Facsimile template

facsimile. To:. From:. F. T. E. F. T. E DATE: 2 November 2023. Number of pages: 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this facsimile message and any documents attached may be privileged and confidential. Any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please accept our apologies and destroy it. Thank you. Subject:. 2.


Special Studies Program (SSP) Post-leave Report Form

FAULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. Special Studies Program (SSP) Post-leave Report Form. This form should be completed within one month of return to regular duties. It should be submitted to your Head of School, who will provide written comments and forward it to [email protected] for consideration by the SSP Committee. Name:. Department or Centre:. School:. Semester:. Year of SSP:. 1. Referring to the projects you listed in the SSP Supporting Statement you submitted along with your SSP


PEMs FAQs · Who should I turn to for ...

PEMs FAQs. Who should I turn to for advice about the PEMs? Responsibility for the PEMs is shared between the HDR Portfolio Manager for FASS (in HDRAC2), Clare Woodley ([email protected]), and me ([email protected]). Clare oversees the PEMs and issues most of the messages, including notices requesting the completion of annual reports and advising about the PEMs schedule. My role is to form PEM panels for new students (consisting of a Chair, usually senior staff, and panel member),


Proposal for New or Amended Policy

OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL. POLICY MANAGEMENT UNIT. PROPOSAL FOR NEW OR AMENDED POLICY. Submit to: [email protected]. This form allows you to seek approval for development of a new or amended policy, as required by the University of Sydney (Policies Development and Review) Rule 2011. This form is also required to seek approval to consider a document on the Policy Register for rescission (deletion). The form will be returned to you with the certificate completed if the proposal is


Level 2 Centre Annual report

Level 2 Centre. Annual Report. Introduction. This reporting template should be used for Level 2 Centres using the Centres Policy and associated Procedures as reference. Centre Name:. Report. 1. Provide an overview of the Centre’s activities in the preceding 12 months.. 2. Describe how the Centre performed against its key performance indicators in the last 12 months. 3. Describe how the Centre progressed in implementing the recommendations from the last review (if applicable). 4. Provide any


DATE Mark Kay Director, Post Award, Research Portfolio The ...

DATE. Mark Kay. Director, Post Award, Research Portfolio. The University of Sydney. Dear Mark. Re: 2024 DVCR Strategic Research Impact Proof-of-Concept Fund. I write in my role as Head of School (Insert School) to support (Name of Chief Investigator) DVCR’s 2024 Proof-of-Concept Fund application – (“Name of application”). Should this application be successful, (name of School) will provide support to this ongoing project. I fully support this application. Should you require any further


Level 3 Centre Annual Report

Level 3 Centre. Annual Report. Introduction. This reporting template should be used for Level 3 Centres using the Centres Policy and associated Procedures as reference. Centre Name:. Report. 1. Provide an overview of the Centre’s activities in the preceding 12 months.. 2. Describe how the Centre performed against its key performance indicators in the last 12 months. 3. Describe how the Centre progressed in implementing the recommendations from the last review (if applicable). 4. Provide any


Academic Promotion: Request to apply under the Governance, Leadership, ...

Academic Promotion: Request to apply under the Governance, Leadership, Engagement focused (GLE-F) stream. In accordance with the Academic Promotions Policy Section 7(6) applications made under the GLE-F stream must be endorsed by the relevant Head of School, Dean and approved by the Provost. Academic staff wishing to apply for promotion to Level D or E under the GLE-F stream must complete the following steps:. 1. Prepare a case to support their application;. 2. Email this form to the Academic


School of Art, Communication and English Policy on service ...

School of Art, Communication and English. Policy on service roles. A full time academic on a 40/40/20 contract is allocated 339 hours a year (0.2 FTE) for Governance, Leadership and Engagement. Of this, the FASS workload policy states that 138 hours a year is for quotidian service work, including attending Discipline, School, Faculty and University meetings, attending Open Days and Graduations. It is expected that all academics on 40/40/20 contracts will participate in this work. A further 201



CONVERSION TO EDUCATION FOCUSED ROLE. This template should be used in any circumstances where an academic staff member and their supervisor are required to demonstrate the staff member’s eligibility for an education focused role. Staff member’s name:. Staff ID:. Academic Level:. Faculty/School:. Supervisor name:. Name of relevant delegated authority:. Period of conversion:. Ongoing/ Fixed-term for XX years. Date:. To confirm the relevant delegated authority, please refer to Clause 6.29.2.



CI SURNAME EquipmentGrant Track Record. UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY EQUIPMENT GRANTS AND NHMRC EQUIPMENT GRANTS SCHEMES 2022/23. Chief Investigator Track Record. Chief Investigator A/B/C Name: Comment by Author: Please indicate which CI you are and delete remaining letters. Please summarise your track record within one (1) page maximum per CI (12pt font and 0.5cm margins) and list your top five refereed publications relevant to this proposal from the last five years; including a brief statement


Library Report for SCM Research Committee – 4th March ...

Library Report for SCM Research Committee – 4th March 2024 Jade Smith, reporting on behalf of Sally Chik. - Read and Publish - Following on from Sally and Sarah's presentation to the committee last year, the Library has increased its support for open access publishing with 26 Read and Publish agreements this year. In addition to agreements through CAUL, the Library has four agreements that have been licensed independently. In 2024 University staff and Higher Degree by Research Students



HDR THESIS OUTLINE. Please provide a detailed outline of the progress you have made to date in the table below. Information to be provided includes:. 1. Column A: A detailed outline of your thesis including main chapter headings and subsections of each chapter (this should correspond to your thesis’ table of contents). 2. Column B: Bullet points detailing progress toward completing the subsections of each chapter. For example, literature review completed; data collection underway n =? /?;


  School of Art, Communication and English Faculty of ...

School of Art, Communication and English. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. SACE Research Grant Development and Support Fund Application 2024. Please read the SACE Research Grant Development and Support Fund Guidelines. Submit this application form to SACE Research Support, [email protected], by 31 March 2024. Please attach a brief research CV for each team member. Name/s:. Discipline/s:. Level & FTE %:. Which scheme are you applying for:. Grant Development. Start-Up. Completion .



RESPONSE TO FEEDBACK ON REVIEW OF CHANGE. The following table outlines the feedback received on the Review of Change document prepared to reflect on the implementation of the [insert description of change]. Comment/ Question. Response. Any resulting adjustments. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Special Studies Program (SSP) Follow-up Report Form

FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. Special Studies Program (SSP) Follow-up Report Form. This form must be submitted at the time of application for any subsequent SSP, reporting on the longer-term outcomes from your previous period of SSP. Name:. Department or Centre:. School:. SSP Year and Semester:. 1. Comment on achievements against the research plan submitted with your previous SSP application. 2. Comment on achievements against each of the research outputs (including external funding


Declaration of External Interests – Declarations for review overdue ...

Declaration of External Interests –. Declarations for review overdue. Please adapt the email template below to remind these staff members that they must review declarations in their area of responsibility as soon as possible. Dear (Name),. This is a reminder to review XX declarations in your area of responsibility. Please action these declarations as soon as possible. I emphasise that an open and transparent approach to effective management of any conflict of interests, is vital to retain


Faculty of Science 10,000 Steps Challenge 7 September – ...

Faculty of Science 10,000 Steps Challenge. 7 September – 30 October. Tournament Team Registration Form. Team Name:. Area or Unit:. Team Captain Name:. Participants Name. Participant’s Email Address. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please return to [email protected] by 4 September 2020.


SCM Research Education Committee Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady ...

SCM Research Education Committee. Members: Associate Professor Christopher Coady (Chair), Professor Neal Peres Da Costa, Dr Alan Maddox (from 1 July 2023), Associate Professor Helen Mitchell, Dr Stephen Mould, Ms Sue Newsome Dr Jade O’Regan, Associate Professor Jennifer Rowley, Dr Daniel Rojas (from 1 July 2023), Associate Professor Paul Stanhope, Dr Ivan Zavada (until 30 June 2023), Nathan Cox (Student Member) Attending: Catherine Peake (Committee Officer). Date: 16 October 2023 Time: 1:30PM


Wellbeing Break SeptemberOctober 2024 Email Signature

Wellbeing Break Signatures – 30 September- 4 October 2024. Wellbeing Break Link:. Please add the below text note above the image in your signature:. Accessibility note: The below image has alt. text enabled and links to. Option 1:. Option 2:. Option 3:. Option 4:. Option 5:. How to temporarily add a Wellbeing E-signature to your emails. 1. Open a new email. 2. Click the ‘insert’ tab at the top, and then the ‘Signature button’, and select the drop down field option ‘Signatures…’.
