SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 26 February 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: 2135. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Daniel Blinkhorn, Sally Chick, Alex Chilvers, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach, Tonnette Stanford, Thomas Wade, Alexis Weaver, Danny Yeadon, Alex Chilvers, Ella Macens,



SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 25 March 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: 2135. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Steve Barry, Daniel Blinkhorn, Jeanell Carrigan, Sally Chick, Alex Chilvers, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Helen Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Daniel Rojas, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach, Phillip Slater, Tonnette


Online Teaching Allocation release notes Release Date 22 Jan ...

Online Teaching Allocation release notes. Release Date 22 Jan 2024. Document Author(s) Amy Robinson and James Campbell. Changes https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/CAWA-1207. https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/CAWA-1195. https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/CAWA-1280. https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/CAWA-1239. https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/CAWA-1238. https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/CAWA-1253. https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/CAWA-1130. General notes. This



UNIVERSITY SCHOOL BOARD: SYDNEY CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. 12pm Tuesday 26 March 2024, Recital Hall West. No Zoom option w ill be available for this meeting. Memorandum to Members of the University School Board The Sydney Conservatorium of Music University School Board will meet on Tuesday 26 March 2024 at 12.00pm in Recital Hall West. Members will be asked under agenda item 2 whether any additional unstarred agenda items should be starred for discussion. Unstarred items will be dealt with under


ARC Assist Appln Form

School of Art, Communication and English. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. SACE Mobility and Engagement Fund 2024 Application form. SACE Mobility and Engagement Fund 2024. Submit this application form and supporting documents to SACE Research Support, [email protected], by 31 March 2024. For full details of this scheme, see the SACE Mobility and Engagement Fund Guidelines. 1. APPLICANT. Applicant Name. Discipline. Academic Level (level/step, FTE%). 2. PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS (if



Faculty/School Business Case Template V 2 Date: 1. Health Clinic or Clinical Facility. Project Name. Insert Name Faculty /School/Service. Insert Date. Insert Version. This template is to be used for all health activity projects categorised as Cat 1 to Cat 5. Details provided will depend on the clinic categorisation and size of the project. The principles outlined in this template should be applied at all times consistent with the Health Clinics and Clinical Services Policy 2020. HPE


Semester 1 - Replacement examination period 1 - timetable

RE1 Replacement Examination TimetableS1 2024. Dept Code Dept Name Exam Code Exam Title Date Time Duration Reading Time Delivery Venue/Exam TypeBUSI-00-F27 Accounting ACCT1006 Accounting and Financial Management 04/07/2024 13:00:00 120 10 Paper Exam 1. GeneralBUSI-00-F27 Accounting ACCT2011 Reporting on Business Performance 03/07/2024 09:00:00 120 10 Paper Exam 1. GeneralBUSI-00-F27 Accounting ACCT2019 Accounting Analysis for Management Decisions 04/07/2024 17:00:00 120 10 Paper Exam 1.



Category Posting ClassesBudget Classes. Project Code. Revenue Revenue AllStudent Fees 3199 Teaching. Commonwealth Support Places (CSP) TeachingCommonwealth Grants - CGS 2096 Teaching. Cwth Grant Scheme(2004) 2004 TeachingCGS Disbursement(2042) 2042 Teaching. HECS 2095 TeachingHECS HELP Upfront(2201) 2201 TeachingHECS Help Deferred (2203) 2203 Teaching. Full Fee Paying Students TeachingLocal Teaching. UG 3193 TeachingFees Local UG FEE HELP(3112) 3112 TeachingFees Local UG Full Fee(3115) 3115


Online Teaching Allocation release notes Release 4 Release Date ...

Online Teaching Allocation release notes. Release 4. Release Date 6 February 2024. Document Author(s) Amy Robinson and James Campbell. General notes. This release contains improvements to resolve data discrepancies, improve performance and user experience. The changes will require users to accept a new version of the tool by clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button in the yellow banner at the top of the screen on first load:. Online Teaching Allocation portal (Power Bi) – version 1.3. • Design


Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

thema. course quality review. COMBINED DEGREE COVERSHEET.. REVIEWING COMBINED DEGREES. Where a home faculty is reviewing a combined degree and one or both of the degrees have already been reviewed, only the student experience elements of the combined degree need to be reviewed. This coversheet provides guidance on the metrics which should be considered. Please note, there is no requirement to provide further recommendations unless necessitated by the data specific to students of the combined


Centres review panel report

Review Panel Report. Introduction. This template should be used with reference to the Centres Policy and Centres Procedures 2023. 1. Executive summary. Type of review: 5-Year Other (please specify):. Executive Summary (500 words).. 2. Review panel’s overall recommendation (select one). The Centre should continue unchanged. The Centre should continue with the changes recommended in Section (3). The Centre should be reclassified. The Centre should be closed. Other (please specify). 3.


PCXXXX_Plan Title GIFT DETAILS Complete blue cells only Faculty ...

PCXXXX_Plan Title. GIFT DETAILS. Complete blue cells only. Faculty / School / Area Name:. Grey cells have formulae. Gift Name:. GIFT ID (If known):. 00000000. Responsibility Centre (RC):. R0000. Project Code (PC):. P0000. Parent account balance. Balance Date. Child account balance. Balance Date. Annual Spend Allocation: a. Previous year amount or b. parent account ( minus spend units) x 4% Note: The ASA is made from the parent account to the child account (or back to the parent account as spend


PowerPoint Presentation

2020. Singapore AirlinesCorporate Staff Benefits. Bundle. Enjoy your next vacation with Singapore Airlines. Offers on flight & seat selection. KrisShop Discounts. Kris+ Signup Bonus. PelagoDiscounts. Campaign Overview. FLIGHT BENEFITS. 1. With corporate-exclusive discounts for our air fares to their next holiday. destination, your travellers can focus on what matters: planning ahead for. their vacation from any of our online stations. 2. Your travellers can enjoy up to 5% off applicable


PowerPoint Presentation

The University of Sydney Page 1. CASUAL ACADEMIC WORK ALLOCATION. Online Teaching Allocation (OTA) support. What? Where/How? About OTA. OTA roles, responsibilities. and resources. Online teaching allocation -. Intranet site. Request access to OTA or. incorrect role assigned. Refer to Faculty User Administrator. (OTA). Technical issue with OTARaise ticket in Service Portal or email. HR service centre. OTA training e.g. how do I perform a task in OTA? Refer to OTA roles and. resources section in.


academic and business plan

Strategic and Operational Plan. Centre Name:. Centre Level:. Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines the mission, vision, and objectives of the Centre for the next five years. It describes your KPIs, how you will measure progress against KPI targets, and the major projects the Centre will undertake to achieve these targets. 1. Describe the purpose and key objectives of the Centre for the next five years including strategies and major projects to achieve them (1000 words). 2. Describe how


HDR Student Research Funding - MARCH 2024 Monday

Funding by Supervisor for 31st March 2024The below list details the HDR load as of 31st March 2024 with each Lead Supervisor and how much each Lead Supervisor should expect toreceive as funding support for their students. Please note, this does not include:• the Computer Allowance provided to all newly commencing students• overtime, suspended, not currently enrolled students, withdrawn, and•


Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) Artw ork: Tra de ...

Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP). Artw. ork:. Tra. de C. onne. ctio. n Ar. tist:. D. ebra. Bea. le. Developing high potential Indigenous leadersAGSM @ UNSW Business School. The Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) was created by the Elevate RAP Working Group1, supported by Reconciliation Australia in 2016. The objective of the program is to cultivate the next generation of future, senior Indigenous business leaders who will have an influential role in shaping the future not


Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP) Artw ork: Tra de ...

Executive Indigenous Leaders Program (EILP). Artw. ork:. Tra. de C. onne. ctio. n Ar. tist:. D. ebra. Bea. le. Developing high potential Indigenous leadersAGSM @ UNSW Business School. 2 | EILP AGSM Short Courses 2024. 1. Please read and complete the application from Pages 3-7. 2. Forward your completed application to your manager to endorse and complete Page 8. Your application cannot be accepted without your manager/sponsors endorsement. 3. If you have any questions in relation to the program


Red book specialist advice and support for students 2024 final

Red book specialist advice and support for students 2024 final


Centres review panel report

Review Panel Report. Introduction. This template should be used with reference to the Centres Policy and Centres Procedures 2023. 1. Executive summary. Type of review: 5-Year Other (please specify):. Executive Summary (500 words).. 2. Review panel’s overall recommendation (select one). The Centre should continue unchanged. The Centre should continue with the changes recommended in Section (3). The Centre should be reclassified. The Centre should be closed. Other (please specify). 3.
