Ethical, sustainable and Indigenous - Intranet

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Health sciences - Intranet

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Hybrid work - Intranet

For more information on safety roles and responsibilities refer to Safety Health & Wellbeing section of the intranet. ... Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses.

Building access - Intranet

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Research scholarships and support - Intranet

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Curriculum - Intranet

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Human ethics - Intranet

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CW3 Recorded and rendered - Performance (in music, theatre, dance) NTROs

Definition of Recorded and Rendered - Performance (in music, theatre, dance); what you need to submit when reporting your Recorded and Rendered - Performance (in music, theatre, dance) NTROs for the annual Sydney Research Collection and ERA; tips and tools to help you with reporting your research outputs in the form of Recorded and Rendered - Performance (in music, theatre, dance).

Manager's toolkit - Intranet

Refer to the varying your parental leave section on the staff intranet for more information. ... Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses.

Data governance - Intranet

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CW1 Composition in Music and Sound Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs)

Definition of Composition in Music and Sound; what you need to submit when reporting your Composition in Music and Sound NTROs for the annual Sydney Research Collection and ERA; tips and tools to help you with reporting your research outputs in the form of Composition in Music and Sound.

Returning to work - Intranet

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Leave without pay - Intranet

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Consultation Process & the EA - Intranet

Make Draft Change Proposal available on the intranet and to the Joint Consultative Committee. ... If you have feedback about this staff intranet page please contact the site author, Staff Communications, by emailingTemplates.

Office ergonomics - Intranet

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Course proposals and amendments - Intranet

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Storage of scheduled drugs

All drugs must be stored consistently with the manufacturer’s instructions, including instructions about temperature control and expiry dates

Researchers in possession of high risk drugs, Schedule 4D, Schedule 8 or Schedule 9 drugs (including dilutions), must keep the drugs stored:

  • In a safe or other receptacle securely attached to part of the premises
  • Kept securely locked when not in immediate use
  • Only used to store drugs and no other goods, except for related documents
  • Within a secure laboratory or animal facility

Only authorised users listed on the NSW Authority to Possess or Supply Schedule 8 or Schedule 9 substances are permitted to have access to the storage for the drugs listed on the Authority.

Access to S4D drugs must only be given to authorised team members.

A drug register should be kept at the storage location of high risk drugs.

For any queries in relation to scheduled drug processes and procedures, please contact: 

Risk Management - Intranet

If you have feedback about this staff intranet page please contact the site author, Staff Communications, by emailing [email protected]. ... Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses.
