Sydney commits ongoing support for at-risk scholars - Intranet

page If you have specific questions about the process, please contact Professor Jane Hanrahan, Chair of the Academic Board. . ... Professor Jane Hanrahan, Chair of the Academic Board and SAR program sponsor, expressed her excitement about the University's continued support of the SAR Program:.

CEW Leadership Program graduation - Intranet

From left to right: Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson, Dr Rebecca Halligan, Amanda Croft, Philippa Scott, Jane Oakeshott, Ruth Graham, Professor Fiona White, Professor Stephanie Watson, Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence, Anne-Laure

January - Intranet

Spinal pain expert and Deputy Director of the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health, Professor Jane Latimer is gearing up for a busy 2020.

2017 - Intranet

Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses. Strategy & governance. Research support. Teaching support. News. Finance. Menu. Welcome , you are here: You are here:2017. . Time’s up on leasing - purchasing is the way forward. Over the past few weeks, information about changes in the way we purchase assets at the University has been made

Protecting our students from scams - Intranet

Address. Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building G02. 2024 The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia. ... Address. Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building G02. .

Research funding schemes of the week - Intranet

Late applications may not be supported by the DVCR. If you intend to lead a LIEF application, contact Jane Zhang with your name, potential investigators and Infrastructure/Equipment details by 20

Extending our Welcome Program for Semester 2 - Intranet

Address. Level 7 Jane Foss Russell Building G02. 2024 The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia. ... Address. Level 7 Jane Foss Russell Building G02. .

Grooming tomorrow's brightest minds - Intranet

Key project leaders include Dr Chris Degeling (Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine), Dr Vicky Tzioumis (School of Biological Sciences) and Dr Jane Johnson (Macquarie University).

An end-of-year message from the Vice-Chancellor - Intranet

Address. Level 7 Jane Foss Russell Building G02. 2024 The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia. ... Address. Level 7 Jane Foss Russell Building G02. Related articles. Communications University.

Five minutes with Greg Watkins - Intranet

Address. Level 7 Jane Foss Russell Building G02. Related articles. 2024 The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia. ... Address. Level 7 Jane Foss Russell Building G02. Related articles. Communications University.

Service improvement competition - Intranet

The new photo wall in the Quadrangle. “I was delighted that my pot plant idea got up,” said Jane Mourao, School Manager at Sydney Pharmacy School and idea originator.

Five Minutes with Jared Berghold - Intranet

What was the inspiration for the piece? The title for the artwork – always coming, always going – came from primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall in an interview she did with Andrew Denton.

Research strategy drop in session - Intranet

Date: Tuesday 16 January . Time: 10am – 1.30pm . Location: Research Portfolio – Level 6, Jane Foss Russell building.

Seas of change: Women scientists bound for Antarctica - Intranet

Margaret will join a number of globally recognised women of influence on the expedition, including Dr Jane Goodall, primatologist and environmental activist, Franny Armstrong and marine ecologist Sylvia Earle.
