF REFERENCE. • To monitor the structure and content of all courses offered by Chemistry and to make recommendations to the Head of School


University Procedures Template

Procedures Template and Instructions


A guide to using our University PowerPoint template

The University of Sydney. June July August September October November December. 17-23 24-30 1-7 8-14 15-21 22-28 29-4 5-11 12-18 19-25 26-1 2-8 9-15 16-22 23-29 30-6 7-13 14-20 21-27 28-3 4-10 11-17 18-24 25-1 2-8 9-15 16-22 23-29. 3. Special considerations:. Students who have >5. spec con applications in. one semester. Semester 2. July Intensive17 June – 28 July. August Intensive15 July – 1 Sept. September Intensive19 Aug – 29 Sept. October Intensive16 Sept – 27 Oct. November


Faculty of Science, Visiting Scholar Scheme Rd 3, 2024

Required. This form will record your name, please fill your name. Faculty of Science, VisitingScholar Scheme Rd 3, 2024. Round 3: applications closing 01 August 2024. Scheme details. The Faculty of Science Visiting Fellowship scheme to help academics who normally find it difficult to travel due to their child caring responsibilities to attract visits by leading researchers of any gender from another national or international institution for the duration of at least one week to collaborate. One



FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH. Updated 15 April 2024. Research equipment catalogue. CENTRIFUGES & SAMPLE PREP. Equipment name: Location: Centrifuges Beckman GS-15R Centrifuge 542 G08 Beckman V-15R Centrifuge 542 G08. Beckman Optima Max XP ultracentrifuge 542 G08 G03 K25. Beckman Optima XPN-100 Ultracentrifuge 566 G08 124 K25 Branson SFX250 sonicator G08 Corning Mini Centrifuge Level 4 C81 ELMI CM-50M Fugamix Centrifuge Level 4 C81 Eppendorf Refrigerated Centrifuge 5425R G35 K25 Eppendorf


2024 Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) - application form

Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP). Artw. ork:. Tra. de C. onne. ctio. n Ar. tist:. D. ebra. Bea. le. Developing high potential Indigenous leadersAGSM @ UNSW Business School. 2 | EILP AGSM Short Courses 2024. 1. Please read and complete the application from Pages 3-7. 2. Forward your completed application to your manager to endorse and complete Page 8. Your application cannot be accepted without your manager/sponsors endorsement. 3. If you have any questions in relation to the program



FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH. Updated 15 April 2024. Research equipment catalogue. Sequencing and Genomics. Equipment Name: Location: Real Time PCR Corbett Rotor-Gene real time PCR 6000 G33 K25 QuantStudio 12K Flex Real Time PCR System G33 K25 Rotor Gene Q2 Nepean Roche LightCycler 480 Real Time PCR Machines Level 4 C81 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) BIORAD QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System 5E labs CPC Droplet generator 5E labs CPC PCR Bio-Rad T100 Gradient Thermal Cyclers G03 K25 Bio-Rad C1000



SENATE PERFORMANCE AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE. SEN Performance and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference [Approved 10 May 2024]. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE PERFORMANCE AND RISK COMMITTEE. PURPOSE In accordance with Section 16 of the University of Sydney Act 1989, the Senate is charged with overseeing risk management and risk assessment across the University. The Performance and Risk Committee (“the Committee”) assists the Senate in fulfilling this function. The role of the Committee is to


29.04.24 Agenda EdCom

SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 29 April 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: Zoom - https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84881979550?from=addon. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Daniel Blinkhorn, Jeanell Carrigan, Sally Chik, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Helen Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Daniel Rojas, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach,


SCM Conference Travel Grant Application Form. n.b. this is ...

SCM Conference Travel Grant Application Form. n.b. this is only an overview/template of the questions, not the application. When the scheme is open, an application link will be available via the intranet. The SCM Conference Travel Scheme provides a financial contribution towards travel costs. associated with attendance at a conference, symposium, or workshop to give a presentation. (e.g. paper, lecture, keynote, lecture-recital), with the expectation that this will lead to a. related research


UE REC Terms of Reference v20210603

UE REC Terms of Reference v20210603
