Buying goods and services - Intranet

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Templates - Publication records

There are a number of templates available that may be useful in various scenarios involving publication records and the documentation required for them.   

These include:  

Mentoring @ Sydney - Intranet

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Career and Capability Framework - Intranet

For more information, please refer to the intranet page on job design and hiring. ... Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses.

Get help - Intranet

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Multi-Factor Authentication - Intranet

9. Log in to the Intranet  to access content and minimise the number of times you need to authenticate. ... Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses.

Internal schemes - Intranet

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Alcohol Policy 2019

Alcohol Policy 2019

External learning & development - Intranet

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Manager Guide to Probation for Professional Staff in Workday

This guide is to assist Managers through the Probation process in Workday. Probation is an opportunity to clarify expectations for the new staff member of the role in the first months in the organisation and to discuss areas for development. For Professional Staff, probation is generally set for a period of six months but can vary depending on the individual situation.

Workday is the tool that is used to record probation goals and outcomes, however the key to a successful outcome in Probation is ongoing conversation between you and your staff member. Regular check-ins on progress are essential.

The Probation process below applies to Professional Fixed Term and Continuing staff members.

This help article provides steps on how to:

  • Provide feedback to the staff member throughout the probation process.
  • Record the probation outcome in the Workday system.

If you are planning on extending the probation period for a staff member, please ensure you:

  • Contact HR Partnering for advice and support
  • Meet with your staff member to advise them of the extension to the probation period after you have confirmed this with HR Partnering.

Important Note: If you do not enter a probation outcome into Workday and your staff member’s end of probation date passes, your staff member will be deemed to have passed probation.

For more information on the duration of probation, extending the probation period, and circumstances around unsuccessful probation, please refer to Part C of the Enterprise Agreement.

Staff ID and cards - Intranet

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Part E: Hours of work and working arrangements - Intranet

Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses. ... Information regarding the right to request a Flexible Working Arrangement will be provided during on-boarding and will be available on the staff intranet..

Disposal and destruction process for scheduled drugs

This article outlines the procedures for disposal of empty or partial containers of scheduled drugs used in laboratory or animal based research.

Expired, contaminated or unwanted drugs should be disposed of in a timely manner.

Schedule 4D, Schedule 8 and Schedule 9 drugs have strict requirements for destruction and must be disposed of following the process below.

All drugs, including dilutions and small amounts remaining from procedures, must be disposed of safely and should never be tipped down the sink or thrown into yellow bins.

Clinical trial drugs should follow their validated disposal process when it is included in one of the clinical trial’s essential documents e.g. protocol, otherwise requests to dispose of drugs can be submitted via the Clinical medicine disposal process. Researchers should maintain records that document the system for disposal and the destruction of the product/s.

For any queries in relation to schedule drug processes and procedures, or disposal/destruction advice for other facilities/campuses, please contact:

FMH Operating Model Program - Intranet

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Career Development Offerings - Intranet

If you have feedback about this staff intranet page please contact the site author, Staff Communications, by emailingRelated links. ... If you have feedback about this staff intranet page please contact the site author, Staff Communications, by emailing [email protected].

How to request a Contract Workspace in UniBuy?

Follow these steps to request a Contract Workspace for a newly executed contract in UniBuy. A contract workspace must be created when:

  • A contract tier is 1 or 2.
  • A contract value is greater than $136,000 (ex GST) in AUD

For further assistance, please refer to the Contract Management Support Model. For a broader overview of Contract Workspaces, see What is a Contract Workspace.
