PowerPoint Presentation

Key TakeawaysThe UE Research Committee discussed several key items of business:.  Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) five-year review Cold storage infrastructure management Implementation plan for new Animal Ethic Refresher Course University-Wide Human Biospecimen Framework. UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE GOVERNANCE UPDATEJune 2024. UE Research Committee  The Committee met on 27 June 2024.  The Committee is supported by Rosie Biasi (Senior Governance Officer). Strategic Discussions


Terms of reference - mono

Template for the terms of reference for a committee or group.


Online Teaching Allocation release notes Release 5 Release Date ...

Online Teaching Allocation release notes. Release 5. Release Date 27 May 2024. Document Author(s) Amy Robinson and James Campbell. Changes. General notes. These enhancements are designed to streamline your experience with the Online Teaching Allocation Tool and improve overall functionality and user experience. It will require users to accept a new version of the tool. They will do this by clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button in the yellow banner at the top of the screen on first load:. Online


Nominations Committee ToR -Sep 2020

SEN Nominations Committee - Terms of Reference [Approved 10 May 2024]. SENATE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE. TERMS OF REFERENCE. COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE. PURPOSE The role of the Nominations Committee is to monitor and advise Senate on:. a) governance issues generally as they relate to Senate and the University with particular reference to:. i. induction and continuing education of Fellows. ii. Senate performance reviews. iii. Senate committee structure and purposes. b) ensuring the effective


NTRO research statement form

RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. Research Statement for Non-Traditional Research Output. Author(s): __________________________________________________________ Today’s Date: __ / __ / __. Title of work: ________________________________________________________________________________. This should be approximately 200-250 words in total (2000 characters) and can be revised later if required for ERA. In structuring your statement as a coherent narrative, please follow the prompts for each


CR ICO S 00 026A T EQSA PR V120 ...

CR. ICO. S 00. 026A. T. EQSA. PR. V120. 57. Organisational Charts. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Updated 04 July 2024. Faculty Leadership. • Dean• Deputy Dean • Faculty General Manager• Heads of School • Associate Deans• Faculty Portfolio Heads• School Managers. Lisa AdkinsDean. Alan McKee. Head of School (SACE). Alexandra McCormick. Associate Dean, Postgraduate Coursework. Programs. Azrini Wahidin. Head of School (SSPS). Beatriz Carillo Garcia. Associate Dean, Indigenous


2021 FASS News publishing dates

FASS News. 2024 PUBLISHING DATES. FASS News brings together information from contributors across our Faculty with sections devoted to news, deadlines, research and teaching info and opportunities and more. If you would like to submit an item for publication, the submission deadline is 5pm on the Monday prior to publication – Please use this form to submit newsletter items. ISSUE. PUBLICATION DATE. SUBMISSION DEADLINE. 223. Thursday 15 February. Monday 12 February. 224. Thursday 29 February.



CLASS_MGTREPT ALLACCOUNTS BALSHEET Balance Sheet (BALSHEET) ASSETS Assets (ASSETS) CURRENT_ASSETS Current Assets (CURRENT_ASSETS) CASH Cash (CASH) 0025 Expense Advance (0025) 0027 Imprest Account (0027) 0028 AAIA lonian Cash Advance (0028) BANK Bank (BANK) 0050 Main Bank Account (0050) 0051 Bank Account CS (0051) 0052 Broker Margin Account (0052) 0054 US Dollar Bank Account (0054) 0055 GBP Bank Account (0055) 0056 Bank of China Account (0056) 0058 NHMRC-CTC-Euro Account (0058) 0060 CSN Escrow


Working draft SOLES Prescription Safety Glasses Form

SCHOOL OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES. School Supported Prescription Safety Glasses Approval Form. Name: Staff/Student number:. Engagement category:. Continuing staff member. Fixed-term staff member. Higher Degree Research student or Honours student. Engagement start date:. Contract expiry/expected date of completion:. Requested products:. Frames. Single Vision Lenses. Bifocal Lenses. Multifocal Lenses. I confirm I have read the School of Life and Environmental Sciences Provision of


SCM EdCom Agenda 20.05.2024

SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. AGENDA OF THE SCM EDUCATION COMMITTEE Monday 29 April 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting Room: Zoom - https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84881979550?from=addon. Attendees: Jennifer Rowley (Chair), Matthew Hindson, Ivan Zavada, Narelle Yeo, Daniel Blinkhorn, Jeanell Carrigan, Sally Chik, Chris Coady, Rowena Cowley, Shauna Crick, Jim Coyle, Vladimir Gorbach, James Humberstone, David Larkin, Helen Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Jadey O’Regan, Daniel Rojas, Scott Ryan, Adrienne Sach,


Capex Application Form

Application for funding from the Provost’s Capital Equipment (CAPEX) and Contingency Fund. Title:. Short description of request:. Provide brief details of the equipment required. Total amount requested (GST excluded):. Include contingency for equipment over $100,000. $. Type of request:. New equipment. Replacement equipment. Maintenance or repair of existing equipment. Other. Category of request:. Education. Research. Name of Faculty, University School. Name of contact person. Email.


Proposal for New or Amended Policy

OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL. POLICY MANAGEMENT UNIT. PROPOSAL FOR NEW OR AMENDED POLICY. Submit to: [email protected]. This form allows you to seek approval for development of a new or amended policy, as required by the University of Sydney (Policies Development and Review) Rule 2011. This form is also required to seek approval to consider a document on the Policy Register for rescission (deletion). The form will be returned to you with the certificate completed if the proposal is


Semester 1 - Replacement examination period 1 - timetable

RE1 Replacement Examination TimetableS1 2024. Dept Code Dept Name Exam Code Exam Title Date Time Duration Reading Time Delivery Venue/Exam TypeBUSI-00-F27 Accounting ACCT1006 Accounting and Financial Management 04/07/2024 13:00:00 120 10 Paper Exam 1. GeneralBUSI-00-F27 Accounting ACCT2011 Reporting on Business Performance 03/07/2024 09:00:00 120 10 Paper Exam 1. GeneralBUSI-00-F27 Accounting ACCT2019 Accounting Analysis for Management Decisions 04/07/2024 17:00:00 120 10 Paper Exam 1.



Category Posting ClassesBudget Classes. Project Code. Revenue Revenue AllStudent Fees 3199 Teaching. Commonwealth Support Places (CSP) TeachingCommonwealth Grants - CGS 2096 Teaching. Cwth Grant Scheme(2004) 2004 TeachingCGS Disbursement(2042) 2042 Teaching. HECS 2095 TeachingHECS HELP Upfront(2201) 2201 TeachingHECS Help Deferred (2203) 2203 Teaching. Full Fee Paying Students TeachingLocal Teaching. UG 3193 TeachingFees Local UG FEE HELP(3112) 3112 TeachingFees Local UG Full Fee(3115) 3115


PowerPoint Presentation

The University of Sydney Page 1. CASUAL ACADEMIC WORK ALLOCATION. Online Teaching Allocation (OTA) support. What? Where/How? About OTA. OTA roles, responsibilities. and resources. Online teaching allocation -. Intranet site. Request access to OTA or. incorrect role assigned. Refer to Faculty User Administrator. (OTA). Technical issue with OTARaise ticket in Service Portal or email. HR service centre. OTA training e.g. how do I perform a task in OTA? Refer to OTA roles and. resources section in.


PCXXXX_Plan Title GIFT DETAILS Complete blue cells only Faculty ...

PCXXXX_Plan Title. GIFT DETAILS. Complete blue cells only. Faculty / School / Area Name:. Grey cells have formulae. Gift Name:. GIFT ID (If known):. 00000000. Responsibility Centre (RC):. R0000. Project Code (PC):. P0000. Parent account balance. Balance Date. Child account balance. Balance Date. Annual Spend Allocation: a. Previous year amount or b. parent account ( minus spend units) x 4% Note: The ASA is made from the parent account to the child account (or back to the parent account as spend


PowerPoint Presentation

The University of Sydney Page 1. Online Teaching Allocation (OTA) support. What? Where/How? Request access to OTA or. incorrect role assigned. Refer to Faculty User Administrator. (OTA). Technical issue with OTARaise ticket in Service Portal or email. HR service centre. About OTA. OTA Training. How do I perform a task in OTA? Online teaching allocation - Intranet. Service Portal OTA Knowledge. Articles. Hands on guidance. Raise ticket in Service Portal or email. HR service centre. OTA Intranet



ClassExtract04072024. University of Sydney BALANCE SHEET Classifications. As at July 2024 (Active Classifications only). CLASS_MGTREPT. ALLACCOUNTS. BALSHEET. Balance Sheet (BALSHEET). ASSETS. Assets (ASSETS). CURRENT_ASSETS. Current Assets (CURRENT_ASSETS). CASH. Cash (CASH). 0025. Expense Advance (0025). Active. 0027. Imprest Account (0027). Active. 0028. AAIA lonian Cash Advance (0028). Active. BANK. Bank (BANK). 0050. Main Bank Account (0050). Active. 0051. Bank Account CS (0051). Active.



Detail. Revenue and Expenses Class Structure (Detail). as at July 2024. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Category. Class Description. Posting Classes. Budget Classes. Project Code. Revenue. Revenue. All. Student Fees. 3199. Teaching. Commonwealth Support Places (CSP). Teaching. Commonwealth Grants - CGS. 2096. Teaching. Cwth Grant Scheme(2004). 2004. Teaching. CGS Disbursement(2042). 2042. Teaching. HECS. 2095. Teaching. HECS HELP Upfront(2201). 2201. Teaching. HECS Help Deferred (2203). 2203. Teaching.
